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Video Games #3903
Video Games
Oh hello there, mind if I warm up? hope I'm not bothering your video game session!
What the fuck
Don't mind me; just the hottest girl in Fire Emblem comin' through!
ITT: Painful vidya experiences
Elder Scrolls IIIIII: Hammerfell
How the fuck do people enjoy this garbage series holy crap
It's £25 on PSN
NBA 2k18 release
This is the only online shooter I've ever liked
She's perfect. Returns is the best depiction of ZSS yet
Who is your favorite video game streamer? Pic related is mine
Look at clock
ITT: games that you like that nobody else does
Fromcucks will defend this
Sup Forums the Musical V - Full Steam Ahead Edition
About to install the First Witcher game
Behold , the infinity EGG'S
This game is too easy compared to the Modern Sonic titles
Why is there so much shitposting about this game?
The last video game character you played must fight Dedede, god king of Dreamland
What's some games where you get BETRAYED?
What do germans think about wolfenstein
Did you preorder your mvc:i infinity gems, user?
Are you excited to play the new Metroid on PC?
ITT post good character design
It still hurts
ITT: Characters who did absolutely nothing wrong
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon
Who was the best?
"You bought your last Fallout game, kid. Sorry you got mixed up in this scene. From where you're shitposting...
[word or abbreviation indicating amusement, such as "LOL"]
Game has dual-wielding
Sexy Samus Thread
NEET, not enjoying vidya anymore
September 25, do you remember the wait 10 years ago? Tell me about that day you played Halo 3 for the first time
Thoughts on SOMA, Sup Forums? Could a machine truly be conscious?
Upskirt camera was patched out
Little Witch Academia Gameplay
Will this be our GOTY?
Who is the Lars Anderson of video games?
Streamer asks viewers to sub to him because it's discounted
How do i git gud at this game? I can't beat level 4
I need to express my opinion with some random e-celeb's video, please give him cliks
ITT: Objectively overpowered classes/characters in multiplayer games
What are the odds this goes on sale during the steam halloween sale?
To all the faggots who keep shilling the Yakuza series on here
Give me some vidya reaction images and avatars, I lost all of mine
Is Pliskin related to Solid Snake?
Help a Poor Person Dream
Post a more beautiful video game character (you can't)
So this is From's best boss? Woah
Get in loser, we're saving gaming
OpenXCOM Thread
JUMP UP IN THE Mario Odyssey Thread
Do u even care ?
This is my favorite video game character
Games where I can go nuclear for real
Oh don't do this to me baby
You'll float down here too, nigger
Since bitcoin is dead do you think we will see GPU price drop by next month
Risk of Rain
Prove that you're not a casual
Don't mind me just going to page 10
No this is not an Unity Asset Store mashup, this is actually from Mario Odyssey, a 2017 flagship Nintendo game
It's mother fucking friday nerds
What does Sup Forums think of hearts of iron and kaiserreich ?
ITT: WOAT controllers
Why don't you play her game anymore?
HEROES of the STORM/OW - Assault on Volskaya Foundry
What is a video game that nobody gives a shit about today...
How the fuck do you guys find the time to play vidya? Are you all NEETS or autists living on gibsmedats?
Heroes of the Storm
Divinity Original Sin 2
What's the verdict of this series overall?
Demon's Souls
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend Pregame
You don't still support Gamestop, do you Sup Forums?
Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?
It's just got
Your opinion on Yuri?
"if you kill him you'll be no better than him/become him!"
Has there ever been a perfect video game? If not, whats the closest they've come?
Let's say Nintendo confirms Smash Bros. is coming for the Switch...
Why is there so few games like this?
HELP: give me an autistic game
Why don't you own an Xbox One yet?
What's the best current-gen open world RPG?
100% OJ
Final Fantasy xiv
What happened bros, you told me lawbreaker was dead but look how popular the game is
Metroid: Samus Returns
If video games are so great why aren't you playing one right now?
