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Video Games #3907
Video Games
Kojima why is this character dressed like a street side hooker?
Who thought this was a good idea
Gary Smith shows up and asks you to help him take over the school
Have some cash to spend and an urge to play Pokemon Silver again...
Comfiest Might & Magic Town?
Tons of cool exotic environments to choose from in planet Earth and they had to go with fucking rural USA...
Tfw you still can't find a Nintendo Switch
Game ends on a cliffhanger
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner M∀RS for PS4 and PC. Thoughts? I thought they abandoned it completely
Was this the comfiest starting town in RPG history?
Alright ideafags, you got one fucking shot to impress me. Let's hear it
Is the west for real?
What will be your OS of choice once Win7/8.1 stop being an option?
Free summon
What do you want Metroid 5 to be?
What is the best remake when compared to the original game?
Game has morality system
How could they do this to our sweet girl?!
Your daily reminder that a game journalist's "ineptitude led to change."
Boss can summon minions
Game has a morality system
Persona 5 BTFO
Multiplayer PC gaming on tosters
Who's more deserving of din-dins, Piper or Curie?
Metroid thread
If Sonic can get a girlfriend, then can Mario finally get Peach?
Opinions on Pathologic?
IQ 90 or less: Nintendo
It wasn't a bad console
Death Stranding
Why do video reviews of 3D Fallouts show so many VATS shots? Looking at an IGN review of Fallout New Vegas...
What game are you making user?
Oddworld: abe's oddysee is free on humble bundle
Name a better boss from the series
Have you ever been attracted to a video game character?
Hey bro let me see what games do you have on that laptop
Our guy DSP is fucked
He's gonna... t-t-take you back... to the p-past.. ?
Do you use inverted controls?
Last chance, Nintenbros
There is not a single video game song that has surpassed this
USUM needs Alola Hex
Get pump shotgun
Our queen just started streaming
I just got the ending spoiled. Should i kill myself?
I'm so glad Kate didn't jump
Convince me that KH3 releasing 13 years after KH2 isn't intentional
Over a year on, do you still consider this to be top 3 in the series?
It's a "tail the target" episode
Is there anything good coming out on PC lately?
Tee-hee, I'm going to do *that* twice as much today
Will we ever see a new elder scrolls installment or will bethesda foreverially keep re-releasing skyrim?
What are some games with well designed casual filters?
It's comfy
Plebs only like Wind Waker because of muh artsyle and muh soul...
What is the biggest lie ever told by a developer or publisher?
Will we ever get a good MTG pc game?
Guess what time it is
What went wrong?
I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me what is this... do we have a gameplay? Is kojima involved?
Why do so many Nintendies want this? What does Nintendo gain from doing this? They get less people playing there games...
Dota 2 addiction
Why is this site so fucking awful?
Which is the superior suit of armor?
ITT: Atmospheric games
They'll be at E3, surely!
Bungie has no fucking clue what they're doing with the story, do they?
What's the general opinion on this ?
What is your opinion on depth of field in vidya? Eye sore or cinematic?
Better than tf2
Nier: Automata
Okami HD
The last vidya character you played as has to face off against Cell in the Cell Games
A Certain Magical Virtual-On
Why do girls do this?
Are you ready to enjoy Wolfenstein 2™, my fellow gamers?
Post the most relaxing game music you can think of
Why are you not playing this game?
Are nisa localizations kill?
Eastern vs Western vidya?
What excitement, eh Manfred? But we LEEV!
If Legacy happens, what would you do first? PvE or PvP server? What class and professions...
Friendly reminder to take a break from videogames and read a book
Why western devs doesn't like boobies anymore?
How can we help him bros?
Witcher 3 came out 2.5 years ago
So I finally got around and played this game and it was just fantastic. The setting, the story, the action...
New Wolfenstein 2 trailer
Video games made company go bankrupt
Do you think that games should appeal to a wider audience too, Sup Forums?
What would you improve Hatred 2?
Has this been one of the best years in gaming?
