Oct 27

>Oct 27
>Super Mario Odyssey

>Dec 1
>Xenoblade Chronicles X

fucking unreal

Great first year for Nintendo desu

the problem is, wtf they are going to release in following years?

XB2 will be disappointment of the century. Odyssey will probably be shit on for ditching the casual proof gameplay of 3D World and having way too many Moons.

>falseflagging this hard

Hopefully reboot some older IPs

they have tons of IPs

>mfw during that XC2 part of the direct

I'm not even going to bother to ask what people find interesting in this shit. Boring, generic anime trash with terrible voice acting. I'll buy the special edition to sell it at 400% of its retail value

Odyssey looks like a fucking masterpiece. I can't wait.

confirmed: pokemon, metroid prime, kirby, yoshi

and then they can pick to revive whatever else they need. pikmin, animal crossing, smash bros, f-zero, donkey kong, wario

Nintendo always spotlights games for waaaay too long during Directs. XC2 looks good though.

you never played xenoblade. and xc2 will be a masterpiece

Honestly dont know how warioware wasnt released alongside it considering they showcased the joycons abilities

People seem to forget how little Nintendo did in the past few years to ensure they would have a strong lineup for the Switchs release year. It's a strong year but there's no reason to think this is sustainable.
They did the exact same with the Wii after backing off the Gamecube for its last two years, having a very strong opening 18 months before falling into a game drought again.

But we all know they'll both score higher than 9 out of 10. But keep wishing user, your ps4 is powered by wishes.

Smash, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing are still in the chamber. Each will be a massive, tent-pole release. I also think there is a good chance that we get another Mario or Zelda before it's over. Maybe both. And probably a Super Mario Maker, or some other kind of "Maker" game.

So that's 5-6 more huge games coming.

After that, Nintendo is loaded with B tier franchises, and they've launched three new, successful IPs this year already.

Switch will be a great destination for indies and will be stacked with second and third party JRPGs, as has been the case with the DS family of system.

The next 4 years of Switch look really good.

I still can't get past the awful fucking voice acting and character designs.

If it doesn't have dual audio and customisable outfits I may skip XC2 entirely due to them.

why is it that people who criticise XB2 from its direct trailer always reveal themselves as either having never played the first game or a falseflagger?

Will be a port
End of 2019 release
>Animal Crossing
Honestly think they may only be focusing on the mobile game and not a Switch release. The sort of social, female heavy audience that AC has doesn't make it very well suited for a device Nintendo still sees as primarily a home console rather than a portable device that is carried with you everywhere.
>Mario Maker
Another port
>Switch will be a great destination for indies
So is everywhere else though
>third party JRPGs, as has been the case with the DS family of system.
Up for debate at this stage. The likes of Atlus are still primarily sticking with the 3DS while many of the Vita games have been switching to PS4 rather than Switch. I still think this device isn't seen as a true portable in Japan which is affecting how desirable it is for those sort of games.

yeah, same here. :(

I'm more middle of the road on it. I loved XB but I also don't think that we should simply pretend X didn't exist.

They've not talked about Animal Crossing, an actual Mario Kart game, potential Zelda sequel if the Switch lasts as long and various other Nintendo IP.

Also confirmed:
>Fire Emblem
>Whatever Retro is working on
>No More Heroes

>2 games

Okay but how about OTHER GAME?

I'm getting tired of every direct being "okay here's more about the few games we already announced or that already came out and here's some more ports"

When there's 5 games I'll consider buying it. Wii U games don't count since I have a Wii U for some reason.

Mario will need to fuck up REALLY bad to be under 90 but I doubt Xeno2 will be 90+, I'm guessing more like 85 or something. The first Xeno was on the oldass Wii so it felt like a massive game for that system, also it had an intriguing story and pretty neutral artstyle so it was well received. Xenoblade 2 looks too anime to please everyone and I'm not sure about how the combat looks. Voice acting is abysmal too.

