What do you think about this game?
What do you think about this game?
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Pretty fun.
Nails the early 90s simple CGI look in a lot of minigames.
Not bad. Though ever since playing Twisted, all the games that came after it made me feel like they're lacking. Twisted is the peak of the series.
I love it but a few minigames feel really buggy to me with the motion detection.
Mortar and pestle mini games were the ones I struggled with generally. You definitely had to get in a mindset of how to cheese the controls in those mini games compared to other types which felt felt much more natural.
Good game overall. Fuck Nintendo for being such cunts and not putting out a proper Wario Ware game since this.
Really great. Perfect party game. The fact that you can pass the wiimote around to like 10 people playing at the same time is an awesome feature. Been playing this game for 10 years.
It's fun, but the motion controls end up fucking you up when the speed picks up because they don't fucking track as fast as the game demands.
That, and some motions are stupidly unreliable and depend a great deal on luck and if the game decides to pick up your movement or not.
probably the worst warioware until the wiiu one
the ideas of the gameplay felt primitive, and the need to have a tutorial for every "type" of game shows that they couldn't develop the idea far enough for it to be intuitive like it is in the other ww games
one or two of the types just didn't work right for me sometimes, don't remember which
I still liked it a lot, but its by far my least replayed wario game
I hate that you have to do that though because there's no multi controller multiplayer. And that it doesn't pause the game between players.