Game has big chinese community
It's the launch day for MvC:I but it seems no one cares
Is the Prime series going to be the next Halo? Think about it...
Shadow's playable
Have you or your parents ever bought video games from here?
Which version of FF6 is the best one?
You now remember Project Milo
Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Marvel VS Capcom Infinite
What went wrong
What games actually feature the ability to teleport behind enemies?
Id will pull some technical wizardry
Diablo II - Eastern Sun
What the fuck is Miyazaki even doing...
ITT: We post the best game of their respectable series
Why did VR flop?
Are you hyped for Wolfenstein: New Colossus?
Now that the dust has finally settled we can all agree that this one was the best in the series?
Why is this series so popular?
Yell downstairs for mom to make dinner
Guild Wars 2
It's been 2 years since an actually GOOD game was announced
Dragon's Crown Pro
ITT: games that will never get properly translated
BOTW copy Ubisoft Tower
Xenoblade Thread
Do drop acid while playing vidya? In which games you usually do it...
Why do turn-based games still exist?
Face it Mario officially has the best girls in gaming , try and name one game with better girls pro tip you cant
Look up builds for Magick Archer
Tfw you realize this can't be on the switch because they took away the pressure sensitive triggers
Someone in Japan found out that in Final Fantasy VIII giving the Omega Weapon potions paralyzes him...
Sonic Forces
Metroid Thread
I sent someone a picture of a black dick over psn and said it was for their faggotry
*breaths in*
You will buy Nero's new game, right?
/ctt/ console-tan tuesday
Name a more kino moment than this
Dragon's Dogma thread
Has there ever been a bigger blunder?
Tfw Morrowind players are slowly dying off
On-disc DLC
Post your top 10
Characters that had a direct impact on your sexual development
Are you going to buy her game, Sup Forums?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Japan Studios really loves Kat
I love the ps4
What video games do you play while stoned Sup Forums?
Danganronpa thread: Best daughter edition
Press F to pay respects
How goes that Gaming Channel Sup Forums?
DSP now has IRS on his ass
We agree that Ys VIII was September GOTM right? it was either Ys or Metroid: Samus Returns
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the first Sin
Let's have a friendly atelier thread and also a vote for the best/worst atelier games since the PS3
Monster Hunter World
Mfw when you did an illegal move but gets away with it anyway because your rich
Things other gamers say/do you hate
What are some games with man's best friend?
Earth is now an MMO
Why do vidya developers tend to avoid giving east asian characters that slightly yellow undertone that they have
What videogame has the best Yuri romance routes?
Final Fantasy II
If Mozart was still alive, what video games would he play?
Anyone remember that time Superman murdered a 10 year old?
ITT: Smoking vidya characters
Things you've learned to never trust in games
Games are Objective Experiences
Buy Kat's game!
Check negative steam reviews
Is this game, without a doubt, quite possibly the most aesthetically pleasing video game ever created?
Tfw no cool gamer dad to bond with
This was a videogame ad in the late 90s
Post your ideal vidya gf
ITT: reasons to own a ps4
How did they pull it off?
Sup Forums the Musical: Mirror EditibƎ rorriM
Why is everyone such a coward in this game?
Zoe 2 remake with VR support by konami/cygames bu-bu-but konami doesn't make games anymore, b-b-but Muh kojinbo...
Switch projected to sell 130 million units
When will people realize the impact art style/designs have on whether a game sells or not?
Now that the dust has settled, can everyone admit the latest zelda game was fucking shit...
What did it do better than all of the other open world games?
Name a fanbase who suffers more
Earth Defence Force Iron Rain
Sexy, skilled action hero that people love and girls can look up to as an empowering fictional character
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
The great debate
What's the best musou shit besides DW and SW?
Raildex literally saved TGS
Name a better survival gayme
Is this game worth 25 bucks?
This game is actually pretty baller. The gunplay is terrific, the levels are sick and the enemies are awesome
Playing Skyrim without mods is the maximum bore fest. Literally the only reason people still play this game is...
