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Video Games #3912
Video Games
What the hell is wrong with him?
That one game that everyone on Sup Forums hates but you love
The great debate
ITT: we fix character designs
WTF happened to the actual nerds?
LEGO games
What great japanese games are you waiting for next?
What the fuck was his problem?
Muh PC Master Race
Phone Games
Nioh Thread
The entire game is a setup for another game
What will be Nintendo's big games in 2018?
Unpopular opinions you have
What happened to Valve, Sup Forums?
Number of Active players in DotA 2 the lowest numbers since 2014
WebM Thread
It's been a few days now. What's the verdict on GW2 PoF?
Just one more time
ITT: Games too hard for Sup Forums
Do you think Nintendo will pull the artifical scarcity crap again?
Games that just got worse every sequel
Dishonored thread
You're going to buy their game, right Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Expansion Comrades King
Is there a more based villain throughout vidya?
I'm about to play this shit for the first time. What should I expect Sup Forums? Any tips?
Game comes out in japan as console exclusive
Gravity Rush 2
Sup Forums's thoughts on life is strange?
GOTY 2017
It's time to step out of the sewer and begin your yearly modded oblivion playthrough Sup Forums
Battle station thread
Agree or disagree?
The great debate
What's the most boring game you've ever played?
It's tutorial trial
ITT: games with realistic alien invasions
ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened"
What games you planning on playing today Sup Forums?
Am I retarded for not being able to find this shovel on the intro island?
Find, FIND one (1) fucking flaw
What video games allow me to become a living god?
Were titty ninjas a mistake?
Game is set in New York
8 days
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about this?
Design white girls
After years of enjoyment and fulfilment, does anyone else feel like vidya is a waste of their time?
Lets do this Sup Forums
Makes an empire based on using low technology
I don't think i've ever wanted to marry an ancient egyptian as much as i do now
Why is this cancerous shit hole one of the only places that gaming enthusiast congregate?
Do you people feel safe in your city/country taking your switch outside?
Choose wisely
Just started this thing, caught a freaking 93
10/10 games with garbage sequels
Just finished MGS4 for the first time and holy shit that was probably one of the worst gaming experience ever
Is it just me, or did I finish Nier:Automata too quickly? Quick note, I achieved all of the main endings
Project Cars 2
How hard would it be to open a game store in the modern day?
Warframe still sucks
Is Pokemon a fighting game?
Borderlands 2 on Nintendo Switch
What was the last indie game you enjoyed?
MHW will flop in Japa-
Is it common for gamers to break shit whenever they get upset...
Valve BTFO
Do you ship any vidya characters?
Do you agree with this sentiment?
Can this stupid downvoting shit stop already...
When people run in circles it's a very, very mad world
Pic related is out in a few weeks and I've seen nothing about it despite some people being hyped for this for years
Nintendo is now 128 years old
World of Warcraft Legion
Redpill me on Sargeras
You people have an unreal amount of faith for this company
Dragonball Fighterz Thread
Is Ys Origin in your top 3 Ys games? is any ys game in your top 5 games of all time?
Release a game on one platform
Sonic Team
What spiels are popular in Deutsches Reich?
What games have dangerous plants?
This game will kill PUBG
What went wrong?
Japanese make better looking white female characters than white female developers
Why can't all villains be like Megatron? Just evil guys wanting to rule the world...
Kiwami 2
You could have stopped it Sup Forums
Dude turn your mic on
What video game series have you given up on ever becoming good again?
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain gameplay
Get in here Nioh bros, trailer for the last dlc is out!
Would you still play videogames if you were attractive, had a social life and a gf?
Was this the worst TGS ever?
Why the fuck is it so expensive?
Accidentally kills someone with his scatter shot
Fire Emblem Warriors DLC revealed
When did you stop enjoying vidya
Japanese devs don't pander to social justice warrio-
Post an image
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why is this a thing?
Why are you alone playing video games on saturday night?
Name a better trilogy than these games
Beat shido's palace
Do they really buy Ubisoft and Bioware games?
Good videogame movies don't exi-
Is Bloodborne worth getting a ps4 for?
Just got a new game in the mail bruh
So did you preorder yours yet?
Are ANY Amiibos worth buying?
Whats the point of having in game chat?
How come Sony keeps funding single player games knowing they all flop?
What a dissapointment
What's your favorite video game?
You are the first kid to enter the arcade in the good ol' 80's
ITT streamers/youtubers even Sup Forums likes
Tfw no friends to play vidya with
What are some nihilistic games for true madman like me?
Why was Isaac's mum such a cunt?
