Xenoblade 2

Does anyone else feel like this game could be sleeper GOTY over even Zelda and Mario? I'm hyped as fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/MAGIC-NS-Wireless-Controller-Bluetooth-controllers-Windows/dp/B07413R4HS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1505772936&sr=8-4&keywords=switch ns

I see his outfit is getting fancier.

I guess his shirt is neon like the original now

Probably BotW and Mario will be better, but most likely Xenoblade 2 will be the game that I end up enjoying the most.

I'm locked in for Collector's Edition and pro controller, anyone else?

Anyone else getting tired of the term 'Arts'?

No, but I've always wished they used a different word for skills. They're too similar.

I'm maining whatever the rare version of Blitzball is and a giant laser cannon as my other two blades

Any game with autoattack should never be GOTY

Nah man, people said the same shit about Persona, i highly doubt the game is gonna be something I'll care about 2 months later after i beat it. The only reason the thread will survive is because of waifuposting.

Nearly every nip game that was hyped this year wasn't as good.

First game I've been hyped for in years alongside Mario. I'm getting Grandia vibes and I couldn't be happier about it.

I'm not really feeling the game right now desu. I hope I'm proven wrong but I don't think it'll live up to Chronicles. Maybe I'm just not in the mood for a big JRPG.

Breath of the Wild was great, besides Fatlus games are always overhyped

i mean if the game keep me busy for 2 months i think it did its job phenomenon, i started XCX and playing nothing else for over 250 hours. well worth my money

It's going to scratch the story and grand journey itch no other game in the last 3 years has scratched. Breath of the Wild satisfied a different itch, so I'm more hyped for Xenoblade right now.

Honestly, botw dungeons/shrines were lacking.

I think people honestly just hate the presentation. BOTW puzzles were better than previous games on average, they were simply bite sized and didn't have unique motifs.

I think you're overstating things with both 'hate' and 'people'.

completed xenoblade 100% all quests/collectopaedia and still think it's the best game to have come out in the last 15 years, but have zero hype for this, am i alone?

Still doesn't change the fact that there wasn't enough and could be blown through in 10/20 minutes.

>mfw i saw Xenoblade 1's gameplay

I use to think FF12 looked disgusting to play. Gonna skip that shit and see if X looks good.

Is there some kind of government mandated quota now? They treated the aggressive dungeon crawler cancer that had been plaguing the series for decades and brought it back to its exploration roots. You're not supposed to spend 50% of your play time locked up in a series of interconnected puzzle rooms.

all of them have mmo combat

Most of the complaints are legitimately about presentation or nostalgia. People complained about the Blight bosses being too "similar" and when I told them that was only in appearance, not gameplay, most of them went "well shit, maybe you're right".

What's the best team comp in XC when you're progressing through Satorl Marsh? I have Shulk, Reyn, Sharla and Dunban to choose from

Are you pretending that's an insult? MMOs have way better combat than Xenoblade or any RPG, but you will never know because you don't play them.

Sharla does the least damage so you probably don't want her to slow you down unless you are dealing with a hard fight. But in general just use the characters you like the most, and remember that you can change who you control in the party.

I preordered the collector's edition earlier today. A bit of a steep price, but nothing I haven't done before since I got the crazy 100€ limited editions for both Bravely Default and Bravely Second in the past.

Dump Sharla unless you need the healing.

Ye, but I really love to play as Shulk

Will supplies be limited? I don't own a switch yet but i want to make sure they won't be gone by the time i get a switch.

Yeah and what we got was 4 similar looking dungeons that you could even argue was split up with barely any enemies and more braindead puzzles than previous zelda games with the worst bosses in the franchise.

Not goty, but it could dethrone the original xenoblade as my favorite game of all time which i still consider the game of the decade.

Special editions are always limited. Xenoblade tends to last a bit longer but I still wouldn't risk it

>Satorl Marsh nighttime

This has a good chance of being my top 3 JRPG.

If Xenoblade 1 is your fav you real must only play entry level shit.

>entry level

Literally one of the most shilled jrpgs last gen and the only one people said you had to play on wii. They even made it a N3DS exclusive.

>tfw gamestop actually did have preorders left for the pro controller
>now all I need to do is payoff the preorders for SE and switch bundle
Not dealing with the garbage website feels so good.

>it's another episode of delusional faggot on Sup Forums who think Sup Forums is the center of the world and everybody based their opinions on how faggots on Sup Forums think

most people here played on dolphin since it wasn't out in America, go away

Wtf man, i thought the controller isn't out for preorder yet since i didnt see it on amazon or bestbuy. FUCKING GAMESTOP

user, until it has reached final fantasy or pokemon levels of popularity, it is not entry level. Right now it's on par with smt or tales popularity, only people that dig deep into jrpgs will know about it's existance.

You know I'm right though. Wasn't even being specific about Sup Forums but the game was popular and sold well for a JRPG after its release. They wouldn't have gone through the effort of downgrading it to 3ds and be one of the few games to shill the new 3ds for.

The movement to localize Xenoblade didn't even originate in Sup Forums.

Shulk, Reyn, Dunban should be good enough to get you through.

Yeah man FUCKING GAMESTOP has all the shit you want.