Times when vidya got you laid
Yfw the new post successful screen
So... Nintendo won this gen?
Don't mind me, just """pirating""" this plant
ITT: Summarize Sup Forums in one image
Is it really that bad?
What are some games with multiplying enemies?
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Mary skelter nightmares
Zelda on a welder
Left: official poster made for an announcement of a video game made on a shoestring budget...
Games Sup Forums never talks about
Monster Jew
Why do the fun games always die?
Is there anything that speaks against Dark Souls being the greatest game of all time?
Favorite One Piece game?
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to flop hard
What games allow me to play as a party of nameless characters with many different classes available and go on an...
Was THAT better than Doom 4?
Zone of the Enders 2 remaster/VR coming to Steam
Left Alive is a Front Mission Game or a spin-off
We Were Rused
Who was in the wrong here?
Explain the animosity that the fanbases of these two companies in particular have for each other
I can usually trust the general consensus here to tell me whether or not a game is worth buying but I can't tell with...
Alright boys, is it time we can all agree it's time for a Zelda 2 remake...
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Left Alive
Game purchase regrets
Who here ready for Insect Armageddon 2: Electric Boogaloo?
One of the best and most relatable villains in recent history
Sony had underage nudity on stream
So how the conference?
Why is Sup Forums so pessimistic about new video games?
Game has a section or takes place where you're from
Fist Of The North Star PS4
Do you guys even enjoy video games anymore?
After that Sony shitshow with nothing but western dudebro shit and weeaboo games...
What do I do after I'm finished with Darkwood?
Can PC piracy be defeated?
This is Sony
FIFA 18 Nigger Simulator
Where the fuck are they?
Diablo 3
Now that the dust has settled, has sony changed your mind? Did they "win"?
Post yfw you bought a ps4 instead of a switch
What went wrong?
What do you think of the canon designs for each Hunter in Monster Hunter World?
A mysterious game was just announced at TGS...
Where were you when square enix started making the next metal gear
What is a game where i can be warm and fluffy?
What is wrong with modern "gamers" exactly?
Games that you will never, ever get to play an official release of ever, ever again
Divinity Original Sin 2
Comfy tgs thread, for actual discussion and slow posting, go the other thread if you just want to spam
He criticizes games
"hey user, get on mic"
Do you think that artificial intelligence will ever be able to design and program games better than humans can...
Is it dead?
I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!
What's your excuse for not preordering eticket for blizzcon yet?
Do not necropost. Thread closed
What kind of jackass expects you to liberate a country with around 20,000 dollars?
Why haven't you preordered the new PS4 Exclusive Taiko game yet?
"how much?"
Does a more infuriating and unfun game exist?
Old games you can't stop fucking playing
What do the Senranfags think of Marvy from Neptunia?
Subtle vidya clothing
Want to upgrade my 2010 pc because its chugging in most recent games even on medium settings
What does your PS4 homescreen look like right now, Sup Forums?
How are you liking Destiny 2 Sup Forums
Ass Faggots
Just finished the whole VN for the first time. You guys weren't kidding. This shot straight up to my Top 5. Fuck man...
3x3 Thread
Real talk Sup Forums who is the best Mario girl
ITT: Games you wish were on PC
Boxart thread
He's never coming back, is he?
When you die you will spawn in a white box room with a single game of your choosing
From the developers of Gone Home
9 kingdoms confirmed in last direct
Don't mind me, just a russian guy from russian Sup Forums. Recently we made a list of 100 best games in our opinion...
What are your favorite Elder Scrolls races in terms of lore and who you like to play as?
Choose one
Just pre-ordered this, did I do good?
What games are there to look forward to?
Warcraft 3
Please stop posting this particular image of Todd, it deeply unnerves me and I don't like it...
ITT: Vidya titles normies mispronounce/misspell
So is VR a flop? Is the fad over?
Nephenee for Warriors!
Is he right? Is dishonered DoO shit?