ITT: games you regret buying
Inb4 Bluehole gets salty about this ""stolen"" idea
Give him some credit, at least he made a fucking game
Xenoblade Chronicles thread
Here's your controller bro
What are some "Video Games" that let me play as a sexy female or a feminine male character?
Was he right in the end?
I'm voting for Paint every day on the Japanese and American polls. If it gets a move set...
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
You literally cannot justify this
The only controller you need
PS2 gen
This is not a what
Should I play Silent Hill 1?
Gives Prey a 5/10
Beta Content
Buy new equipment available on the newest village shop
Using WASD
He seems pretty angry at capcom right now
Dead or Alive
How much free space do you have Sup Forums?
Comfy Super Mario Odyssey thread
What do you think about this game?
Your daily reminder that PlayerUnknown invented online multiplayer games
More like this
Unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf
Breath of the Wild
What went wrong then?
Someone's there, some guy in civvies!
So what did you guys think of Doki Doki Literature Club?
Post your poorfag PC controller
Why is she so perfect?
Why was Starcraft so much better than Starcraft 2?
Mega Man disappointment inbound. Get in here fuckers
Calls himself a gamer
Why didn't you ever tell me this is actually good Sup Forums...
Let's talk about gta clones
That kid who had the DS Lite while you were stuck with the bulky original
Circus levels will disappear now that circuses have disappeared
Why isn’t anyone talking about this game? It comes out next week
You ARE going to date her on the Switch, right?
Why haven't you ordered one, user?
Show me your 10 most played games
SMT demon poll
Final boss
What's the worst thing he's done?
Monster Hunter World
ICO: 16th anniversary
You call that a 5?
Any vidya character redesigns that are better than the original ?
Oney plays
Why is fanservice okay in western games, but shamed and shunned in Japanese games?
All Final Fantasies are ruined by this overhyped nostalgia fuel circle jerk
Today's is Adventures's 15th Anniversary. So let's discuss, what are your thoughts?
Need to buy a game for little bro
"Alright so this next boss should be pretty easy as long as you are <10 levels higher than you currently are> and have...
Is it worth upgrading from O3DS to this? I barely use the 3D effect, and most games barely used it that well
Filename thread
Speccy Thread?
Worst gaming related purchase you ever made?
Fucking Undertalefags, how can you be so stupid that you a like an RPG made in fucking paint...
The future of japanese games
Racism happened. That's reality. The game doesn't push politics. It's just a revenge story...
How is this never in talks for the Game of the Year?
Who wanted this?
MvC: I
Console wars should just be a bannable offense...
Literally just dark souls but with dinosaurs
Why is gaming journalism so awful?
Who's your favorite Danganronpa girl
What are some games where I can be a master swordsman?
You did get the Black knight in fire emblem heroes right?
What games have the best animal companions?
Whats your honest opinion on Freedom planet?
The great debate
ITT: games destroyed by its fan base
The only good Donkey Kong platformer is Tropical Freeze. The 3DS port of Returns is decent
What is your personal favorite sword in all the vidya?
Don't mind me, just the best street racing video game coming though
Nier automata will be considered a modern classic 10 years from now
What game has the most insulting "Game Over" screen?
Took the Sup Forumspill about a year ago
Street fighter V
Why are you still a virgin Sup Forums?
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for less copies of Skyrim Remastered preordered
Original Sin 2
Here.....take it
This is thing is awesome. There are tons of great Vita games and they look so much better on an HDTV...
What would you want to see in a sequel to the latest Doom?
Vidya Posters
Physical copies cost the same as digital ones
Infamous My Wife's Son
Will the world end tonight?
Which Zelda iteration is your favorite?
Why was he SO mad
What happened to fun video game ads?
Has a video game legitimately scared you?
Bungie hasn't made a single good game
Anything worthwhile to do after beating the final boss?
You're playing the same old games over and over because there's literally nothing new that interests you anymore
Get yhe fuck off my board ill fucking kill you i knoe wjo you fucking are FUCKER FUCJYOU
"Fuck you I liked it" thread
Pokken DX Sup Forumskend
Been on a mission to play all of the main titles in the series
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy sells 2.5 million copies
ITT: The consoles that won every gen
Who are you going to main?
Are there any cute mmos I can play with my girlfriend
We need a proper sequel to Luigi's Mansion
What is this games appeal?!
That one game you always get stuck in
Anyone else feel like game graphics have become stagnant?
How would you personally feel if Resident Evil 8 were a solo Jill game, like Resident Evil 3?
Friendly reminder that Wind Waker had the best overworld in Zelda history
Less than 3 hours until Megaman 30 anniversary tgs panel
Is there a non-porn game where you see a girl's vagina? We have seen tits, we have seen penises...
