Your daily reminder that PlayerUnknown invented online multiplayer games.
Your daily reminder that PlayerUnknown invented online multiplayer games
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PUBG is the very definition of MOBA
so LoL devs should get a cut of all sales
What made him mad? Competition? Doubt it would put a dent in his player base.
it's not him, it's the gooks
their minds just can't understand the concept of freedom
He's said in multiple interviews he doesen't take credit for it, the statement was made by the company that he's publishing the game with
Op's just being a faggot to bait idiots
>PLAYERUNKNOWN takes epic to court
>judge and jury have no idea about videogames
>PLAYERUNKNOWN proves he invented battle royale
>epic has to cease and desist
>other publishers suddenly start suing competing developers left and right
>end of videogames as we know it
>only 1 game left in each genre
it's a can of worms
Halo invented FPS so everyone should be sued for copying them.
I like this scenario.
>Look, I don’t claim ownership. So, it’s a last-man standing deathmatch. That’s been around since people could pick up clubs and hit each other. I would never claim ownership over that. The ever decreasing circle – I couldn’t program squares like it is in the Battle Royale movie. The code for doing squares that shrink, I just couldn’t do it because I wasn’t a very good coder, right? So I moved it an ever decreasing circle that sort of moved around inside itself, because that’s how I could do it. I don’t even claim ownership on that. These are old ideas. I love to see what the genre has created. It’s various versions on something that I guess I popularised, you know? The idea itself is not mine.
You'd actually be surprised how much research judges will put into things, and civil disputes rarely ever make it to a jury.
Sup Forums, how long until this piece of shit game dies?
They literally copied a game mode in H1Z1. How the fuck are they claiming they invented it?
nice bait
chinese developer not so tough after getting their game bootlegged for once
Imagine if Blizzard tried legal action against Paladins and Lawbreakers
fornite is better
>Bluehole tries to litigate
>Epic pulls their license and they can't sell the game anymore on Steam
>Bluehole just whines about it more
>Probably will end up pushing people to Fortnite's version if it ends up being any good
It's kind of a lose lose for them
They'd get their shit slapped in. Capcom in the '90s couldn't pull it off; you think Blizzard's special?
PUBG isnt original in the least, its well made for what it is and genres it meshes together, but in games if you arent literally making exact same game it doesnt matter.
You mean Wolfenstein, right?
I hope quake gets bigger than I like qc now but wish the playerbase was bigger
did this ever happened to MOBA games?
>blizzard starts shit for devs stealing their ideas
>Games Workshop glances in their general direction
>sweating intensifies
Blizzard wouldn't dare open that pandora's box.
Yes, in a different way.
Blizzard tried to sue Valve for making Dota 2, because they considered Dota to be a Blizzard property since it was made in Warcraft 3's Map Creator and they were using names from Blizzard's lore.
I don't like Yee but he has a point and states his arguments clearly.
>released 2014
>started front perspective shooters
fucking newfags I swear
Delet bag is a nice girl and wouldn't get drunk
The worst part is that someone will think you're serious.
GW stole Zerg from Blizzard because their own Tyranid designs were shit, so they're even on that score.
>>judge and jury have no idea about videogames
We don't get the files right before the trial, silly. There's a lot of time to prepare and educate yourself on the subject. If you'd try to "just go with it" and show no knowledge whatsoever, you might as well just step down before the storm hits.
There's nothing worse than a judge with no credibility.
the stuff patent trolls have gotten away with makes it clear the courts have no idea about modern technology
i think pu made the first battle royale mod for arma
oh judges do notice eventually, the mill grinds slowly but finely, look up prenda law
There are iPhone games that pretty much rip off 99% of other games and there's not shit devs can do about it. How can you claim ownership over something as vague as a game type?
Oh look, a retarded faggot that makes assumptions and doesnt even bother doing 2 seconds of research. Heres an interview from some site. I would go to reddit if they weren't even more gay.
We use Unreal Engine to develop PUBG, and we pay a large amount of royalties based on the size of our success to Epic Games, and Epic Games always promoted their licensing models [saying] "We want to support the success indie developers", and [Bluehole is] this indie developer that has been the most successful one using the Unreal Engine this year, and that's the problem that I see.
So if, say, you had no real connection with Epic through the Unreal Engine, say you used another engine, or this battle royale mode was from some other company you don't have that connection with, it wouldn't be an issue? It's specifically because it's Epic and you licensed their engine, is that correct?