>Will be a port

I honestly think people be tripping regarding this. Smash will be a new game. And it probably won't come for some time. It wasn't like MK8, in which sales were hamstrung by the Wii U, because it was also on 3DS. In total, it was the best selling Smash of all time, sold a ton of DLC characters, and has been a hit at Evo for three years now. I think they got what they wanted out of Smash 4.

>Honestly think they may only be focusing on the mobile game and not a Switch release.

New Leaf sold 11 million copies. Zero chance they don't make a game to follow it up on Switch.

>>Mario Maker
>Another port

Nah. There is a ton more they could do to Mario Maker. They never even sloping surfaces. Also, there is always the possibility of expanding "Maker" to other franchises.

>So is everywhere else though

If a game runs equally well on all platforms (as most indies should), I have zero reason not to buy it on the Switch.

>Up for debate at this stage. The likes of Atlus are still primarily sticking with the 3DS while many of the Vita games have been switching to PS4 rather than Switch.

Atlus has already announced an SMT game for Switch.

Then there's

>DQ Builders
>Lost Sphear
>Project Octopath
>Disaega 5 Complete

Pokemon, Metroid, Kirby, Yoshi, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong, Smash, Pikmin, Kid Icarus, Starfox, are just the main first party ips they still have.

monolith are.
we should too. enjoy getting your hopes up I guess. anyway it's a sequel to the first, not x, which is a poor attempt at a wrpg.

one good game is all you need.

So just because I liked the first one, I have to automatically like the sequel? What kind of retarded fanboy logic is that? Fuck off, shit eater.

Pick five:

Splatoon 2
Mario + Rabbids
Fire Emblem Warriors

And that's without including the best version of the Game of the Year and the best version of the best Mario Kart. And the system ain't even been out a year.

This fucking year has been insane.

NieR: Automata
Breath of The Wild
Persona 5
Sonic Mania
Tekken 7
Tales of Berseria
Rev 2
Resident Evil 7
Splatoon 2
Vanquish and Bayonetta at 60FPS
Sonic Mania
Divinity 2: OS
Hollow Knight

Jesus fuck. Now Destiny 2, A Hat in Time, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Holy shit 2017.

best first year (only 9 months) of any console ever made

No, that's a waste of money especially considering I'd want the pro controller.

>Splatoon 2
Nah, got enough Splatooning done with 1 to want the game again. I mean it improves on 1 but not byt THAT much so I'd really have to love Splatoon to pay.
Possibly. I liked the first two so I don't see it failing so bad I wouldn't like it but I'll wait and judge it on release. I wish they got more competent people for the English dub at least.
No interest at all
>Mario + Rabbids
It's interesting but falls more in the category of "If I had the system I might get it" rather than being a driving force behind the purchase of a Switch but let's count it anyway
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Nah, Warriors games get old after you play two or three. It's fun to see your favorite characters in motion but the gameplay is always really simple and gets dull.
I have no idea how this became so popular. It looks like simple shovelware. I mean there are worse looking games but it looks like something I would play at a friend's house if they asked me to but not something I would pay actual money for.

>Smash will be a new game
Developed by who? Sakurai's team disbanded after the Cloud/Bayonetta/Corrin additions and he also indicated it would be his final smash game. It wouldn't be a simple task to reassemble the team considering they work for another company (Namco) or to hand it over to a different group entirely to work on it from scratch. I don't think they'd have dropped a heavy hitter like Cloud so late in the previous game if they were planning a new game at that point either.
I think they'll re-release it and maybe have a new small team working on new additions or modes similar to mario kart 8 deluxe.

>New Leaf sold 11 million copies. Zero chance they don't make a game to follow it up on Switch.
There is for the same reason they didn't make one for Wii or Wii U. They see AC as a portable only game and see the Switch as a home console primarily.
I think they'll go all in on the mobile version, lets not pretend that it wouldn't be profitable for them when its a game about collecting items to show off to friends. They could very easily gacha that shit up

>there is always the possibility of expanding "Maker" to other franchises.
Bearing in mind how heavily dependent the philosophy of Mario Maker was on both the double screens and the stylus of the Wii U. I'm not so sure creator software like that would work as well on finger touch or using standard controls.

Don't reply to me ever again.