It's that time of the night... Post spooky things, preferably vidya related
Enemy can open doors
Filename thread
ITT: Your favorite game unironically
What DOES Peach see in Mario?
Still can't believe it
Western company accidentally creates a good franchise
What are some games about moons
Does it make you sad we'll never get another good space sim?
Etrian Odyssey V Thread
Up is jump
You have 24 hours to complete both loops of the original Super Mario Bros. for NES with the following conditions
Tfw console port or remake never
Alright Sup Forums, Nintendo has put you in charge of choosing 15 new characters for Pokken 2...
Developer plays their own game against the winner of a tournament
Sonic 2 is soooooo much better than Sonic 1!
Why the fuck can't I beat these two? Ornstein is literally the *teleports behind you* of this game
Yakuza Thread
Choose wisely
You did chose the best girl, right?
Why the fuck are people playing Absolver instead of Tekken? This shit isn't even a real 3d fighting game for fuck sakes
What game is this from? It's being littered all over facebook, but I can't reverse search it with any luck
Games that can't be made in today's sociopolitical climate
Is Yennefer the best fuck in a video game ever?
Battleborn's Director Says Fall Update Will Be Its Las
It's pretty much Destiny 1.5, right?
What is objectively the best Star Wars game?
Octopath demo came out today, anyone play it?
Games where I can play as a serial killer?
ITT: moments in gaming you couldn't believe were real when you first saw them
In what Mario game and what part would you say the difficulty reaches its peak?
Emulation Appreciation Thread
Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild
The peak of game design was 23 years ago
If "sex sells", why are fanservice games so niche?
UNIST Thread
New CoD Trailer
Ever wonder how many Sup Forums users have passed away over the years?
Design an MMO from scratch
The Noble Team died for this
How do I buy this without buying anything else?
What are Sup Forums's top picks when it comes to shooters?
Full roster just leaked
I'm glad my whole life was spent playing videogames
Can you feel the sunshine? Does it brighten up your day?
So when is the "open world" meme gonna die?
Ok Sup Forums lets play a little game. Basically you sorta describe a game you'd like to play, but not a specific one...
If you had a child, what would be the first video game you would let them play?
He doesn't own the definitive edition of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Damian Wayne will be the new Batman in the upcoming Arkham game developed by WB Montreal
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Why aren't there more Korean War games?
So, what do you listen to while gaming Sup Forums?
Blue Reflection
You are planning on playing this with the dub right? I mean you are a real Dragon Ball fan right?
Are video games just going to be advertising for the democratic party for the rest of existence?
Did you side with the Nilfgaards or the Temarians?
How faithful are these games to the originals?
Was he autistic?
Is this game harder or easier than Bloodborne?
User you are going to buy my game right?
ITT: Add the word "online" to the end of a game
Can I talk about my favorite video game of all time: Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon?
Give me your money
E3 2018
Find a flaw because i cant
What the fuck did he do to deserve all this pain?
I don't get it? Why is this so popular?
I'm doing my first play-through of fallout 2 and I'm having trouble traveling from town to town...
This game's fucking awesome
What shows/movies/books do video game references right?
Did you get your collector's box?!
Mercy new ress priorities
Did Bungie deliver this time?
Why is a series so popular which needed 20 years to reach the graphics of 1997?
The System Shock 3 we all deserved
*blocks your path*
Where do you even begin if you've never played a video game before?
If I buy anything from this can I get a steam key or am I stuck with drm-free shit?
Is it better than D44M?
He uses emulators instead of the actual console
This is the best controller
"Im not even kidding around, IT'S FUCKING HORSESHIT!"
Is this the best y*utube letsplayer in existence...?
Recommend me some vidya while I wait for hurricane Maria to sweep me away to my death
Video game encourages rudeness
Is this real? tell me its real
What are you hoping for in Code Vein, Sup Forums? I'm hoping for another God Eater styled soundtrack myself
Is it 2018 yet?
Wario Land had a last chance on 2007 but it floped and now is dead
Post your ideal vidya gf
How often do you get teams like this?
