[Intelligence] You're a computer

[Intelligence] You're a computer

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[Medicine] Fuck off meatbag


[Tfw to intelligence] Video games are shit

brains are just biological computers

free will is just an illusion

we don't play life but life simply plays us, the reactions in our brain that cause our thinking are simply physical reactions governed by laws of physics, not our consciousness, that's to say that our conscious self stems from physics and therefore we can't be in control

[Speech 100] umm, no sweetie

[Intelligence] Fun is just a buzzword.

Brain isn't computer if brains invented computer

>free will is just an illusion

Machines can't build machines?

Would two identical universes remain identical? That's to say would the beings live their lives the same in both universes? Maybe, we don't understand quantum mechanics well enough to answer that.

If you had an infinitely powerful computer, could you simulate the future? That's to say simulate what every being will do.

[Charisma] cuck

[Perception 10] The computer is off.

[Age 14/18] Wow! That was really deep!

All your choices stem from chemical reactions in your brain. Reaction happen outside of your control, they're physical reactions in the physical world following the rules of the world.

[intelligence] alt right is a psyop to discredit conservative views the same way white supremacy was a ciapsyop to discredit nationalism. Sup Forums is a honeypot.

This really fucked me up when I was fourteen years old and my philosophy teacher brought it up.

>If you had an infinitely powerful computer, could you simulate the future? That's to say simulate what every being will do.
but would it simulate a future where the future has been simulated?


how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

>[Intelligence - Success]. Your computer

talos principle revolves around this philosophical problem and also around weather a machine can be truly conscious or just appear to be conscious.

[Intelligence] da galagsy noodz wadio

[Strength] Up your ass

[enlightened] we wuz kangz

>Le Behaviorist/Identity theory meme
Functionalism masterrace reporting in. Who knows if mental states have physical properties?

if our mental state stems from our brain then it has physical properties, I think

if the universe is deterministic then we are slaves of determinism, who knows, quantum shit and all

If you shoot someone in the head their mental state changes, our consciousness seems to come from the brain, a physical thing.