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haha yoshi looks pretty angry haha
I also enjoy laughing at images that 12 year olds make
what do you guys think Bowser's lava smells like? just curious, haha
>An actual thing said by a publisher
Ironicly both the author of this comic and the publisher in question are probably kikes so they at least have something in common
Was this Dobson
The funny thing is that both I AM SILLY in the image are right.
Dragon's Crown sold well and did a lot of buzz while Remember Me, well...
There's nothing wrong here.
okay, but did that same publisher have the opinion in the above panel?
because otherwise this just seems like faulty logic
I wish women would treat me like that.
>Calling a guy with a widow peak good looking
Fuck off with you underaged shit OP and go to school, you look like you'll need it
could he have picked a worse example? like i dont know use samus or lara croft or some shit?
He's right but still fuck Josh and his autism on principle
In this post-post-post-post-ironic era with so many layers upon layers of irony we currently live in, I sincerely don't know what this comic is trying to say exactly.
Doesn't the warrior look exactly like that with a pretty boy face?
>implying we wouldn't play as the warrior if he looked like that
is josh the most autistic name in existence?
that would be fucking hilarious to play as the warrior like that imagine all the cock slap moves
>tfw no qt older gf raping you gently ;_;
What's the game in the 2nd panel? I can't Remember
Jesus's name was the source of Joshua and Josh.
>ywn be bullied at work by all your female co-workers
Why even live?
Some girls actually do have enormous tits and like showing them off because they are considered objectively attractive in our society.
On the other hand NOBODY has testicles the size of a human torso, NOBODY finds that attractive, and FUCKING NOBODY with any sense would call this a fair comparison.
No, he's completely covered up by armor
put a shirt on before you make the birds jealous
Ye, that is the point. most of the art in this thread is propaganda that is extremely biased and unnecessary.
Kek what an absolute maidman
i don't get it but i like it
this unironically looks fucking sick
its strongbad and strongsad making fun of modern internet comics
too "high brow" for me
Then why even fucking bother with Rule 63 if you have these constraints? Moralists are trying to ruin everything.
That is literally their whole mission.
I just realized his twitter is gone apparently
I don't understand this. What IS gender then?
>it's not your sex
>it can't be told based on your appearance
>it somehow gives you the right to enter any bathroom you want
>it has nothing to do with your interests
What exactly is it? I don't understand at all. Seriously, what is gender?
i didnt notice it but the comic implys that in the span of 2 seconds he some how went from pointing towards the kitchen to holding the meatloaf in the same hand
I wonder if he's laying a egg
>asking anyone for help
>not overcoming your weaknesses and getting stronger because of it
Ah yes, SB&HJ before SB&HJ
I have no idea, but it's apparently a social construct
It's bullshit.
Of course you do, you wouldn't be here otherwise.
Underrated post
he'll probably reinstate his account in a few weeks
Gender is a linguistic trait of words in certain languages.
Trying to apply "gender" to humans is an absurdity. Humans have "sex".
But was Jeff's girl voice also his bitchy voice?
Gender is what sex your PERCEIVE YOURSELF as. Most people, know as cis, have no difference between their sex and their gender. It's mostly something to make mentally ill people feel special
Its a term people have to call you by that you come up with all by yourself like the unique creative snowflake you are. Then, if people dont call you by your preferred pronoun, you have the freedom to throw a shitfit where ever when ever.
Gender by SJW standards is literally nothing but a random fucking pronoun and they have their heads too far up their asses to realize.
The ones that care about this gender nonsense sure don't.
Girl Luigi would probably be the purest Nintendo character and the most waifu'd one.
Also the message this image is trying to portray is stupid.
the problem with the comic is that it's all attractive women doing it
if it was exclusively women you personally found greatly unattractive, would you still feel that way?
>It's mostly something to make mentally ill people feel special
I don't understand. Why can't they just feel special being mentally ill?
>NOBODY has testicles the size of a human torso
Some do, but that's a medical condition and they're always in severe danger because of it.
There is no set time period between panels, that's your own idiotic interpretation.
Mario(female) a cute.
He's right on bot accounts
Yeah, but what do transgenders mean when they say "gender?" How do they use it?
>It's not physical
>It's not visable
>It IS real
>There are more than two genders
These are the ways they describe it, but when I put all that together I get confused, what the hell does it mean? What does that even mean? Does it mean that there are some boys who act girly? Those are just boys who act girly, it doesn't mean that they ARE girls. What the hell does "gender" mean in this context?
This post is contradictory. Nobody who argues about the definition of gender on cambodian basket weaving message boards has "sex"
10 bux this was made by a white numale
Some do, using their self-diagnosed illness as something to be proud of.
I think it's because women are terrible at video games.
>Humans have "sex".
Not me.
Don't bother trying to understand it. When you realize that it's basically become a religion for people who have no religion, it all makes sense.
That better be a man, baby!
I'll give you the short version of it
"My feelings"
Don't worry, you are not the only one. ;_;
Yeah, sorry, I just like to try to understand all-sides of any situation. Ha ha.
go home B^Uckley
>gender and apperearance should have no correlation
kek, to be fair I'm finishing a teaching degree and at least in my country most of teachers are women, so men usually are seem as some kind of exotic shit just like a girl among any neckbeard hobby
I feel sick.