Only Dark Souls fans will understand
Escape From Tarkov
Character party has resurrection spells out the ass
What went wrong?
Gacha games are now more successful in Japan than games with actual gameplay
It's a God of War thread
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Are you ready for the blizzard to announce Legacy servers on this blizzcon?
Humble Bundle has given $100m to charity. How do you feel about that?
Friend brings his gf around on guys game night
What kind peripherals do anons of Sup Forums use...
Who is this
Duck in gamespot
This is the best Mario game. Prove me wrong
Who was your first videogame crush?
Bad game
10/10 multiplayer maps
Play Wakfu
*destroys the guild you've been playing with since 2004*
Characters who are designed for sex
This is officially Samus
Filename Thread
Coworkers start talking about video games
So how do I beat Club Venus? All the other cabaret clubs have been a cakewalk...
What is wrong with the Japanese? Why do they hate beautiful woman video game characters?
What are the chances that hes the last dlc on the Capcom side of MvCI?
Post chad elements in vidya
Why do Zelda games always get 15 free metacritic points just for being Zelda?
Long link
Are you ready for Total War Warhammer 2, Sup Forums?
So what's next for them now that Dark Souls is over?
Are there any horror games about being stuck into deep underground caves?
How come a horror game can be so comfy?
Twitch Streamer Threatens Viewer
Giant Bomb thread
This is Pequod!
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
TGS 2017
What does Sup Forums think about the know for gaming news? Are they good? The kind of stuff you're interested in?
Pauline is the only Mario girl who doesn't need fanart to look fappable
TGS is gonna be awful. Isn't it?
Who's your 1-UP girl, Sup Forums?
Why does Sup Forums love froms artstyle
Why didn't anyone just punch her?
It's time
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Why do you own a switch?
Is the switch specs wise stronger than a top of the line smartphone(iPhone X, Samsung 8, Note 8, etc)?
Mexican level
What are some good games that deal with depression?
I can deal with lower graphical fidelity and performance, but no snapmap just seems retarded
Why the fuck are like 80% of all chests mimics? jesus christ
Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 3 - Styling Star
Post your webms here
Xenoblade 2
I declare this as the new meme of Sup Forums
This is the highest rated game on steam
Post Arisens
What are the hallmarks of a fighting game? What are the indispensable qualities that if removed...
Holy fucking shit. I just got this email from blizzard...
Side game mode is better than the primary game mode
The time has come
Post vidya virgin/chad edits
DOOM on Switch
Why aren't you talking about this? Are you too busy playing the game? I want to try gypsy tits
The new Dishonored game is out and it's really fucking big. I'm lost in the second mission. The map is gigantic...
Just picked up a Switch & Rabbids but trying to decide which is the best multiplayer game to get right now...
How does the GOG client just keep getting better each month...
Wii Appreciation Thread
Why they don't make games?
This program literally killed all social interaction inside MMOs
Primrose is a slut! SLUUUUUUUUT!!!
Which one, Sup Forums?
Buy a 980 ti and a 4k monitor
When will be the sequel to Tsubasa's game announced?
Post flags of countries that made your favorite vidya
How comes MMOs always attract the most mentally unstable people?
What games can I play with my sjw wife?
Why haven't you switched to Microsoft Windows 10?
Black Male Protagonists
What is the best platformer of all time?
We'll never get more more cool anthro vidya mascots and games ever again thanks to "muh furfags"
ITT: Criminally underrated games
Who was in the wrong here?
The enemies in the Switch version of Doom don't even seem to have proper shadows...
Why does Marie get bullied for her poems but no other girl gets bullied for their negative quirks?
The 15th has come, and so have I
Why can't japs play shooters without cute girls in them?
Metroid Samus Returns
So which of the story mode path are the canon one?
Fans BTFO Sonic Team again
Who would you choose?
This game is looking to be a bigger and bigger blunder with every new announcement and reveal...
What controllers work best for Dark Souls 2 SOTFS? How easy are they to set up to play exactly like it does on console?
