Anyone else feel like game graphics have become stagnant?

Anyone else feel like game graphics have become stagnant?

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I hope so, maybe we can start focusing on the gameplay again

What am I looking at here?

Obvious shitpost, but polygon count hasn't increased dramatically, rendering capability and lighting has.

One renders at 30 frames per second while the other does at one frame per hour.

You're comparing realtime with renders.

I feel like your IQ has gone stagnant

No, plenty of companies just refuse to put in the effort to make it look top notch, on account of the fact that enough consumers don't give a shit. If massive companies in 2017 could get away with selling games that look like they're from 1992, you bet your fucking ass that 90% of them would.

A thread about to go to shit.

AKA, KH thread on Sup Forums.

>at one frame per hour

it's longer than that, surely?