>There is for the same reason they didn't make one for Wii or Wii U.
They made one for the Wii though.

Please don't speak for me user

A spinoff though

>A spinoff though

Don't speak for me user

How was Amiibo festival not a spinoff?

City Folk on the Wii silly.

>Vanquish and Bayonetta at 60FPS

Those games were always 60 fps though, unless you 60 with no drops at all then yes.

That's like calling new leaf and wild world a spin off.

Oh yeah, my bad. I have forgotten about that.

>confusing the Wii and Wii U
This is exactly why it sold poorly.

Metroid Prime 4, Fire Emblem Warriors, Kirby, and an unknown Yoshi game are all coming next year
There's a Pokemon RPG in development with an unknown release date
Virtual Console hopefully fucking soon

>Virtual Console hopefully fucking soon
when nintendo online direct happens

Fire Emblem also.

Why was the Virtual Console not at launch? So you can buy WiiU games. Nintendo really hates money.

Why does the hat have eyes? Is this a baby game?

Nintendo makes entirely new emulators for each system. On top of that they're adding things like online play and leaderboards to their games.

because any of your arguments as to why you don't like the new game based off a fucking trailer reveal that you are either lying about having played the first game or that you have played the first game and you enjoyed it.
>24 ips to 49 posts
thread is autistic faggots talking to themselves anyway

>Developed by who? Sakurai's team disbanded

Somebody. Nintendo is great at cultivating new talent and continuity of quality even as key personnel change.

I agree that Mario Maker without two screens presents a challenge. You can still do it though. It will just be that creating levels will be best done in a handheld setting. Packaging a capacitive stylus in with the game would be very easy. Hell, they could even get wacky and package in a wireless mouse.

>package in a wireless mouse.
Mario Maker 2 + Mario Paint 2 would be the fucking shit

The hat is a ghost that can possess enemies and inanimate objects to fuel Sup Forums's disgusting fetishes

>Mario Paint 2

Bringing back the Mario Paint aesthetic for Mario Maker was fucking kino as hell.

Mario Kart 9, another Mario + Zelda, + their other 15 franchises. I don't get why people keep saying this stuff because they'll release all of their games on one console. It's going to be insane.

>24 ips to 49 posts
so two posts per ip

>thread is autistic faggots talking to themselves anyway
go see a psychiatrist asap

This. The WiiU was left to rot for a long time until Zelda came out.
Nintendo shat hard on WiiU players to ensure the Switch had a better lineup

XC2 looks like a fucking Tales of... game, you fucking moron. They only slapped a 2 on it to get retarded fanboys like you on 'le hype train'.

Jesus, are all Nintendo fanboys like this retard?

>Game drought


>It's a strong year but there's no reason to think this is sustainable.
For Nintendo? It certainly is they've always been able to pump out competent games like they were born to do so.
The problem arises when you get to the third parties

>Mario game

You've never played Xenoblade or a Tales game have you.

>are all nintendo fanboys
like pottery

>but there's no reason to think this is sustainable
If the third parties follow through and it seems like they are, it's sustainable

you never played any of them, you here just to shitpost. just leave and never come back. shitposter.

>nintendo learned game droughts do much more harm than good.
It only took the wii's twilight years and the wii u's failure to figure out.

I know how can they release such garbage

Literally no arguments except ad hominem insults


Jesus, that's how you sound right now

>the wii's twilight years

The Wii sold 12 million units in 2011 and 5 million in 2012. It's fifth and sixth full year of release.

Mario Galaxy 2, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby Return to Dreamland, Metroid Other M, DKC Returns, and Skyward Sword all came out in 2010 or 2011.

The more powerful PS3 and 360 legged it out for another year, but the early death of the Wii is a myth. 5+ years of great support on last generation technology.

>user comes out with a good counter to another anons post
> "Y...o.o.o.u..... never played t.t..t.t.h.h.h.e.e. fififr.ist one...."

Just stop

Comparing Xenoblade 2 to a Tales Of... game is ad hominem too. Ask a shitty question get a shitty answer, numbskull.