Admit it, Sup Forums. You've already forgotten about this game
How did they get away with this design??
Am I the only one who thinks this was dumb as fuck?
Say something nice about Pokémon
Dude my son died of cancer lmao
You did buy the Switch version right?
Who was ultimately in the wrong?
This is a hunter she kills dragons for a living
The great debate
Get to Soldier's past
Why there are no cop vydia where you play as a regular patrolman?
FighterZ Beta
Fuck man I guess even a shitty clock like Ubisoft is right twice a day...
Post underrated video game girls
Has a game ever made you cry
What is the definition of hardcore game
Just failed my driving test
Skyrim build
I buy consoles because they are more cost effective than PC
Dungeons 3 - New Dungeon Keeper game
2nd game is the worst in the series
Playing game with neighbor kid
Become a Quake Champion!
Is there any hope for another ricer series?
Kick him he's killing friendlies!
Perfect Dark is the greatest FPS game of all time. Every gun is god-tier. Every piece of music is god-tier...
*doninates EU sales*
Thoughts on FF8?
Skyrim really looks like this?!
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
He doesn't have a hacked 3ds with bootstrap9 and godmode
Remember me?
Tfw you realize there are people genetically more talented than you at playing vidya
Remember when this was a thing?
This was better than every 2D Sonic game except 3&K
,What you are looking forward to, friends?
What are some good cold war games?
Which console had the best Launch titles?
Tooth and Tail
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
Well Sup Forums?
Let's check out some new PC gaming releas-
Pauline is jewish, right?
Buy a PSP GO (or PSP except E1000) with at least a 64gb memory stick
What are some games with train levels?
Any starting tips for a first timer?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So have you played Nioh yet, Sup Forums?
This is by far the best RTS ever created. The animations/sounds and graphics just look glorious...
Whats the point of female protag when you are a male
Reminder that video games look worse now than they did 20 years ago
Post your face when this pile of shit influenced all other mmos and killed the genre
Favorite game music
Thoughts on FF12?
[ MANCHILD TEST ] Which side's more appealing?
Best LP?
Do my free roll on the single red
How many cases does this game have?
I'm finally going to try and beat this game v
What are some games about Russian history
Nintendofags have Mario and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the rest of the year
Is Dragon's Crown coming to PS4?
Undertale is 2 years old
Which game is better?
So Sup Forums, what's your gamer profile? xD
Congratulations! You get to add one feature to Metroid Prime 4. What do you add?
ITT: blatant scams
With spooky times coming up, time for a spooky RTS
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Small Minecraft youtuber calling friend a no life, feeling urge to ask for a raid
Alterac Valley. Home
What games are best at absorbing legitimate anger?
You and your friends share the same taste in vidya
Do you guys play vidja on ultrawide displayes?
ITT: Video game secrets
What video games do you play while stoned Sup Forums?
What happened to Kane?
How come Sup Forums loves TF2 but hates Overwatch?
Did you remember to shave your balls, user?
Why won't Compa let Iris Heart be relevant in a mainline title again?
Bowser and Peach are playable
What's the best game in which to pretend to be a girl to have a fake internet relationship on?
Next humble bundle batch leaked, what do you guys think about it?
Webm thread
Without a guide, is there a way to know which levels have secret exits?
Valkyria Chronicles
BlazBlue Cross-Tag Battle character reveal about to start in 5 minutes at twitch dot tv/arcsystemworks
Etrian Odyssey
Since the Half Life IP is going nowhere, why not have the community make their own lore and games?
ITT: Dishonest characters
Damn skyrim looks like THAT!?
Name ONE game that should get a ground-up remake, or I blow your brains out faggot
What are you playing today Sup Forums?
This game is fucking amazing
I have never played any MGS game, which game should I play first?
>"i won't be buying xenoblade tw-"
It's friday night. what r ya playan and watchan and fappan and eatan and drinkan?