So, battle royale is just about last man standing, it's a simple game mode, and we're not claiming any kind of ownership over the game mode or genre itself, it's not for us to even comment. There were a lot of copycats in China and [in that] industry there is a lot of battle royale games that look exactly [the] same as ours, so we will definitely look into similarities if there are different products that are very similar to our game, but even before we actually looked deeper into how similar [Fortnite Battle Royale] is, we wanted to raise an issue because this is from Epic Games. We could be the biggest indie success story that they have and there will be other indie developers that aspire to succeed like us using Unreal Engine, and they would be concerned, right? So we just wanted to raise an issue and let people know that it can be a problem.
excuse me but i've watched a ton of court drama shows so i think I know a *little* more than you, ok sweetie?
>sold more than anything
>early access
>boxes with micro transactions
No blizzard is playing the safe game.
they can't risk loosing their reputation(on a general sense, regardless of how shit you think blizzard is as a company) if the issues don't post a significant problem to their player base and sale
They would in turn get raped by Team Fortress 2 dev
You forget that epic is own by Tencent.
Yeah THAT TENCENT, so in theory even if the judge know nothing about video game, they still be drown out by the cash and an army of lawyer from a hundred billion dollar conglomerate.
It's not that "hard" to become a judge after finishing law school, it takes a long time and practice before you're eventually allowed to (in my case it was 9 years in total).
Your game sold millions, it's wildly more popular than any battle royal game before it. Big companies will try and cash in on the success, welcome to big time game development, dumb cunt.
retard alert
Bluehole expected to make billions of dollars from their console release. But Fortnite is releasing on consoles first and is going to be f2p so bluehole is now fucked. Especially since they just advertised that fortnite is exactly the same thing for epic
I'm not them, thanks for stating the obvious no one is mad about that, you shit smearing retard.
>I'm not them
No shit, dumby.
sure you are user
I bet they won't be so quick to ban players now lol
>another judgebro on Sup Forums
I thought I'd never find one. District Court of Queensland, Australia here.
why would a judge browse Sup Forums
that's a bit hypocritical don't you think?
You get to preview future court cases.
>that's a bit hypocritical don't you think?
That never occurred to me. Why would it be?
Pic related.
>why would a judge browse Sup Forums
Same reason why anybody else browses? Because they discovered it at some point and there's enough topics of their interest to keep them around.
>Microsoft vs Tencent
I wouldn't want to be in the crossfire tbqh
lmao Epic would fucking bury Bluehole. They have no case which why is why they're afraid. They have no recourse to stop Epic from implementing mass multiplayer features into UE4 and from developing Fortnite.
Fortnite needs to fail purely because it SJW pandered with it's characters.
fuck off retard. you're a law student roleplaying as a judge, thats really sad.
how the fuck is that hypocritical
I thought Fortnite was a Horde-based game? When did it switch to battle royal?
>PLAYERUNKNOWN proves he invented battle royale
But he can't
>law student uses internet when a law student
>continues to use internet after being admitted
>continues to use internet after being appointed
Precisely. As you said, that scenario leaves out two crucial aspects.
>Tencent (one of the richest gaming companies of all time if I recall correctly) owns Epic Games
>PUBR uses UE4, meaning if they sue, Epic would breach their contract, thus PUBR would have to essentially completely rebuild their game from scratch after finding a new engine.
I believe something somewhat similar did happen before, didn't some small developer sue Epic and lose horribly, with the judge ordering them to destroy any unsold games?
The more I hear about this fiasco the more I want to play this Fortnite game
here's the thing: you shouldn't be hating on playerunknown for this, instead you should be hating on the developer (bluehole)
they're the guys with the money and therefore are making the shots
sure, playerunknown might be in charge of designing the gameplay/etc., but that does not grant him the rights to make financial decisions
the thing that sucks about this is he's the PR face of the game, meaning he takes both flack and praise for any decision the developer makes (and this thread is further proof to that)
so yeah, if you're going to hate on someone - direct your hate towards Bluehole, not playerunknown
>t. someone who has worked in the game industry for 3 years
xo is worse than Sup Forums tbpqh
don't lie. you hope to god nobody ever finds out what you browse at home
Sup Forums is still known as the 'CP and hax' site to most people.
But even the actual content is questionable. like the 'hat in time' threads full of pics of the loli protag in a skimpy swimsuit eating tons of ice cream is sure to raise some eyebrows in your environment
>it ends up being any good
It's not, just uninstalled, the gameplay feels like shit.
>hurr pubg shill
Never played pubg, just played this because i received an invite for trying their other shit game, paragon, some months ago.
>>PLAYERUNKNOWN takes epic to court
>>judge and jury have no idea about videogames
>>PLAYERUNKNOWN proves he invented battle royale
All EPIC has to do is show to the stupid jury who don't know anything about the video game industry that they are the creators of the engine that Bluehole is profiting from with PUBG, and the jury will laugh at Bluehole's face.