What has EA done lately?
Misunderstood pixels thread
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Shanta series?
Hate mail thread
What does Sup Forums honestly think about video games and drugs? Yes this is video game related
I love grim dawn
Why do I have to play as some annoying negress?
This is what the ideal Tales game looks like. You may not like it, but this is what peak JRPG looks like
Has Sup Forums ever been right? This game's dope
So what keyboard does Sup Forums use?
Hello Sup Forums...
Credit Suisse upgrades Nintendo rating, expects 130m Switches by 2022
Capcom's lightning
Why don't you go to bed already?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Hello, we are your smash 5 newcomers
Just pre ordered the Mario Switch today
Post the best weapons
Play rpg
PUBG Thread
What does the lore say about Bowser?
Who was in the wrong here?
He doesn't play as the reptilian race
Abstergo wants to feed their employees propaganda and turn them into Templars
Just finished this game a few days ago. I don't understand why people hate on it
Daily reminder that the Source engine, if used properly...
Is this game worth 35$ on PC?
What was the last pokemon game that you enjoyed playing?
Comfy Samus Returns thread? How do you like the game anons? I just finished it a few hours ago...
ITT: Bad game design
What are some games where you canonically die?
Why haven't you pre-ordered?
#1 Your favorite video game
Mad Cat or Timber Wolf?
What's the best FF Tactics job?
Doctor Freeman, I presume?
Is Sup Forums seeing it?
Weebs BTFO
What was his endgame?
Let's add an item that punishes good play!
Close game
It gets good after 20 hours!
Why do so many games feature black characters nowadays???
ITT: Post the best song from the last game you played
The top 100
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised by a mimic monster, Sup Forums?
Boot up game
You will never be a kid again watching your friend's older brother play Silent Hill 1 in the dark get scared shitless...
Post game girls you would want to peacefully sleep with
Vidya Hoaxes
Someone explain to me the appeal of racing games. And I'm not talking about simulators, because they are boring as fuck...
Just one more week, Sup Forums
Only girl in Skullgirls that you can't fap to
Convince me to buy this game
I haven't played PC games in like 20 years but I recently upgraded my rig because of work so now I can
What games should I play while I await my complete destruction?
Oh, I forgot. Ex-cop
What video games are emotional?
Pokémon UltraSun and UltraMoon
Finish the "tutorial" area
Did I just cry to a goddamn video game?
Game references previous games
Game Informer reviews Divinity Original Sin 2: 'One of the greatest PC RPGs of all time'
How would you fix the next Games Done Quick event?
You're gonna buy her game right user
It's Summer 2009
Ann is gorgeous. I swear she is among the most beautiful characters in all of video games. Blonde hair, blue eyes...
Dokkan Battle
E sports is ruining gaming
What are some vidya related opinions you don't agree with but still respect/understand?
Why was FFXV's cast so much shittier compared to other Final Fantasies?
Good ending is literally impossible to achieve
Guys, I'm worried about Gootecks. What happened between him and Mike?
How come this never gets brought up when people talk about PS4 games? I thought it was good
Does Sup Forums use mind altering plants or drugs while playing video games?
You only have 30 minutes per day to play video games
Turns out the game is 10/10 and Sup Forums is shown to be filled with bandwagoning casuals yet again
When will you buy a Switch
Give me your friend code so we can play together :)
Nintendo Switch Problems
Filename thread
I dare you to beat my game 100%
Tales of Zestiria
How would I go about finding someone to develop a game idea I have? I on't want to give it away...
Prince of Persia
Why wont make a game that looks like this?
What are some videogame developers that have alienated their fanbases by appealing to a wider audience only to end up...
Does using a game pad improve your playing ability or is it just a meme? Have there been any formal studies?
Adults of Sup Forums (25+)
"Your honor! that statement contradicts the evidence!"
UNPOPULAR opinion thread
Gregor joins enemy team
Why didn't she aged tho?