Finally be old enough to buy games with my own income
Snake fucked her when she was 18 and he was 33
Let's see your specs, no poorfags allowed
Let's make a fast paced "oldschool" game
Why even own a Switch?
Game has your fetish
How old is Pyra? I have to know
Go to Silent Hill....What a funny story Mark HAHAHA
90% of this guy's fanbase never played Super Mario 64
Will there be an Endless Legend 2?
This is how BotW Link would look if he existed in real life
Yfw 1HP left and you hit that mf'in crit
Oct 27
Pic related gets announced
Nintendo put you in charge of the next console gimmick
How are you finding Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
3x3 Thread? Also recommend each other games based on their 3x3s <3
Filename thread
What is your favorite First Person Shooter?
Tales of- series died with Xillia & onwards
This is boxxybabee now, feel old yet?
His username contains the word 'noob'
I'm quite tempted, how's the game?
Phone games, homie. What you play?
Nintendo Switch Outsells PS4, Xbox One In US August Sales
If you can't sympathize with a woman as a man... or you can't sympathize with a man as a woman...
Who did this
Waluigi is fucking disgusting
Who is in the right here?
This is the worst PS2 Ratchet and Clank game. Size Matters doesn't count
Mfw main heroine of the game suddenly confesses to your character
Jrpgs are awful
Would you pay a girl to play video games with you?
Post what you believe represents the main userbase of a particular game console
Only two hours before we get new info on Ruby's game!
Pixie wants to drain some of your energy
What the hell happened to artists in video games?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
What makes a good username good?
Breath Of The Wild has 900 Korok seeds
Why is everything a sequel, remake or remaster these days?
Here's that game you wanted!
Ah yes Reapers
Whats your favorite quote form a videogame?
Linear as fuck map progression
Can someone please post more about this specific "Menat x Cammy body swap" mod?
Nothing in this game makes fucking sense
Randy explains why Battleborn didn't "lose" to Overwatch
No matter what you say, they won't admit this is true
Best character from the worst game
Grab, downthrow
Daily Reminders!
What's with the ridiculously overblown hate for this game?
Just out of curiosity, if you hate nintendo games, then what games do you like?
"This is just part of your maintenance, ma'am"
Have you been OSCAR'D yet?
Does Sonic Team know?
Will you buy her game?
Shubbie did nothing wrong
What video games do girls play?
Was Sega out of line?
Finally play skyrim for the first time
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
What nation do you play as in this game?
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt
Putting ##vidyanamegenerator in the name field gives you a random vidya character name
Demon's Souls
So now that the dust has settled, what did you personally think of Persona 5?
Humble Bundle shit!
Metacritic scores of Nintendo games are not biased at a-
Could Switch VR be a thing?
Oh shit Sup Forums, let's find out what video game character we are
Nintendo slowly taking over mobile gaming
Infamous: 7/10th Son
Opinions on buying consoles while owning a high end pc? The exclusives make it seem worth it. Also, ps4 or ps4 pro...
Ribbit ribbit!
Darksouls successor
Is he a Catholic?
Japan is 10x smaller than Germany, France and United States combined. Their economy is always struggling
Xenoblade Other M
AC Origins
Here...... Take it
How do i make friends when i play online video games on PC?
What does her sweaty body smell like?
The Worst Character In Gaming
Business of addiction: How the games industry is learning from casinos
It better have gyro aiming
ITT: game literally only you have played
Soul's Improvements
Wow, thats kind of racist
Now that the dust has settled...
2 years later, how was it really?
Which Aqua?
ITT: 10/10 main menu themes
How do you kill people as this guy?
Mom joined your guild
Game give away thread, post codes and humble scrabs
Do you like to optimize your cities with grids or do you prefer something more aesthetically pleasing that wastes space?
Phew! So far, so good
Be me
All of Sup Forums is placed inside Super Mario 64
3DS instead of Switch
Post god tier Box art
Epic mafia
The Delphinus is the best video game airship of all time, right? Does anything even come close?