Why is Overwatch getting more and more popular? I thought this game was dying?
Name a cuter vidya animal
Left or right?
Why is this game so fucking hard?
How do we fix the horro genre?
I want to discuss this game, I think it was pretty good
Why don't you own a Switch
*block your army*
In Fortune Street, Daisy seems to think lowly of Waluigi. If she lands on one of Waluigi's low-priced shops...
This is From´s Software magnum opus, there is no debate
New crt hype ass
Favorite game
Do you guys know any games that have the same format as persona ?
Melee has demonstrably the most replayability of any video game...
Sup Forumsermin thread
Do I make a team with the cutest or the sexiest characters?
Is there literally any reason to play Overwatch over Paladins...
What e-Shop games are worth buying on Nintendo Switch?
Are you ready for the best game of the year?
This is the ass of Princess Zelda, /ourqueen/. Say something nice to her
If you buy Morrowind upgrade is it a full game or is just DLC for your standard ESO?
Heh... i'm tracking you nira... I remember what you did back in spain...
Game title spoils the plot
PlayStation® presents LIVE SHOW "TGS2017" 2017-09-24
Tak "/ourguy/" Fujii
Minecraft is a good ga-
Extra Life Systems
ITT 10/10 masterpieces
Hey anons what do you think of infamous second son? It was for free in PS4 and I just 100% it...
What's a video game where the villain is unbeatable?
Let's talk about the Trails/Kiseki series
Where can i find a comprehensive list of good, non-meme, games? I want to play something new, but i don't know what
Literally picks starter that you're strong against
Millions of people decided to purchase this $30 early access game because of a few dudes streaming it
Post videogame weapons that will trigger some people
What's a game that only you have played. This one is mine
Do you like watching anime or tv shows about girls who like video games?
You know what to do Sup Forums
Oh no mario the bridge is a closed!
Ace Combat
I just want to say, I don't care whether you're a Nintendofag/Sonyfag/Xboxfag/PCfag/whatever...
Any vidya where I can be a cop and shoot drug dealers and other scum?
Name a better video game couple. Pro tip: You can't
How would you rate Japan's performance in 2017?
Smash Sup Forumseekend: Still here edition
If Dr. Eggman is so smart, why is he a feminist?
Don't mind me, just trying to get pass page 10 in order to impregnate some white women
ITT: characters people are to stupid to understand
Naked Snake was a boob man
This is fucking mind boggling. Ok...
ITT: Underrated games
Kingdom Hearts thread
Bubsy is actually getting a new instalment with Microsoft money funding it
Why did the FGC abandon Tekken?
Post Cool Concept Art
Baldurs Gate help/CRPG thread
Let's make a modernized PS2
What's your favorite open world video game?
3x3 Thread
So can we agree that shrines are a step back?
Total War Thread
What is the comfiest PC game?
Make it vidya
So how exactly were they planning on getting the bullet out of him to proof the bullet was involved in the DL-6...
It will be impossible to find due to artificial scarcity
Welcome to the Salty Splatoon. How tough are ya?’
Convince me this is worth 40 bucks
Do i play as chad daddy Corvo or roasty Emily?
BREAKING: valve doesn't want to curate its store or its users
Don't mind me, I'm just the best 2D game of 2017
Which is better, Metroid Prime 1, or Metroid Prime 2?
Boss has 3 (three) phases
Alright, you semen-guzzling cumdumpsters, listen up
Prince of Persia 2008
Why do people play Destiny when this objectively superior game exists?
Skyrim is gay
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon New engine
Can someone explain why PUBG is the most popular game on the Earth right now?
Name a more overrated console
Do you still play your PS Vota¡
Pacman thread
Is it good?
I can't believe that there isn't even ONE other video game song better than this
How do you feel about this taste, Sup Forums?
Are you looking forward to cuphead?
Should I give Revelations 2 a try if I didn't like the first one?
It's Saturday, anons. What are ya
Why did Big Boss went from being a likable guy who believes in Santa to an autist who doesn't ever talk?
Why is there no vidya parallel to the '70s exploitation era films...
Doki Doki Literature Club
3D platformers are de-
So I got one of these yesterday. I didn't expect the resolution to be nearly as good as it is...
WTF happend? I quit this shit after an hour. Was it a bad translation? None of the charm of EB
Woah, the more you know
>this is the same character
*releases another forza*
Shillfags aside, I am very curious about how this game could be better than PUBG...
In a real fight, wouldn't Dante beat 1v1 every single other character in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?
