The only good Donkey Kong platformer is Tropical Freeze. The 3DS port of Returns is decent

The only good Donkey Kong platformer is Tropical Freeze. The 3DS port of Returns is decent.
The SNES games are obnoxiously designed and rely entirely on spectacle. They're no better than the fast food mascot games.

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Fuck off Miyamoto

I'm sorry but I don't not agree with the thought process behind your opinion, and am going to call it shit and state a much better opinion
All good games

Were you two born before 1996?

I was born on 1996 actually

TF > 2 > 3 > 1 > Returns > DK64

Do not mention DK 64 that game is a joke

it still counts user

They just fill the SNES void of the "Way too hard" platformer since you can't tell where anything is thanks to the garbage experimental graphics

It's too hot today for me to be bothered to tell you why you're wrong.

So I'm just going to call you a faggot.

Tropical Freeze is too linear.

DKC2 and 3 were jammed packed with features and full of secrets.

They also looked and sound better than Tropical Freeze.

I'm sorry but I don't David Wise understands his own appeal. Tropical Freeze is nothing like the best tracks on DKC and DKC2.

DK64 is kino you absolute pleb

Screenshots of DKC look good.
The sprites are at such random perspectives that they're impossible to play.

>Says the SNES games rely entirely on spectacle
>Literally every level in TF has something going on in the background and the camera feels like a retard is holding it.

I'm sorry to tell you this user, but you're just plain stupid.

Fuck off


The best DKC game is the first one.

2 > TF > 1 > R > 3

Returns is the worst, even worse than 64. I can't compreehend how come people say that DKC3 is the worst of them all, honestly

try playing the 3DS version

The SNES games are solid. While they aren't mind blowing they aren't offensive. While they are highly overrated they aren't shovelware.

>I have no strong opinions on anything
fuck off, the SNES games are amazing, some of the best platformers of all time

I fucking did, bought it day one, but it only felt that it was a slight improvement over the original, while at the same time still being worse than all games from the SNES trilogy

No, I have a strong opinion that they aren't good or bad and I already know how this riles up SNES fanboys/Rare ones. They are fairly basic and not as interesting, even a series that carried platformers awhile such as the Mario series is just more enjoyable than the SNES Donkey Kong Country games.

DKC2 is on par with WarioLand 4, Sonic 1 and Gex1 for the best 2D platformer ever made

So you like games with infinite lives, thats cool, so do I
Some people do like games with limited lives though. No need to hate on everything about the game just because they frustrate you

The original trilogy is great (yes including 3 you fucks), with 2 being a masterpiece

Tried Returns on both Wii and 3DS, couldn't really get into it and didn't like how jumping felt

I've heard great things about TF, I hope it comes to Switch