Is she referring to his cum?
What even
Fighting game
Alliance Alive
Waiting for this shit to arrive today. U fucks got any game recommendations?
Want to get a PS4 because of Persona 5
Any tips for a noobie? 13 hours in and so far my best is finishing 7th overall...
In lieu of Dragon's Crown getting an enhanced port for the PS4 soon, let's have a general Vanillaware thread...
Is the Love Live mobile game any good Sup Forums?
Why does Dark Souls 3 rely so much on DS1 nostalgia...
Excuse the normie meme. Who are you picking?
Why can't the Western games have hot female characters?
You have now come to the stark realisation that Nintendo has dominated this year from the start and there is nothing...
Meanwhile on the Sup Forums MMO
ITT We post a subtle real life image and others try to guess what game we are referencing
Arcade Racing Games
The only Final Fantasy game I've played is tactics. Which ones are good?
How does one attachment ruin such a great game?
Anti-Speed-Runner game
Reminder that this game is character assassination to the nth degree
"'I've seen it. It's your destiny"
ITT: Sympathetic villians
Search your feelings Sup Forums, you know it to be true
Ninja gaiden
What did you guys think of the new trailer? Will Origins top Black Flag as the best Assassin's Creed game?
I really liked the demo for Octopath Traveler, but have very limited experience with this type of game
Enemies' guns have infinite bullets
Post some hidden gems you can find on steam, bonus if they're multiplayer
Starting next week indie games will start piling up on the switch e shop and many games are going to start releasing...
She's a big, beautiful woman, don't you agree?
How excited are we?
Why is there still a scene for this game...
UNIST Thread
You faggots really done it now
Why are there no games where the protagonist dies at the end
Have you ever played a game so good that you bought it after pirating it?
Is Tooth and Tail worth buying for $20?
Is she coming back?
Hidden Gems
You're Sup Forums, correct? I believe I have a letter for you. Hang on
This is Nintendo's premiere Bird Alien-Human Hybrid Bounty Hunter! Say something nice to her!
What's the best DSP moment?
What's the most you've ever spent on a Video Game?
Alright, which one of you is Sharpe?
What went wrong?
We want the Sup Forums audience
Bikini samus ending was removed because western devs
What the fuck
Xbox solves hard drive and download size issues by repackaging games
How do we fix the horror genre? What the fuck mods
Pascal the dog is here
ITT: images you can no longer use
A kid's game is more original than 99% of MMOS
E3 2018
Devs make a game in which characters brutally kill each other over and over
Any games where the main character was in the wrong?
What makes this game so good?
What are the weirdest experiences you've had in video games?
Dishonored game's out
Now you have good reason to pre-order. So why haven't you pre-ordered yet Sup Forums? I'll wait
GTA SA playthrough thread #1
What game has the most satisfying revolver/ wheel gat?
Psp thread
Dokkan maintenance thread
I know "rehash" gets thrown around a lot when it comes to Nintendo games...
MH Stories
If all games had graphics like this we could have everything at 1080p60fps
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
ITT: perfect video games
What fighting game will be bigger flop next week
Why does every game ever base your rank on wins and not your actual skill...
ITT: shit that would trigger only nu/v/
qt pays to travel with you to Novigrad
Fallout: New Vegas planned to have three playable races
Why did Sonic change but not Mario?
Did you enjoy the demo?
He missed the reveal of Cloud in Smash 4
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Nier Automata
Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of this?
Nier Automata was the best action RPG to come out this ye
Someone explain the hate for Xbox again? Microsoft got rid of DRM along with Kinect...
Dam hips
Samus and Doomguy have switched games. How do they fare in each other's respective worlds?
Why does Second Son feel shittier compared to 2?
>buying a switch for the game of a ugly fat plumer
This is a Chinese mobile phone
Did they die?
So I bought these motherfuckers for $75 because they had good reviews everywhere and the price was good...
What's your favorite dragon in vydia?