6 Hours until Capcom revives Megaman
Are gamecubabbies the worst console fanbase on Sup Forums?
Is this game worth it? Never played the 1st but heard this is a grind fest and gets repetitive quick
Sup Forums do you ever get completely obsessed with just one game? I only like KOTOR 2...
I’m so god damn done with this game
How Accurate Is This Image?
It's been over 2 years since an actually good game was announced
So no new Souls this TGS? What the fuck are we supposed to do
Press S to spit on the grave
What are the ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE games for 3DS?
Americas best game of 2017 is a walking sim
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon child raping
Another year another vicotry
Appearance is affected by character stats
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Everyone I know goes away in the end
Game insults you for losing
Does the gamecube have the worst game library out of all Nintendo consoles (apart from Virua boy ofc)?
Drop in
Why is Capcom so awful at making games?
What's your favourite H game, Sup Forums?
Webm thread
So I'm thinking about buying a PS4
Why did it fail?
Why she's so sexy, Sup Forums?
The fuck is this cheap-ass material on a system I paid top dollar for and why is it peeling off like a bad sunburn?
Congratulations, user, you've won Twisted Metal
ITT: Pleb filters
Perfect for the switch
Blocks your attack
Games with huge and dangerous insects?
Nintendo is completely rebooting Metroid
Nier: Automata
Bob Page: UNATCO?
Doom homos will unironically pay for this
Ah yes, this is how GTA San Andreas was MEANT to look
Games like Diablo/Path of Exile but without clicking
Now that the dust has settled, was it a good game?
This is your waitress for tonight
We need next gen ASAP
*Breathes Steadily before you*
You're going to pick him once, and then go back to your Super Saiyan team...
It really activates ones almonds
He judges a game by something other than the game itself
Sony won
ITT: Early 2000s Browser Game Thread
I'm going to play a Danganronpa game for the first time
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon
Lads, i think Triss and Yen want a threesome
Why is Sup Forums so jealous of Hideo Kojima?
Zombie Master: Reborn - People Without Microphones Are Sub-Human Edition
Ask guildmate to get on mic
Meanwhile in the Sup Forums gaming studio
Was he right?
G-Guys, I just found out the girls from the cards you collect in Yakuza 0 are all pornstars. Like...
Are you going to buy the greatest shooter ever made?
Smash Bros Sucks Dick & Is Gay
What do you think it will be Sup Forums?
How were you supposed to figure out they're vulnerable to physics damage?
Decide to buy this game for PC because of all the mod stuff that people say it's amazing
What are some video game facts that everyone else is too stupid to know or understand?
"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh"
What's the worst Final Fantasy game?
These girls are wearing a bikini in their respective games
Let's talk about the greatest game ever made
What games in the series are actually worth playing...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why are modern players so averse to simple social interactions, Sup Forums?
Just started this game, and I'm having trouble getting into it. Tell me a little about this game, I want to like it
PC players laugh at console players for their lack of true 4K
Awkward or embarrassing cutscene plays
Any good free steam games?
Why is she so perfect bros?
Hey you user!
What's the most casual game you ever played?
Will be a more attractive video game character ever be made?
So now that the dust has settled, will you be buying this game?
The fuck is up with this system?
You've been on Sup Forums for 10 years
Enjoying the games?
What western games do Japanese people play?
ITT: Brainlet repellent
ITT: Games you replay once every year
Did you like DA Origins?
Risk of Rain
JP: characters are 15 years old
Sup Forums The Musical V - Time for Lewd Edition
Why is there such a cult surrounding all the Kojimas, Todds and Kamiyas of the industry instead of the programmers...
Two more GOTYs on their way. How does Nintendo do it?
Is it the GOTY?
Biting the hand that feeds you
Open world game
Nintendo is only for childr-
Was it really that bad?
Is this the biggest dumpster fire of 2017?
Does Uncharted have heavy hand-holding?
Japan doesn't want console Monster Hunt-
Toxicity of a gaming community compared to its average user age
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Bullet shells disappear before hitting the ground
This minigame requires more skill than all of the Dark Souls series
Has virtual reality gone too far?
Yfw you realized she was only 15
Mythic dungeon tournament
Someone posts, others try to guess. Don't be a faggot and don't cheat with google
Which persona girl would you like to fuck?
Hey niggers Outlast is free for the next hour
There will never be a good Evangelion game
Dragonball Fighterz
Monster Hunter World for Switch leaked
Females of Sup Forums, how does this webm make you feel?
Happy 128th birthday Nintendo!
Hopes for Thursday?
Did her activism actually improve gaming for women and minorities?