Post game characters that normalfags won't recognize
Pirate Bay sneaks crypto miner past its users
Was it pressure from /pol ?
"but it's comfy"
What are some games that features cryptic jokes?
That game you forgot to finish
Why are we still here?
Look out, here comes the Spider-Man
So Samus has both Metroid and Chozo DNA within her, right? And she was raised by the Chozo...
Turn on your mic bro
You have one wish to fix as many problems with the vidya industry you have at once. What will it be?
What was the point of this scene?
LOL mario's so silly!
Gamestop still has some left boys, Buy them while they are hot!
Think of all the paizuri/naizuri antics you could get up to with Nep
What if it becomes the first critically acclaimed videogames movie?
Everything was going swell with my new build until this shit
Remember me, user? You can play me twice now
Who else should be on here?
What are some good local 4 player coop (also LAN) games?
Sequel when?
Final Fantasy IX rated for PS4 in Europe
PS Store
ITT: Bullshit moments that made you quit a game
Sony vs Nintendo
How do we stop this fucker for streamlining all his games for filthy casuals?
Why does everyone treat this game like it's one of the best RPGs ever made...
Name a better vidya related show
The new Dishonored is a fun game. Pretty short, though. I like Billie
QUICK, Chav 47 hands you 10 million and a dev team of your choice
Choose wisely
Metroid thread
How do we fix the video game industry?
ITT: Games that need a remaked or remastered version
I impulse bought a Switch and got Mario Kart as my game with it
Kek in Persona 5
Own the rights to some of the most iconic characters in gaming like Solid Snake, Big Boss...
What is the threshold for games that "need/don't need a remake"? How old is too old? How new is too new...
I was interested in the atelier series and everyone told me to stay away from this one without explaining why...
3x3 Thread
Just bought one of these. What are some games that benefit greatly...
PlayStation 2 Problems - I just came from Sup Forums edition
Why don't more people play this game?
It is so soothing
ITT: Moments/Places in vidya that you could literally feel dips in quality
This is not an RPG
ITT: Post the last 3 games you played and others rate
Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying. Eh, lass?
Does the Star Fox series have a future?
Genuinely touching moment where eggman fully realizes the era of his ways and contemplates if the man he looked up to...
Ocarina of Time
Who did you main?
Teammate suddenly starts using voice chat
October, the month of spooks is coming in 13 days!
Why has no one remade the entire Golden Eye campaign yet?
Can we all agree this is just a fad for a year?
Xenoblade 2
Make game about lesbians
Can you guys suggest a play through? I'm not very imaginative
What is your favorite type of character/class to play in games allowing for a good range of character builds?
Bruh... look at dis dood... uhhh wait to you see the... no... no.. no... uh uh hu... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Does anyone even care about Pillars of Eternity 2 anymore? With Divinity: Original Sin 2 out...
Why doesn't Blizzard offer vanilla servers?
Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history...
This is the future of Smash Brothers: Project M
Can we all agree this is one of the best 2D Metroid?
Filename Thread. And let's try to keep it vidya related
Fire Emblem Heroes
Tfw my main source for vidya is getting shut down
How can they make Samus stronk again, now that everyone is used to bimbo-Samus?
Toot toot
Imagine being this autistic
Why do so few military games show the true horrors of war?
How many tries?
Trophy list is out
ITT: shit characters
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
WoW expansion leaked
/ac/ Animal Crossing Thread
Would you want another game in this fashion on the Switch?
What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums? Post games with good OST/albums you recommend
Do not be afraid
Has there ever been a perfect game?
Risk of Rain, this time with a host in the OP
Gaming on TV vs Monitor
This is a better game than New Vegas
ITT: irl locations that look like they're from games
This is your tank for the evening
You can choose only one
You are stuck alone on a deserted island for 1 year
How is your game coming along, user?
Just build your computer bro
If PC is so great why doesn't it have Mario Kart?
The absolute madmans did it
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Games that take you back to the best part of your life
Game has a global all-chat
Choose wisely
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...