>tfw amazon says the pro controller is unavailable
That was fucking quick

i don't even see it being available in the first place

What mmo?
>he play literally trash like mmo

When will the LE be available on UK Amazon REEEEEEEE

Well, I use the german amazon, since I believe that's the one closest to me. The CE is also "currently unavailable" but I managed to preorder it before that happened

I just came by the day after the direct, and they had openings at that point. I didn't get the controller until a later thread showed me a better look.
I recommend driving all the way into the boonies for a fucking gamestop fifty miles away from any moderate city.

good luck bro, i already got mine from bestbuy and with the discount i got i only pay 75 bucks

that fucking 220 pages artbook though, ahhhhh

oh, im americuck and it doesn't appear on amazon at all

The totem spoke. ur fucked kiddo


Is Melee HD going to get released?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Only place I can pre-order from is fucking GAME

>want to buy special controller

Why is this shit allowed? It's literally more expensive than the fucking game.

is pyra evil

So I'm right at the end of XB1, can I do the high level stuff after the final boss or does it just immediately kick me into NG+?

That's bullshit.

Persona is entry level as fuck and doesn't make FF numbers. Xenoblade sold really well for a new IP on a console like Wii and was praised by critics. Stop trying to pretend it is some obscure shit like the Last Story which also dropped on wii.

Takahashi no..

>final boss or does it just immediately kick me into NG+
iirc you can save New Game+ to a new slot

The faint of heart need not apply.

Atleast you can find one in stock

btw if you own a wii u pro controller

get this one amazon.com/MAGIC-NS-Wireless-Controller-Bluetooth-controllers-Windows/dp/B07413R4HS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1505772936&sr=8-4&keywords=switch ns for 25 bucks
it now works on switch

I have a hard time seeing how it's going to beat out Nier Automata. Zelda and Mario aren't even in the equation for GOTY.

It might though, if Nintendo aren't retarded and allow Jap voices. The English ones are awful.

>Near a tomato
Nice meme

Are you retarded? There is no MMO with truly good combat. All of them are carried completely by the multiplayer aspect - every single MMO would be horribly boring garbage if it was single player.

That said, there are definitely MMOs with better combat than the Xenoblade games. Combat was never the highlight of these games.

>why is a limited production run of an already expensive item expensive

As much as I enjoyed seeing the love between a murderous shota and a butt trying way too hard to pretend to not care, I wouldn't call Automata GOTY
Great game but I wouldn't call it GOTY

That's easy. It has the virtue of being Nintendo. Nier garbage and wfotm can't compete.

will i ever be happy in my life?

>Not entry level

It's the posterchild Nintendo JRPG. Of course it's entry level.

>Last Story

It was more heavily promoted than Xenoblade due to being made by a team of former FF devs, idiot.

All of these games that get heavy media coverage are entry level. And guess what? Most/all the best JRPGs are entry level, because quality is what makes them popular. Xenoblade is easily the best JRPG of its generation.

If you want a non entry level Wii JRPG, try Fragile Dreams or Opoona.

will this game be shit?

Will the other anons achieve enlightenment and gain their own SEs and controllers?

Entry level is say, Persona or Final Fantasy where the mechanics, stats, equips, weapons etc. can be figured out by a 5 year old.
Xenoblade has far more mechanics in it's gameplay compared to those two.

wasn't even interested,but i might buy a switch now

It'll probably just end up like XCX: bretty gud but ultimately forgettable because of shit pacing and grindy as fuck mechanics tied to single player MMO combat.

Which is a shame, really. A few tweaks to combat and pacing and you'd really have something amazing. At least the visuals will be amazing.

Stop responding to that idiot.

>>Last Story

> tfw TLS2 never ever

I'm pretty close to just caving in and getting a GCU membership and the SE. The steelbook case wears me down a little bit everytime, it just looks amazing.

Will I get enough money to afford a Swicth with the game and SMO by the end of the year?

Oi m8 u talkin' shite bout my protag?

Congrats user!

What Deadly Sin haven't they revealed yet?

Already own a Pro controller but I'd be there with you if I didn't already.

Entry level has nothing to do with complexity, and both FF and Persona games usually have more stats in play and far more possible actions at any given time than Xenoblade. All of these games are entry level because the complexity can be ignored and the games beaten via grinding and button mashing, and because the games are all popular, readily available and mainstream. You don't have to learn Japanese or apply translation patches, and you don't have to play them with a wiki open if you don't want to screw yourself over or miss half the game.

That "idiot" post was my first post in the thread, retard.


Can't find the pro controller anywhere

Got preorder in for SE and controller. Not loaded yet, I'll fill in the rest of the cost as I go.
But I do need the Switch first.

>and both FF and Persona games usually have more stats in play and far more possible actions at any given time than Xenoblade
I'll give you Persona only because in 5 Negotiations took a return, albeit much simpler, and Baton Pass is Press Turn-lite, but you're stupid if you think your average FF has a lot more going on than Xenoblade.

>tfw I've blasting the 4 songs in the website along a really poor version of the battle theme in the last few days

It might not be the game of the year but the OST is god tier

They have it at FUCKING GAMESTOP

Have you ever even looked at a stat screen in an FF game? Just because the games are easy doesn't mean their underlying systems aren't complex.

No, not on the website anymore. It was giving people problems not three hours after someone linked it to me.
You have to go to a store and pray now.

Not in Denmark it seems. I might have to go down to a store and check it

>It's complex to spend Ulillillia-tier hours turning enemies into stat ups.