Why is this series so popular?

I played 12 and i hated it, why all the hype?

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It's one of the grandaddies of the rpg genre. Personally I don't like any of then past 9. With the best being in the 4-6 range

babbies first jrpg

just play 5 and 6 faggot

because you played one of the worst ones

Maybe play more than one game before dismissing an entire series, you nonce.

New trick discovered today to defeat omega weapon under two minutes.



i prefer Dragon Quest desu

The series is renowned --or rather was, now-- for pushing the envelope in expansive plot and beautiful graphics. If you're old enough to tolerate PSX graphics I would highly recommend trying conventional titles like VII to X, which showcase what Squaresoftwas known for back in the day. The years of 1996 to 2002 were the greatest time for JRPGs, and almost all of the greatest were released by them. Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, Vagrant Story...they had just about all the greats.

The golden age of the FF games is between VI and IX. Some would also recomend IV.
Quality decreses after IX.
X is still decent, XII could have been good but it couldn´t deliver on it´s promises and XIII and XV are fucking disasters.

You are just too late... FF is not good anymore OP.

>played the worst one
>"dude why all the hype lmao"

Because each one is largely distinct from the rest of the series. They've had so many characters, songs, stories, worlds, and battle systems that have struck a chord with plenty of people. Some people despise FFX, but its systems are my favorite in the whole genre.
At this point there's at least one FF game for everyone.

Play 11 OP.

You'll love it.

>Worst one
>When 13 exists

Good one user

>Toriyama's fantasy
>Nomura's fantasy
Three worse games exist.


all day everyday

4, 5, 6, and 7 were from the glory days of Squaresoft. You played one of the square enix shitshows

Sorry to hear your taste is that shit. Hope it'll get better.

>I played a single game out of 40+ games, why do people like this series

Babby's first JRPG.
Some games are pretty good (specially spin-offs), but the series' popularity is mostly related to nostalgia, high production values and heavy marketing, things that most JRPG titles these days don't really have.


>playing just 1 game out of a series of 15 diverse games, all with unique stories and characters
>thinks the entire series is shit by basing it on that 1 game

You absolute pleb. Some FF games are incredible, some are utter shit. 12 is a hit/miss kind of game, but you should try others which are more universally loved (or at least popular). Or just play all of them and judge for yourself, instead of assuming 1 game makes an entire series bad

I enjoyed 13 a lot. I think it had the best character development.

I hope you kill yourself soon.