Racism happened. That's reality. The game doesn't push politics. It's just a revenge story...

Racism happened. That's reality. The game doesn't push politics. It's just a revenge story. The protagonist's vilified as fuck. The game talks about how he's as bad as the people he murders. Lincoln's vengeance wouldn't be possible without his educated white friend. Two fags fuck in the background. One bitch is a dyke. Big fucking deal. Fags exist. Just look at Sup Forums. The game's solid. Stop being a triggered female over trivial bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Racism happened/type/op/


Tfw this would have been so much better if it was open world guided your path like Mafia 2. The long drive between missions really killed the pacing. The 2nd two DLCs were both solid as fuck tho.


>series about italian mobsters
>let's add a black American!

OP here. I like the driving. It's chill. Fuck the collectibles, though. Fucking garbage. The races are gay as well. I love the combat, though. You gotta play on Hard. Shit's solid as fuck.

Oh look it's this thread again.

I'm not buying your shitty game, fuck off.

Niggers I swear.


Shooting in the game is fun at least. Enemies die pretty quick, the guns pack a punch and feel impactful