You literally cannot justify this

You literally cannot justify this.
Every single person knows that A is the first and therefore highest letter in the alphabet, then B, then C. If you want to act an extra tier of excellency, you just move all the letters down one to make A that new top tier, and make the next one A, then B, then C. Or at least A+ or something.

Nobody in their right mind would think "S" comes before "A"

What the fuck is wrong with Nips?

Other urls found in this thread:

@ comes before A

S stands for Super/Special.

Sorry that your autistic mind can't understand that things don't always have to be in order.

enough said

S is for Super


It comes from Japanese grading styles. Where westerners would usually write "A+" to indicate the highest grade possible, the Japanese would use "S". The S comes from the word "shuu" which stands for "excellent" in Japanese.

it's just a japanese thing that's meant to mean "the best" grade

doesn't matter idiot

>putting A above all others
>not going Z>S>A>B>C
Mongrels like you should not be allowed to live. S is fow "super/special", Z is for style.

that's bullshit but I believe it

How does he know the meaning of S in kryptonian when he's been on earth since an infant?

That's crap.

In Japan there are only two grades. A+ and Seppuku.

I thought "shu" means death?


he's like those chad dudebro douchebags that get some random chinese tattoo and say its a "symbol for fire" or some shit

What does the X stands for ? when things like X>S>A>B>C happens


i believe that's shi, not shu

That Shi, nigger

No way!


And they say it's impossible to gain any knowledge from Sup Forums.


>Look up character in a game
>They're A Tier
>That must mean they're one of the best-
>There's an A+ tier, S tier, SS tier, SSS tier and SSS+ tier
>Lowest tier is B tier

I agree with OP this shit needs to stop.

>SSS+ Tier
what game


The current Melee tier list caps at SS for just Fox, doesn't it?


V > A > B > C > D

Stop posting Tumblr gifs

Back to sleep, Joe