There's only 2 hours left to get Gal*Gun dp for $10, this degenerate game is worth it
ITT: Post your longest playtime (top 3-5)
Why is EO the magnum opus of DRPGs?
Now that the dust have settled, what went wrong?
Most hyped RPG this year
What went wrong?
Why is the exploration in this game so terrible compared to Fallout 3?
How does Rabid Slug sound to you guy?
Amazing OST
John Wick has been hired to kill you. Only the playable character(s) of the last game you played can save you...
So whose still looking forward to Wolfenstein II?
Racism happened. That's reality. The game doesn't push politics. It's just a revenge story...
Have you ever been a healbro, Bro? They're much better than Healsluts
Why can't Nintendo just have analog triggers?
Hey user, wanna play CS:GO and then cuddle afterwards?
Dude, God isn't real and religion is fake, lmao
Super Mario Odyssey
Meanwhile in Isle Del/v/ino
Let’s have a thread dedicated to best Poké girl Lillie
What is the best weapon type in monster hunter, Sup Forums?
New game when?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
How does this make you feel?
If a bunch of male nerds invent material for a bunch of other male nerds to jack off to, isn't that kind of gay?
This logo appears
All right then, lads
Realistically, how can Capcom salvage this game?
Seriously, why do I want to buy one?
KSP 2.0
Demon's Souls
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Is Minecraft the ultimate vidya tragedy?
Just finished the new Doom and I gotta say I had fun with it
Consistent output of videos
So, what other games except for inferior SNES ports did the GBA have?
Games only you played
Anyone else playing this? Which job classes are good?
People don't actually act like a heal slut do they? surely this has to be a meme or at most like 2% of healers
What's that one game you foolishly still cling on hope for a sequel
Cozy Pillars of Eternity thread
Why is she so perfect bros?
What is the evil dead of video games?
Capcom is the best video game company ever made. Depending on when you decide that the company became "bad"...
Which was better?
What are Sup Forums's opinions on Mega Man Legends?
Monster Hunter World
TLoU 2
Which series is this, Sup Forums?
Why on earth do you hate it?
Dante vs Vergil
Playing king of the hill online
Well, Sup Forums?
Just 2 more weeks until Pubg loses its entire player base
New Love Live game announced for 2018
Code Vein
Insider here, injustice 2 coming to Switch and PC
I have 42 dollars on my steam account
Its all in the numbers. number one, that's terror
I've been seeing a lot of Yakuza threads around here lately and I'm thinking of finally getting into the series myself
Just bought this, any tips? Any memes I should watch out for?
What is the most beautiful game you have ever played, Sup Forums?
Okay Sup Forums
ITT: post your GOTY 2017 so far
Do you use Performance-Enhancing drugs while playing games?
Skyrim belongs to the Nords
How much more can they fuck up the next TES?
I have all 3, how jealous are you?
$60+ Games
What are your thoughts on a character like Annie from League of Legends?
Metroid thread
Mainchar dies
What gave it such a retro feel?
ITT: Bad voice acting
AC_Royale, who has donated over $300...
And you can have it all
Cover art kino
Reminder that Tyrone has better taste in vidya than you
It's that time again
Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Elder Scrolls Thread
I guess you're right since no one bothered to contest you
You will die before Warcraft IIII is released
Why does Sup Forums pretend this game sucks
Name a more desperate individual
Are people trying too hard when they vocally dislike VII?
Is anyone playing this? What is this supposed to be? A MOBA? Some Left 4 Dead clone?
€60 on Steam
What went so wrong?
The Switch is underpowered
[Intelligence] You're a computer
Nearly 2 million players all the time. Why are you not playing the GOTY?
Recommend some Cyberpunk games
ITT: Games you bought just to piss off Sup Forums
Grand Strategy
Building a gaming computer, how do/any tips/builds/shit I would need but cant think of?
Riot is making tiddie monsters again
Name a better stealth game
Got a real job earning 130k a year with travel and other benefits
Did anyone play the harry potter games as a kid? what was your favorite?
Antagonist's goals are more noble than the protagonist's goals
What went wrong?
Remember me, Sup Forums?
ITT: Underwhelming Final Bosses
This is hat kid from a hat in time...
Post the absolute best game in a series
How fun do you think Odyssey is gonna be?
Yfw 1hp
Best Yakuza game coming through
So whatever happened with Dream Daddy? People just stopped talking about it after 2 weeks. Was it really that mediocre?
Nu-Sup Forums will defend this
This any good?
Tfw you're too socially crippled and depressed to play games online
Left, middle, or right?
What the fuck is this ending?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...