>Warcraft 3
>Brood War
Which is a superior game after all?
Warcraft 3
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Warcraft 3 because I said so.
Brood War is the superior competitive game. WC3 is the better normie game. Both are good.
I prefer warcraft 3 but im not huge into RTS's
Broodwar is probably the mechanically superior game but I like swords and magic and shit
WC3 on all counts.
BW hits that big carpets of dudes a-moving at each other thing better but I like Forged Alliance more for that.
What does it even mean
I'd say brood war if they ever patched the pathing. It's so awful, that I'd have to say WCIII.
>BW hits that big carpets of dudes a-moving at each other thing better
I can't think of a race that does this other than really late game zerg where the match is pretty much over anyway.
Reminder that Coreans think Starcraft pathing makes it good because it requires you give a unit constant commands for it to go anywhere.
Man, I bought the remastered version a while back, and I completely forgot how HORRENDOUS that pathing is. Like, if it's really sub optimal on an old game that's one thing, but it's like akin to playing a fps on a N64.
I heard Blizzard intentionally didn't change it because they wanted those korean wons or whatever the hell they fork over there.
It'd be awesome if they made a remastered WCIII though. It honestly doesn't even look bad right now in its original format, so a remastered would look really nice.
WC3 had better custom games.
Starcraft only really got bit in korea because it was the first real game koreans got on PC
Red Alert 2
Keep on clicking, they'll move more optimally if there is a path. Don't just click, clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick especially down ramps or when running lings or zealots through armies
I like to think about Warcraft 3 as a cerebrally-rewarding game, and Starcraft as viscerally-rewarding game. Warcraft is deeper, more subtle, the metagame is more about anticipation and mathematical precision rather than MLG pro plays, anyone who's been following the game for the past 15 years can talk endlessly about some seemingly pointless click some pro made in the beginning of a match.
Starcraft is a much flashier, quicker game. Its about building lots of things and doing it really fast. Starcraft has incredibly satisfying units like siege tanks, marine-medics, carriers, fast lings, drop reavers etc - things that become deadlier the better you get at the game
I think fixing the pathing would also eliminate a lot of intricate micro techniques, like stacked mutas, or holding dragoons to kill triggered spider mines. Basically, it'd just be SC2 all over again.
Warcraft spawned entire genres
>WC spawned entire genres
Like what?
AOS and Tower Defense games started in SC
WC3 is a very much solved game. At competitive level, you basically have your whole game plan mapped out before the match is started and while timings may change, you're basically going for the same hero choices and unit compositions regardless of what happens. I've watched some pro match streams in Back2Warcraft recently and orc vs orc for example is blademaster vs blademaster doing mirrored creeps, then taking shadow hunter basically at the same time etc. If you squint hard enough, there was differences like one player opting to harass early instead of creeping, or one player recruiting more than one kodo beast or getting tech earlier or whatever, but basically it's the same thing for every player every match.
In comparison, yesterday there was a BW pro-match seeing corsairs vs ghosts.
However, if you aren't playing for money (ie. you don't NEED to bring your best strats) or at high enough level to execute pro strats, WC3 has more variety.
What the fuck happened to this genre
Death of C&C and Supcom franchises
SC2 was designed as korean wank bait, Warcraft is now a shitty digital card game.
The awkward pathing, mining, and difficult management of large groups also allows for some insane come backs because shit can just go really south for an army really quick if it's not being babysat
The orc mirror is basically the only mirror where no-one deviates, but that's mostly because not enough people play orc for anyone to care about it.
its way too hard to play the optimal way and people do not want to invest time in to it. they would rather build big bases, big armies and roll the AI with it.
AoS is barely comparable to dota or most hero arena games
>hero arena games
dude, who the fuck coined the term MOBA? it sounds like a condition
thought orc was better than ud at least, even if their hero balance is garbage
>hero picks == strategy
Hero picks are obvious because of their main attributes. It's not strategy, it's set-up. Blademaster is agile so you pick him because agile heroes are better than the rest. Night Elves have two agile heroes, so they can pick between them. Humans have no agile heroes so they have to settle for a mage. Its just how the game works, these choices have nothing to do with actual strategic options.
