What do you want?
I'm not buying any of your shitty games.
No, Todd.
Those puppy eyess are not working on me.
Todd Howard, no.
I pirated skyrim 50 times and distributed the copies to my friends, Todd.
I was actually playing Fallout 4 today lol
Sup Forumsirgins simple freak out when they see an alpha male
n-no I won't give in
hello this is todd?
looks climable
No Todd here, just a fellow video game player. By the way user, did you try the new Creation Club in Fallout? It is so awesome!
Does Sup Forums hate Todd because they wanted to be him?
Todd.... please
don't do this
okay fucker i am tired of being the nice guy.
buy my games or this goes down by your throat
look closer...too late
you left out the chessclub part you cuck
this is spooky desu
Okay, okay, I'll buy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch releasing November 17, 2017
I like Todd solely because of this image and the memes.
But that doesn't mean I like his recent products.
Hello! Mario here! That is a very fine purchase you made user!
Now that you bought it, you should buy one to you family and friends too!
Todd, I am going to level with you
I'll buy the Switch version of Doom, but only if you admit that you are a greedy, pathetic, manlet.
>show me your steam library please
My game is also coming to the Nintendo Switch, it'll be right next to premium AAA quality immersive titles like Skyrim and Fallout from the fine folks over at Bethesda. Boy am I glad to be sharing physical and digital shelf space with them!
Take it.
I don't know, my daddy told me never to take software without paying full retail price
Your dad was a wise man. it is very important to support the developers so they are able to provide excellent games in the future.
Play more Wolfenstein, you are qay behind behind quota
Acceptable. You should really add Skyrim Remastered but I'll let you off with a warning this time. Keep an eye out for Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR as well, wouldn't want something unfortunate to happen.
It's Todd!
>Fallout 4
>365 hours
Goddamn I lost interest after about 20 or so.
I made a thing once...and I can make it again and it'll be perfect, I just need time and money. just bet it all on me, I can deliver, I promise
I-It's ok Todd, I played a bit of Skyrim before I stopped. I liked it to the end I swear.
H-hello, I, uh...I...haveagamethatImade and I... would like to show you all about it y-yeah...here's goes...I w-would ap-p-preciate it a l-lot if you could b-buy it, please?
I also let my brother play when I was at work, so he racked up a lot of that
You gave me Skyrim Remastered for free, and I appreciate it.
I hate going in Todd threads after some retards decided to plant CP in random Todd images. Fuck no stay away
It's the only way to cure the cancer from this shithole.
for some reason I started to update the thread more frequehtly
>some retards decided to plant CP in random Todd images
explain further