Mmm, well yes and no. It's hardly the most scandalous thing a judge or lawyer will ever have been caught doing. It's not even illegal. And it's not like anyone can browse the internet and not be harassed by porn ads - J-List is pretty tame in comparison.
I wouldn't bring it up in company but I think that anyone who knew I browsed Sup Forums wouldn't do more than raise their eyebrows. People in the legal profession tend to have a pretty open mind, and understand that the news never reports anything accurately.
I don't like PLAYERUNKNOWN or his shitty game but why the fuck does Sup Forums have such a hard on for hating this game that they will flat lie and parrot lies over and over?
He is unhappy that Fortnite used PUBG in their advertisements. They used PUBG to advertise Fortnight and didn't ask Bluehole if it was okay to do that first. It has nothing to do with who invented what.
Why the fuck do you faggot little kids feel the need to lie about everything?
>PUBG invented Battle Royale
>user parrots lies on Sup Forums and pretens PU claims he invented Battle Royale
I seriously doubt PUBG would even exist today if not for systems implemented in UE4 over the years by the Fortnight team. The fucking game is made with a ton of asset store shit. You could probably clone the game and there isnt a damn thing they could do about it
>pretends PU claims he invented Battle Royale
Not him but I think you miss reading comprehension.
No one calims PUBG invented Battle Royale but the devs surely act like if they OWNED THE FUCKING CONCEPT for some reason because they made a crappy implementation or two.
>he claims terraria is a copycat of minecraft
>terraria came out first
my almonds
I just dont believe anyone who isnt a complete idiot would ever browse Sup Forums
Game is popular, normies like it and is a popular stream game, it's Sup Forums's the holy trinity of reasons to hate a game.
Did it?
If this was 2002 id believe this
Epic self burn mate.
You're completely right of course about everyone but me.
It was technically out for 2 years before Terraria, though only finalized in late 2011.
The concept and beta were there during the time of Terraria's release.
I literally do not believe you for half a second. You might have fooled the rest of these retards, but not for one fucking second do I think that any of the DC judges i've been in front of would ever use Sup Forums.
yeah you're defs a law student lol
hows that embarrassing power trip going? i bet you go to UQ
Don't forget the "alt-right" association
>Taking Tencent to court
good luck
Not him, just random user butting in in your 'conversation' and making you paranoid whether it's a samefag or not.
Silicon Knights sued Epic claiming UE3 was unfinished (despite every other dev using UE3 easily pushing out games)
SK lost the case.
Epic discovered SK took UE3 code for their own 'engine' and simply deleted the copyrights, epic sued and won.
SK actually stole code, that's why they're blacklisted from the engine.
PU suing Epic might not be big enough for them to be blacklisted.
Why would this be a problem and not the fact that they're now working on this while fortnite isn't even finished yet
And this is besides the fact that it's intensely pay 2 progress
>Implying the map island isnt just a huge arena
If you could tell from someone's courtroom conduct that they browse Sup Forums how do you think they would have ever made judge in the first place?
Any information I could give to you to prove I am who I say am would make identifying me trivially easy, and I don't feel any particular need to prove anything to you anyway. I find it amusing that you, a solicitor or barrister - I assume - see nothing at all odd or strange about using the internet like any other normal person, but the concept of someone else not too distant from yourself doing the exact same thing is inconceivable.
Regardless, I don't want to make figuring out which judge I am your personal mission for the afternoon so I won't post again.
That wasn't me.
I remember a judge getting prison time for masturbating during court and using a penis pump. Now THAT judge browses Sup Forums.
>front perspective shooter
I kek'd
>I remember a judge getting prison time for masturbating during court and using a penis pump
>the jury has been entertained by both a defence attorney and prosecutor indulging in "pantomime masturbation" and a former juror in Thompson's court identifying the sound of the pump because "he had seen such devices in Austin Powers and Dead Man on Campus".
>Foster further testified that during a 2002 trial, she heard the pump "during the emotional testimony of a murdered toddler's grandfather". She continued: "The grandfather was getting real teary-eyed, and the judge was up there pumping on that pump. It was sickening."
>When challenged by defense attorney Clark Brewster that the penis pump was "an out-of-date treatment for erectile dysfunction", Dakil asserted: "I still use those." After a suitable pause, Brewster enquired: "Not you, personally?" to which Dakil responded to jury laughter: "No. I recommend those as a urologist."
There have been games with large maps and sole survivor gameplay around for many years though