It's dead Jim
Which is a shame because I'd love a new multiplayer RTS, SC2 is boring and WC3 looks like I'd be very hard to get into at this point
More than anything I think it's just money. Blizzard is an untalented bought company who can only cater to people who want instant gratification. They couldn't make money like they could with WoW or even D3 auction house so they kind of just left SC2 (also kept screwing it over everything it got some semblance of balance), not to mention the 2 expansions, who wants to ride out the bad waves three times of lopsided imbalance in an rts like that?
Everyone else is making MOBAS or something else they feel like people will flock to and they can do microtransactions. Honestly, the market for an RTS is pretty small and likely just shrinking. When you factor in that it not only has to be a decent RTS but a great one, people aren't motivated to make one.
I think Total War sort of takes away some motivation for it as well. I used to really love playing Rome 2 in tournaments and a smallish group of very good gamers in the EU, but it looks like with Warhammer and whatever 'historical' they come up with next will be just another instant gratification thing with a watered down campaign and very short quick battles where whatever they can make you dish out money for in a dlc will be the most OP for months.
brood war's ladder is healthy enough and full of newer players, it's also goat
Are you talking about original BW or remastered edition? Also what's the largest community right now, does everyone play on official servers or is there a separate platform?
Wc3 is quite easy to get into. You'll probably never be 'good' at it, but it doesn't take a while to assume the main concepts and learn to read the metagame
everyone is playing remastered on blizzard servers
Broodwar, but you used the starcraft2 image...
war3 is pretty good too though.
different kind of game desu.
broodwar has 200 supply cap, war3 has 90, TFT brings it up to 100, and the upkeep income thing works differently.
also in broodwar things do like 6 damage but have 40 health
in war3, things do like, 12-16 damage, and have 400 health
so you have a lot more time to react and fix stuff and not lose units by looking away.
its a lot easier to play at a high level, less APM based, you can easily be a war3 pro with 100-150 apm, when youd be no where in starfcraft bvroodwar with that low apm...
starcraft was never good,
warcraft 3 is 2nd best rts ever made, first one is dawn of war 40k wtih expansions, 3rd will be age of empires 2, 4th stronghold series.
b-t-w :* Sup com was always awful just like starcraft
Just play 4v4 RT for a while till you get the hang of the commands, most 4v4 games are played by retards and i've seen people carry entire matches solo v 4
I used to play WC3 a long time ago, back when Garena was a thing, I've forgotten build orders and shit but I remember the basics at least. What's the largest platform for the game right now?
>first one is dawn of war 40k
I like DoW but it's not even in vicinity of WC3
>first one is dawn of war 40k
Maybe in your group of four or five friends.
Never compare any RTS game to Warcraft 3. It's on its own pedestal.
>less APM based
Thats a huge misconception. 90% of APM in Brood War is doing mundane shit like ordering units from 25 barracks, or wrestling with shit UI that only permits 12 per selection. Warcraft is way more micro intensive when it comes to the actual meat of the game - combat, movement, creeping and such. Yes, in Warcraft units have more health but you can't afford to lose a single one, while in Starcraft units are expendable for the most part. "Pro" zergs pretty much only micro their mutas and A-ground the rest of the army, doing shit like that in Warcraft gets you punished immediately.
BW is completely free with the newest update. There is no matchmaking, healthiest community here would likely be on Fish.
Built in matchmaking is in Remaster, also hotkey reassignments and the game looks sexy as fuck.
who the fuck makes 25 barracks? what fucking game are you people playing?
This, APM in starcraft is mostly just clicking to get your shitty pathing units to not be shitty.
WC3 unit micro was extremely important and every unit that died was a huge set back compared to the meatgrinder that was starcraft
Which is why eco micro/harass is way way more important then your actual army early on in SC
WC3 is the superior game but it's not so much fun to watch. In SC someone's always wants to fight. In WC3 you usually got 2 people creeping.
Both amazing games but I loved the campaigns of wc3 more
WC3 because pic related made me realize true love exists.
>literally Beta Orbiter: The Demon
he used to look so cool unlike how he looks now.
In truth, it was I who was the nice guy.
How is he a beta? Tyrande rejected him and he accepted it and moved on, if it were you you probably would have committed suicide.
Does that look like moving on to you? You're probably Illidan-tier yourself.
What games have you been watching? Modern meta is very pushining on hard creep, typically you want to creepjack or straight-up forgo creeping in favour of constant harass
>first clash at 2:25 and pretty much non-stop until the end of the game
>moving on means causing a REEE tantrum.
Yes, they're staying as friends, obviously. Only beta fags would think otherwise because they can't accept the fact that they are rejected