The game congratulates you for beating the game
What did Sup Forums think of this? I just got around the watching it
Modern Warfare 2 Appreciation Topic
Voiced by Ashley Burch
ITT: Shit character designs
Spinoff is better than the main series
You didn't torrent the new Metroid game
Collection Thread
Anyone else looking forward to PUBG winning GOTY instead of Zelda?
I am so excited Sup Forumsros!
Which official Touhou game would you recommend a newbie to start with?
Come up with a new Legend of Zelda title without it sounding like a deviant art fanfic
The Switch has no third-party suppor-
Will Bloodstained turn into failures like the other two?
Will you get one?
Best winter areas in games?
How do we fix the horror genre?
Durante may be working on Ys VIII PC
Are you a swordfucker?
What is the most fan servicey Dragon Ball game?
I work a graveyard shift where i do little more than just be there so i'm finally looking into some handheld gaming...
Why won't it fucking die Sup Forums? You told me it would die and Nintendo would go third party?
For Jerks
Here's a challenge: name 1 game (one) that keeps you hooked from start to end. You never need to take a break
Fire Emblem
Spending hours farming blood vials is fun right xD!
What can Sup Forums tell me about this cute game?
Waוfufags unironically think this bitch could defeat Master Chief
Admit it, it was better than most of the japanese VNs
So what's the general Sup Forums consensus?
How you bowed to your Empress today?
Itt: the last game you played and your reaction to it
He's not wrong
Can we talk about how HOT Pyra is?
Can anyone really like video games and not enjoy the Switch?
Corporations are so big, you don't even know who you're working for. That's terror. Terror built into the system
Overhyped Trash
Welcome to the number one video games podcast on the internet
ITT: Times when your favorite show had a video game reference
Holy fucking shit. I just got this email from blizzard...
Metroid Samus Returns
What the FUCK is wrong with Japan?
$3k goal for RPCS3 reached...
Xenoblade 2
User! What do your bosmer eyes see?
Underrated gem or flat-out trash?
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
CRPG general? I know this might be more relevant for /vr/, but I also wanted to discuss some more modern ones...
Why can't MMO's or RPG's have this kind of character customization in their games...
Is Scribblenauts putting Mega64 in the game the first ever occurrence of e-celebs in vidya?
Just a reminder that one of the best platformers ever made is free right now
THIS isn't attractive enough according to Sup Forums
So pc players are now ruining the chance for modders to get some money for their hard work
Was this really necessary?
These are the only ones that matter. I just replayed the entire saga over a 2 month period. II and III are ass
SM64O Thread
What is the best F2P CCG on the market right now? I've been looking for one to get into but theres so many nowadays
Left or right?
You guys tricked me, this game is shit
How come there's still no news about the next tomb raider game?
Perfect games don't exi-
Is this legit?
August - NPD
Sup Forums plays Pandemic II
Is bigger always better in games?
<game> is the dark souls of <genre/series>
Who will win?
Age of Decadence Thread
Saber from Fate/GO is very cute!
Tfw most PC games can look amazing
Why do you faggots like this shit? I just downloaded the demo and it's the worst RPG I've ever played
I love RPGs!
If Wolfenstein and Doom can be ported to Switch, what kind of games can't it handle then? GTA?
Switch is as powerful as PS4 (base model) and Xbone
Doomslayer is inserted in to the last game you played and thinks every single living thing is a demon
Why are there so few bug games?
He's a shoe-in for the next Smash Bros, right?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
I work for Blizzard Entertainment, and I am part of the Overwatch team, more specificaly I work in character design...
Hiveswap finally came out after 5 years
Any good games where you can play a parasite?
Crusador Kings 2
Sonic fighting game
How is it even possible to fail this hard?
It's official: PUBG killed Overwatch
Sound effects suck
Sup Forums thinks game dev is good
Metroid Prime 4
Why can't more people in the world be like Takaki?
Bethesda, ubisoft and ea literally support the Switch more than Capcom
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...