FIFA 18 Nigger Simulator

What is the deal with EA?

First Battlefield 1 gets blacked, then FIFA 17, and now 18?

They did this with NBA 2K16, however at least you got to chose the colour of your characters skin.

You are Alex Hunter, the young black Englishman. No more creating your own soccer player. This is now a nigger-simulator.

My character is supposed to be a representation of myself. It ruins immersion if I can't look like my player.

I was really looking forward into Fifa 18 but now I won't buy it, just the way I didn't buy FIFA 17.

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They're just pandering to the target audience for their game, is it so wrong to do so?

>crying about not being represented in a fucking sports game
Just letting you know you're a massive faggot OP
Go back to your safe space

Didn't Madden get blacked too? I'm out of the loop with sports games.

Safe space? I'd fuck you up easily


Couldn't they at least have us play as another nigger this time, maybe one with Marcelo's hairstyle?

this place gets worse by the minute. Christ.

Nu-male cuck spotted

You fucking idiot. You can still play as your own player in career mode. They just added a new mode that's basically one single season of the aforementioned with cutscenes and shit. You'd know this if you actually played the games and weren't just a race baiting neckbeard from Sup Forums.

like 80% of the best soccer players are blacks/thirdworlders mate, what the fuck

why the fuck are you playing yuroball games anyways

At least that lel

No, but frankly most English talents are black. Only exception I can think of is Harry Kane and he's like 24 already.

Running with a ball is a talent? lel

The funny thing is that his mother is black and father is white. The father left them so he is only with his mother and grandpa. Having said that he doesn't even look like a mulatto just straight black. Seems likely that his dad was cucked

more than %50 of usa voted for trump.

no more excuse for neckbeard memes

all americans are nazis

funny shit right there

Literally Marcus Rashford Simulator, black pacey wingers/forwards are the top meme in football at the moment.

>playing FIFA for the story

I wanna buy the new FIFA and I didn't know about this at first. Why the fuck do people do this ? It's footy.

Does be a pro player mode have the new contract system implemented or is it just for manager career? Sick of starting at a league 1 club getting them to the premiership and still being on 1k a week

I only play Seasons really. Playing against the AI is balls.

yes it is

It is a novelty, literally bought FIFA 17 only to play the story mode.

I don't really mind because I am not planning to play it but I hope that they did not waste too many ressources on something like that. There is a lot more to do concerning the actual gameplay

>>I am not racist guys I swear, my character is supposed to be a represantation of myself
>nigger simulator, nigger, nigger, nigger

just fuck off to Sup Forums

I thought it was slightly less than %50.

wait they made the same story again?

Yeah, the latest Madden forces you to play as a black guy in a story mode. Last NBA 2K game lets you pick the color of your character but your character acts and is voiced by a black guy and the dialogue is cheesy ghetto shit.

NBA 2K18 has the worst Asian woman I've ever seen in a game. It's actually comical.

Fifa in the current year. If you buy this you're a retarded nigger anyway

The only good sports game is Football manager. Or maybe Rocket League aswel lol.

no. u

Fair enough, I stopped playing online in either 15 or 16. Got tired of people rage quitting when you outplay them and ball greedy wankers in the 11v11 mode