Other urls found in this thread:

No but letting yourself get obese in the first place was

I'll miss you honeydew


How did he die?


he tripped and fell into his collection of authentic ninja swords and keyblades and got shredded to pieces

What's his name again?



>Get surgery
>immediately get fat again

Why are my tax dollars going to these abominations?

Is he trying to hide his fat neck with that beard




the surgery doesnt immediately remove fat
they stapled his stomach so he cant eat so much
not like that's gonna stop him




Yet another fatty that fell for the gastric bypass meme. Doctors who even recommend that shit should have their license taken away.

might eat a whole pizza just to spite the fucker
I won't enjoy it but that's not the point

why can't he lose the weight? how much does he actually eat a day??? does anyone know?

How is it possible for someone to be this stupid?

Gastric bypass has failed before, but good luck to boogie


He had to find some third worlder Doc to do the surgery because his normal one refused it.

He's not eating much of anything these days since his stomach should be about the size of a baseball


yet his gaining weight???

>I think this
>I think that's wrong
>Okay, well that's right too
>I think a different thing
>Oh, well all three of us are right
is he the wettest fucking blanket in the species?
have some fucking conviction for christs sake


Fat people deserve to die


Imagine if that happened, his fat would leak out and stink up the room.

The surgery makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to maintain his kind of BMI, unless he decides to just eat crisco, straight from the can.

He's lost 100 lbs so far according to the video that OP misleadingly cropped the title of


>Sup Forums neo-nazis destroy yet another thread

just delete that fucking alt-right board already


Fucking drumpflet.

Please do not bully Boogie for his white nationalist beliefs.

>he's not dead
why would you post this?

>exactly one minute apart
Who are you fooling, dumb polposter?

leaking Sup Forums neonazis doing what they do best


yeah my bad didn't realize it was a troll thread, should've known better

Why some parts of Europe are so much better than US?

He literally exploded

Nazi retard go back to stormfront with your lies.

Too poor and shitty due to years of communism to afford massive welfare programs to enable human garbage.

We should strive to become more like scandinavia.

that isn't how fat works

At least post the full title you baiting nigger

>Those tiny arms

Wannabe neutrals are always like that, trying to conform god and the devil at the same time.

>coming at you live through the power of the internet
>video is pre-recorded privately

why does this faggot think he's a radio DJ?

was boogie a mistake?

Nice edit, here's the REAL thing.

He certainly thought so for a long time, which is how he came to be in the position he was in with his weight


Give the lardass a couple months, he'll either die choking on liquified burgers or finally return to a normal BMI one day.

>So despite my co-morbidities...
pre-empting failure with excuses
>...the statistics say I can lose 240lbs, maybe...
setting the parameters for victory low
>...but I want to lose more than that...
then why have the surgery
>...but if I fall short of that, i'll still be happy
already complicit in failure before he's even tried

this is why I hate this guy
he is so unbelievably pathetic, and somehow a fucking inspiration to others

I can't believe obese people even exist. It's easy to lose weight. Instead they eat so much until they puke and then they eat some more. Fucking disgusting.

>I just want to live
what makes you think you deserve to
>I just want to enjoy the life I have
everybody wants to enjoy life, not everybody gets to
you had one life and you fucked it up, why do you deserve a second chance

I could pick apart his weak, feel-good bullshit all day but I have to watch my blood pressure

>getting triggered over numbers

Autism lol

Haha it would smell so bad haha

he cant lose weight because he doesnt move or do any exercise

for someone his size its so easy to start losing weight just by walking or moving around because the body has to adapt. the problem is hes a lazy piece of shit

god he keeps fucking going

>Am I gonna succeed?
>Hell yeah, I'm following the diet, i'm doing good, I'm gonna exercise soon (lol), I'm 'going for gold'

>Am I gonna fail?
>Well, I can't see the future. I don't know if my old habits will return

literally just said this back to back
alright, I'm done
mods, delete

>grey hair

i cant fathom how people can get obese. like how the fuck do you have the stomach to eat over 5000 calories to get obese? I literally eat one time a day for 2300 calories and at the end im physically cant eat anymore

>make your stomach smaller so you can't eat as much so you'll lose weight
>eat more so your smaller stomach stretches back out to its previous size so you can keep eating and gain more weight
>spend a lot of money and go through surgery to end up back at square zero instead of just walking more and eating less

This is why fat people are so fucking contemptible. They're not just fat and lazy, they're stupid too.

>Gets free healthcare for being a fat worthless fuck
>Complains about getting a dangerous and expensive surgery for a clickbait title


How can you destroy an eceleb thread? They're made for the explicit purpose of shitposting.

>I literally eat one time a day for 2300 calories
Please tell me this is bait

He has to do something retarded like only eating fat microwave dinners. If he cooked his own food with fresh ingredients, even if he doesnt move at all, he wouldnt be able to hold that weight. Its a fucking miracle. They should sacrifice this guy to the gods.

>I'm gonna exercise soon (lol)
People who are that big actually shouldn't be exercising because it puts a crazy amount of stress on their knees and back. They just need to focus on losing weight by changing their diet for a while.


you know what's worse than bad knees?
being dead

anyone have the image collage of the tranny on reddit who was considering suicide and telling other people not to get their dick mutilated?

yeah it saves time and doing dishes. i just put some veggies and then stir fry it with ground beef or chicken/bacon

brainlet who fell for the old wives tale of "starvation mode". You're an idiot and IF (intermittent fasting) has been proven to raise growth hormone production and insulin sensitivity.

>guy makes a sob story about why he's obese
>complains about how his ez health care won't cover his fatty-be-gone surgery
>is now complaining about the surgery

Seriously, fuck this guy.

You know what's worser? Being dead with bad knees.

Uh yeah sure, but adding more health problems on top of existing ones isn't the best plan of action.

2300 calories in one meal is not safe

gastric bypass is dumb

It's time to lose weight, Sup Forums

he is like 40+ years old apparently

tfw you've lost 55 kg and become normal weight and regard boogie2988 as an influence even though he had to cheat and he fucking sucks at losing weight


Reminder that being skinnyfat is almost just as bad as being fat/obese. You're an eyesore and lazy too, get off your high horse.

I'm asking if he's baiting because obviously eating your entire day's worth of meals at once will leave you unable to eat afterwards. Does he think fat people eat 5000 calories worth of food in one meal? Well, maybe some of those 600+ lb lardos do, but you gotta realize that some fast food places sell shit that is literally 1/2 your daily intake in a single sandwich (and it's not even a huge sandwich, it's just that chock-full of calories) and fat people's diets are often fast food trash. It's easy to eat 1500+ calories three times a day if you're the kind of idiot who lives off mcdonalds.

she looks happy
i hope she's happy

a classic

did it because fat people disgust me
fat people who get WLS and exert smugness even more so

feel like getting ripped just to spite them further, it's something they can never do, like losing weight on their own

where do the LTG anti-fat memes come from?

link me please

you dont need to move to lose weight stop with this nonsense.

food is always the bigger issue, you absolutely cannot burn the calories he puts into himself.

Seriously who watches this shit? It's just an obese man thinking about nothing out loud, explaining that he doesn't know what will happen and that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Seriously, a lot of YouTube channels do news and current events, but this guy just sits down for ten minutes and prattles out some wishy-washy non-points, and then talks himself down from any commits statement. It really is like something a crazy person would do, boogie is just not a straight thinker and everything that comes out of his mouth is completely hot air.


>started doing gym training 3 days a week in summer from july
>finally can fit into clothes I stopped being able to wear years back
I want that Kenshiro build already, but I'm happy people notice the difference