You could have stopped it Sup Forums

You could have stopped it Sup Forums
stopped EVERYTHING from happening.

Short of literally murdering 99.99% of videogame consumers, no, we could not have.

Unfortunately, this. The majority of consumers love having companies violate them. Even with platforms like steam which aren't the worst thing in the world, people will be blind to them doing something really stupid because LE GABEN XD,

I dont even understand how they were able to get away with it. it failed before on steam but now magically people are fine with it. its the consolefags isnt it?

Creation club will be successful despite the outcry, Sonybros will buy since it's all they have.

Im pretty sure it was universally shat on, especially here though I wouldn't know since I was on Sup Forums

Horse armour failed
Steam mods failed
Creation club on PC is failing

It probably is consolefags

Sort of, people have been making a much bigger fuss than I thought they would, but Bethesda definitely set things in motion with the Xbox mods for a year. Now that the console audience is getting used to the idea, they can sell it to them. Not much PCfags can do except pirate their mods.

Horse armour was a bad joke from day 1

There's a reason people have been hoping in vain for a video games crash for years

Who else. Of course it's the console fags.

Fuck you, my horse needed armour and Todd needed a new car, everyone won.

If it wasn't horse armor it would be something else. Bethesda didn't create the DLC market, they just discovered it.


There was a time when people ridiculed business practices like that.

Of course it's the consolefags. The whole reason DLC picked up in the first place was because it got easier to connect a console to the internet so they could set up an online store.


Bethesda is aiming for profits.
Mods are potential profits.
People don't like to pay for mods because the content is not worth the price
It's a mutual disagreement.

Is it bad that I really wanted horse armour? I mean I wasn't going to pay for it, but I really wanted, needed it, back then.

>At one point horse armour was the premier example of shitty DLC
>Now it's the baseline

>microtransactions used to mean 0.99 or less
>now it means 5.99 or more

Being around long enough to watch the world lower its expectations so much that things which led to Nixon getting impeached are now part of our legal system for 15 years and there are kids browsing Sup Forums right now who have never know a world without the patriot act. There are kids alive right now who have never known video games without dlc. There are kids alive right now who will never read this post and who will never question why older players are so fucking jaded about vidya when everything else is so bloated with positivity

>When modders say they trust bethesda's good will

Bethezzy will never get $1 from me after Skyrim. Yea I bought it for $10 on sale. Never bought 4. Never will. I torrented 4 and quit after diamond city. Its so shit of a game I wouldn't even buy it if it was $5.

Skyrim 2 will not get my money. Fallout 5 will not get my money.

I will never pay for a mod in my life.

Bethesda will make millions, but their fortune will never have anything to do with me.

>People don't like to pay for mods because the content is not worth the price

You mean "some" people dont like to pay for mods. This shit is here to stay.

I bought this recently

A rare few mods are something I would actually pay for like Enderal for Skyrim or the RE4HD Project

Horse armor didn't fail. Despite the outcry, plenty of people bought it.

first post truth post

If I could go back I would literally give 40-60 bucks to the RE4HD project and just pirate the Steam port. That's not to discount the effort the new pc port took but two to three fans have did the back breaking work for an entire studio (literally; THEY TRAVELED THE COUNTRYSIDE TO GET NEW SOURCES OF THOSE TEXTURES)

Budget be damned

>buy GOTY edition off Steam
>get this with it
>never use it
Thanks Todd, but no thanks.

I'm still gonna donate them something once they get the environments finalized, but seriously I wish never paid capcom a cent for half-assing that aspect of the Steam port.


*Komm susser Todd starts playing*

The thumbnail looks like the horse is BRAAAAPPPPPPPPPP

>The "Sup Forums has all the power in the world" meme again.

Gamer entitlement.

Horse armour may have failed, but now useless cosmetic DLC is the fucking norm.
Paid mods may have failed on steam, but it's only a matter of time before someone manages to market it successfully

you mean pcbro entitlement