Remember me, Sup Forums?

Remember me, Sup Forums?

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Recall thinking that trailer was 100% bullshit, and clearly not being run on the PS4.

First post, best post.
There's no way the ps4 or the ps4 pro could run that

Yeah, I do remember that. What the heck happened to it anyway?

yes i remember, i'm still fucking waiting

At some point they scrapped it and turned it into an F2P game instead, then they scrapped it again (?) and are apparently completely reworking the combat of the game

In other words, it's probably canceled by now.

Yes, yes I do.

>turned it into a free to play game
Dropped. I renember when it was supposed to be a serious competitor to Souls lol.

I remember that time stop.

Still remember how every retarded consolehombre was like "NIGGA THAT'S TOTALLY REALTIME!!!! PC IS DEAD!!!"
Same as Motorstorn, LAIR, Killzone 2, Haze...

Can't wait to see which lies they'll come up next for the PS5.