Was the Necromancer any good? Will they announce the Druid at Blizzcon?
Diablo 3
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This has to be shitposting.
Nobody on this planet gives a shit about this dead horse.
Ded game.
PoE is the new D3.
Isn't the total number of permanent minions you can get only limited to 9, and that's with the right gear and speccing into it hard enough?
while everyone rode POE's dick, i played POE for about a day before realizing its sub par imitation cheese level of pleb trash, then went and bought necromancer and played new character
and yeah, necromancer is good, fun, enjoyable more skill varities and choices and fun skills to use than all of POE classes combined in just their 1 necro class
Yep, and its a shit build too.
Meanwhile youtube.com
The truth is that I'm a woman hating misogynist freak and I don't like gender locked classes. Otherwise I would be playing PoE.
Irrelevant just like this dead piece of shit of a game.
>sub par imitation cheese level of pleb trash
What does that even mean?
>being excited for this instead of the Grim Dawn expansion which adds new archetypes (for dual classing) and new acts
>tfw The Baron now costs hundreds of chaos orbs
>tfw I'll never actually create a viable end-game build
sounds like someone died to hillock poe has more content and is better
The animations for the Inquisitor look fucking stupid.
>diablo 3
normally this is a name that only comes up in "your greatest disappointment in gaming" threads
POE just added 5 acts for free, other games just can't compete
umm no
i played the shit game and realized you spam 1 skill for 90 hours, and moved onto a better one
if diablo 4 ever gets made, what do you think the devs should do to improve it over 3?
you deserve a mirror shard for those digits
You mean like in Diablo 2, which is a much better game than Diablo 3 will ever be?
well kind blizzard employee, how about hiring the people who actually worked on the fucking series this time
They're gone...
Ive heard that the necromancer in GD will suffer from the same few permanent minions issue like D3 did.
Is this true?
Diablo 3 is a fine game, but it's just not a Diablo game. It has the name and the lore, but the gameplay is not like Diablo 2 and 1. I would suggest looking more towards Path of Exile for inspiration. Don't be afraid of complexity and difficulty. People will figure it out.
fuck those losers.
based blizzard marketing man poster
>can't think of a second skill to use
>better whine about the game
This is especially pathetic in a necromancer thread.
how the hell is it possible for the game to be THAT bad AND they also can only release one new character class every two years
the fuck is wrong with neo blizzard
>i played the shit game and realized you spam 1 skill for 90 hours, and moved onto a better one
I know this is just a meme but every build:
uses Elemental Equilibrium (so you HAVE to use one spell to buff another), has a movement skill, applies a curse or two, often has an AoE skill, a single target skill, and a skill or set of skills that get proc'd by being hit which may be a passive thing to stop more damage, or an active thing to keep generating corpses and converting them into Offerings.