What's the verdict of this series overall?

What's the verdict of this series overall?
i want to play them and some people recommended me specially Mass Effect 2

1: mediocre shooter good rpg good story
2. good shooter mediocre rpg mediocre story
3: good shooter shit rpg shit story

The verdict is, people loved the series but EA shit on people with a bad spicy taco filled poop cannonball that is mass effect 3. To furthur this insult, EA came and offered to clean up the mess, turned around and threw another shit-pie at the peoples face, even smellier and stickier than before, this one being mass effect: andromeda.

In truth, mass effect 1 is a damn fine game. In just one game they created a new sci-fi and new game universe that rivaled star wars KOTOR's greatness even though alot of ideas were taken from it. Amazing soundtrack, good twists, great characters, alien races and interesting villains (saren and soveriegn)

Mass effect 2 came out and it's alot different in tone, they dropped the unique bladerunner style soundtrack for a more action sci-fi one and centered this one around gathering a grew of the galaxys best for one suicide mission. So you go through the majority of the game on your ship recruiting, getting to know new crew members (alot of them are rad too) and then do the final mission without furthuring mass effect 1's plot much. Alot of people love it since it improved the combat too.

Mass effect 3. I'll tell you why people dislike it. They cut alot of corners and rushed it out of the gate. It does tie up every loose end but some of them are unsatisying like the first released ending. It has the best combat by far but ultimately suffers by over explaining things like the Reapers motivations and they include anime villains like Kai leng who was a joke. There's more but overall I think it's a mediocre game compared to 2, and especially 1.




1: very good game without any flaws, except shitty inventory management
2: shit combat, characters act like strangers, but good atmosphere overall
3: alright combat, boring story, obvious political agendas and "the us government spying on it's people isn't all that bad" side quests

>ME3 seems like it might be bringing back some Sovereign to the Reapers, so i'm hopeful.

It's right though. Harbinger lowering himself down so much to possess a collector to try and kill shepard multiple times is dumb. It's like hearing a story about an ant that bites your second-cousin and he somehow dies from it, tracking down that bug and taunting it and trying to kill it by warping into other ants and fighting it. No, you just leave it, shrug it off and forget about it, you have much, much, much bigger and more imporant things to do. It's not worth your time. Fucking Bioware man.

ME1 has some of the best world building in video games. Such a rich and awesome universe. Really solid RPG with fun combat and several different ways to play. Start here, don't listen to anyone who says to skip it because they prefer ME2.

Stop reading this thread and go play the first game.

ME 3 was full of such dumb fucking shit plot holes and inconsistencies and just all around retarded plot devices, I still get a little bit mad just thinking about Casey Hudson's shit eating grin as he's lying through his teeth about ME3

1 and 2 are the perfect duology.

Mass Effect 1 and 2's soundtracks are pretty equally orchestral and techno-y. Have you listened to them on their own?

Mass Effect 1 and 2 were good but in different ways. 1 had the better plot, characters, and retro sci-fi feel. 2 had much better action, but at the expense of the plot, and did nothing to contribute to the overall trilogy. I'd say they both had some pretty good environments, but 2 started creeping into predictable fps chest-high wall territory which ruined the immersion some for me.

3 was a shit show because they had to finally tie the series together and had nothing to work with. They wrote themselves into a corner and didn't give themselves enough time (or a decent writer) to dig themselves out in a plausible manner. They obviously gave up trying and just smashed some things together, and it showed.

The triology is worth playing. It's the best sci-offering there is. But you have to accept some amateur level storytelling at the end.

>1: mediocre shooter good rpg good story
Ah yes. The Hero's Journey in space is such a great and original story.

Here is my opinnion as someone who thought the mass effect plot was bad to mediocre from start to finish
1-The one thing that keeps me from making a female shepard is replaying this game(the fucking mako segments ruin it more than anything else)
2-has some of the best moments in the series, as well as consequences to some of your decisions(even if minimal)
3-The one I had the most fun with and enjoyed the most, the only game of the three I 100%

A story doesn't need to be 100% original to be good, go suck a cock

I had fun with the series. Play them all.

>some people recommended me specially Mass Effect 2

Might as well just play Gears of War. The share the same level of ""depth"".

First game is still the best one.

t. can't warpstrafe

1 and 2 are amazing games. I like 1 more than 2 but 2 has one of my favorite final sequences. 3 was kinda bad but I did play it a few times just because I love mass effect shit. I couldn't even finish Andromeda. Got about 5 hours in and was done.

I am the total opposite, I hate 1 with a passion, love 2 love 3 and like andromeda, but I never considered mass effect that good and RPG in the first place.

What don't you like about 1?

You only say that cause Reapers/Being a spectre were butchered and became meaningless in 2 and 3. If you play 1 without knowing anything about 2 or 3 the reapers started off as great bad guys and being a spectre really felt like you were unique and a one of a kind soldier.

The first citadel missions and the mako parts, I enjoyed the hell out of the rest though, but those 2 things make me not want to replay it.

that and your choices felt like they were going to matter in the future lol.

ME1 is the only really good one.