>there's no reason to think this is sustainable.
There's two Retro teams, an MS team, a number of third parties known for exclusives, and like 3 branches of NPD unaccounted for. There's obviously a strong showing for 2018 up

What question did I ask, you fucking retard? I made a statement that the new Xenoblade looks it took one too many kawaii shots to get fat neckbeards like you on board.


They're pandering so hard to the common virgin otaku, it's embarrassing. XC2 looks nothing like the original. Go fuck yourself with your Iwata shaped dildo, you fucking cumlord.

Sorry for the typos. My teammate just picked Widowmaker, so I'm trying to carry this team with McCree while deflowering this faggot

>Literally no arguments except ad hominem insults
It's not so much an ad hom as it is stating the fact that you've never played a single game in either series.

Are you really arguing that the first Xenoblade wasn't pandering to the common virgin otaku?
They were already pandering to them from the concept drawings.

Why are you replying to my post a second time? I told you to fuck off. You lost the argument. Continue further and you might lose something else: your anal virgnity.

You really think he's looked at the artwork when he can't identify a single aspect of the gameplay?

That's something I'd let my daughter wear. I'm not sure how you think that's as explicit as the pandering in the new sequel.

Aww, the little baby is so mad he can't that he can't think of a proper rebuttal, that he's acting like a little passive aggressive bitch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

- Xenoblade 1 had a great traditional artist, bad textures.
- Xenoblade X had a great anime style artist, awful character models. See concept art, Xenogears and Xenosaga 1 for more from this artist.
- Xenoblade 2 has a cliché anime style artist, good textures and models, but character design looks bad due to an unappealing artist.

If only they had a better artstyle for Xenoblade 2.

I'm starting to think it too because of the copious insults.

>That's something I'd let my daughter wear.
You'd expose your daughter's cleavage and crotch but you won't let her wear hotpants? Pyra isn't even exposing her cleavage like Fiora does.

You're just shitting the thread up at this point. It looks nothing like a Tales game.

You keep insulting everyone in this thread but you haven't given relevant issues so far though, he has a point.

8-10 exclusives coming next year that we are aware of, not even phased.

It looks exactly like a Tales game. The fact that you're pretending to be two different people to help your argument is honestly pathetic. The IP counter hasn't gone up, you know. Also, PYra is a literal object because otaku weebs love the idea of being in control. That's why virgins love submissive Asian girls because of the power fantasy. The fact that this game is furthering a stereotype that has eroded the image of this hobby is fucking disgraceful. But, of course, you'll defend it, not only because you hate women, but because it's okay when Nintendo does it, right? Is that what you're going to say, you fucking pig? Oink for me. By the way, I'm only insulting one person, and that's you.

>cliché anime style artist
What the fuck is that

>but character design looks bad due to an unappealing artist.
It looks good to me

Where the fuck is this alien's nose?

It looks like bottom of the barrel generic. Like Sword Art Online or Re:Zero.

It doesn't fit the world or monster design at all. The characters look like they're from something that isn't it.

You're being too triggered on a game you don't play. Plus, it really doesn't look like a Tales game. I played a little of Symphonia 2, the one with the epic opening. They don't look remotely similar.
And that's a lot of bullshit for saying essentially nothing.

The shadowy indent right above his mouth.

I'm not dumb. I know you're just using your phone, you dumb ass.

I'm not joshing you. I'm not the guy you were tossing insults with.

>It looks exactly like a Tales game
It doesn't even have a similar style son.
Now how about that gameplay? It looks like it still plays like XC1 and XCX but with a few adjustments to set it apart so surely you can make an argument beyond
>durr it look like it!


mario games are bad

mario games are good

Well Pikmin is still supposedly "nearly complete" according to Miyamoto two years ago, so I'm sure that'll be announced sometime soon. Probably in the January direct.

>sources: pulled from your ass

What are they?

Fire Emblem
Metroid Prime
The obligatory 2D mario game
Animal Crossing
Mario Party hell you could just list a bunch of the Mario Spin offs along with Mario and Sonic. I mean at this point the plumber has stuck his thumbs in so many areas he could sell a console all on his own.