just started this thing, caught a freaking 93.
what am i in for?
any tips? no spoilers...
Just started this thing, caught a freaking 93
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Savescum, this game requires it since there are too many ways you can get insta game over, at least later on and in BG2.
BG1 is slow as shit and not as interesting, keep playing to get to BG2, it's worth it.
thats the plan. didnt want to start with bg2 and then go to the 1st one and not like it as much as i could...
>inb4 ee sucks because muh modded microshit
Get a thief and pump detect traps and open locks too.
eh, i started a simple fighter for 1st time. this is my first crpg really, only remotely similar thing ive played is the kotor duology.
that being said, is the HEY ITS ME EVELYN chick from beggining worth keeping? her stats seem decent enough...
You misunederstand. You can have a thief companion and Imoen is one. Feel free to keep her, she won't leave you whether you're good or evil unlike most npcs who have alignments.
You want your squishy characters to use ranged weapons like bows, darts, slings. Sooner or later you will also need to learn how to micro your team with pause.
useful stuff, thanks
>any tips?
Read spell description
1 round is six second, 1 turn is 10 round
Bows are the best
yeah i heard some stuff about that, thanks for clarifying
You want AC and THAC0 to be as small as you can make them.
In BG1, mages should be mostly equipped with save-or-else spells (eg sleep, web, horror) as most enemies are very succeptable and most of the damage spells scale with level from a fairly measly base. The only exception is magic missile which has a very short casting time, making it ideal for interrupting enemy mages when you can't rely on your characters to hit anything regularly.
Ranged weapons should be equipped on everyone considering for your first couple of levels, all your characters can go from 100% to 0 hp incredibly quickly.
There is no real rush to follow the main questline so don't be afraid to explore and make sure to talk to NPCs for side quests. There are no ! marks on the map to tell you who is a questgiver and who isn't. Drinking at bars can give you hints as to where to find sidequests though.
There is however a bit of a rush on many of the companion quests as some (all?) will abandon you if you take too long to complete them.
you're cute user
Asking here, I got the EE ages ago on Steam but I've read it has problems and some SJW bullshit too.
Should I play original with trilogy mod instead?
I was rolling for my character a few hours ago as well. I managed to land a 96 on a cleric/mage which is pretty cool. I didn't keep the stats this way, of course.
people say the original with mods is better, but really it doesnt matter that much afaik.
if you dont mind spending a while fiddling with the damn mods, go ahead and mod the originals. if you just wanna play the game for the 1st time play the damn ee.
none of the changes will even matter to a first time player either way...
The EE versions are pretty much untouched as far as content besides the addition of a few new companions and it will proudly tell you which ones they are so you can pretty easily avoid them after their forced dialogues. Just don't bother with Siege of Dragonspear as that one was made exclusively by Beamdog and is the source of the SJW bullshit complaints.
EE is worth it for Neera alone desu
The most annoying character in the entire series. It's amazing how in SoD they make her even more putrid.
>playing SoD
why does baldur's gate hate spears
Because D&D hates spears and never implemented them well in 2E.