That game you played for a few hours but forgot to pick back up after you stopped.
Who is she, Sup Forums?
That game you played for a few hours but forgot to pick back up after you stopped.
Who is she, Sup Forums?
Fire Emblem 9, Persona 3, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Hitman 2, Samus Returns, Ever Oasis, Story of Seasons Trio of Towns, Pokemon SoulSilver, Pokemon White 2
Too fucking many to remember
Got right to the end a few years ago and stopped for some reason
>Fallout 2
Got bored at New Reno
You should really finish pokemon white 2 its pretty damn good fuck that other shit
I keep forgetting to play Watch Dogs 2 because every time I play I have to relearn the controls because they are drastically different from the first game. I loved the first game on PS4 though, I also have to finish Bad Blood.
Bored the piss out of me. I hate Unova.
80% of my library
Persona 4 Golden
Wind Waker HD
Other games I have yet to continue are games I just abandoned because I didn't enjoy them. (I.e. Destiny, Batman Arkham City, some other stuff)
Recore. I randomly got a job in the midst of me playing and never we t back
My 'backlog' is more like a list of games I started but dropped after a while to play some more Project Diva and forgot to pick back up.
Digimon Cyber Sluts, I'm at the final mission too
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
That's like almost every game
Persona 3 Portable, Valkyria Chronicles II
Darkest Dungeon
I have too many lvl.5 and I have yet to finish veteran boss missions
I hope that fuckin Vvulf doesn't raid me yet at least
I have a few, like Wonderful 101, pretty much every Zelda game, except WW, seeing OPs pic reminds me on finishing Coded Arms
I also never bothered to finish Xenoblade Chronicles, Far Cry 2 and XIII
I get bored pretty quick
My vita in general. I left it so long between charges it won't turn on.
far cry primal
I regret spending money on it instead of shark cards
I've been halfway through Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask for almost two years now.
My games collection is probably 50% "played but haven't beaten", 30% "haven't played at all", and 20% games that I've beaten.
A lot of FE games (I will try to beat them now I have a hacked Vita ), Muramasa, Puppeteer, Ape Escape 1 and 2, Nino Kuni, Okami, Viewtiful Joe 2 (I finished the first one like a hundred of times but I don't know why I can't beat 2 or DS), Nier and Megaman Legends 2 mostly because I know 3 will never come out
I have way more but these are the ones I really want to beat
That game is like 4 hours long, wtf user.
sleeping dogs , ff ix , baldurs gate tob
Ratchet and Clank Going Commando. Last thing I remember is some rail section in a large city.
Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia
Metroid Prime Trilogy I've only played 1 and I'm only halfway through it
Etrian Odyssey Untold The Millennium Girl
Fire Emblem Fates, I have all 3 and have only managed to make it to the very last chapters of Conquest. Still haven't even started the other two.
Watch dogs 2
Dark souls II
God of war chains of olympus
Suikoden 2
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Final Fantasy VI
Lost Odyssey
Valkyria Chronicles
Serious Sam TSE
The Talos Principle
The Longest Journey
Half-Life 2
Defense Grid The Awakening
Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Breath of Death VII
Bit.Trip Runner 2
Etrian Odyssey Untold 2
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2
Monster Girl Quest Paradox
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
And many others that I can't think of at the moment.
Bloodborne: 35 hrs in
Dark Souls III: 60 hrs in
Persona 5: 95 hrs in
Bayonetta: 12 hrs in
Skyrim: 25 hrs in
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: 70 hrs in
Saint's Row 2: 50 hrs in
The only games I've completely beaten this year are Nier: Automata and Saint's Row IV.
Like, almost every game I own? (bout 700)
Gravity Rush 2.
Bought it along side Yakuza 0 and just haven't gotten back around to it since.
Witcher 1. Had a game-breaking bug. Kind of a shame, i really enjoyed it.
I did at least get past the wolf, though. It seems most players get stuck on the wolf and never play it again.
the list would be far shorter of games i actually finish
but the first ones that come to mind are tw3, skyrim, quest 64 and fallout 4
>dark souls 3
>60 hours in not complete
dude wut
>450 hours into Skyrim
>Hadn't finished campaign
tbqh ive probably put 2000+ hours into skyrim across various systems and files over the last 5 years and have never finished the main story or even the civil war
I was about 200 in before I even started
If I drop a game I never intend to go back to it.
Fire Emblem 7
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones
Dragon Quest VII
Batman Arkham City
Max Payne 3
Dark Souls
Pikmin 3
Deus Ex HR
Final Fantasy XIII
Splatoon (Bought it on sale and played quite a bit before getting hooked on Overwatch and forgetting about it.)
Rayman Legends
Rayman 3
Halo 4 & 5
Red Steel 2
Mass Effect 2 (Got a good 30 hours in before never beating it for some reason.)
Resident Evil Revelations
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario Color Splash
Wonderful 101
And probably a fuck ton more. Not sure why I even buy games anymore.
God Hand
Shadow of The Colossus (I play through it at least once a year and never finish it each time)
if VNs count, Fate and Stein's;Gate
which colossus do you get stuck on?
Doom 2016, ff15,injustice 2,far cry primal/4 they aren't bad games I just don't feel the urge to go back I shouldn't have purchased them in the first place
far cry 4 is incredibly tedious. put that one down too
Half life 2, dunno if its worth playing anymore
I'm close to the end, at Champion Gundyr, I just haven't picked it back up.
All my games on Steam.
Deus ex mankind divided
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Ah I see, I'm bias being from jew york but at least consider it user
Finally finished Soul Sacrifice Delta after playing it on and off for 2 years.