>Makes an empire based on using low technology
>Needs an autodoc (high tech) to help with his brain cancer
>Makes an empire based on using low technology
>Needs an autodoc (high tech) to help with his brain cancer
were they anarchoprimitivists?
This is one of the most poorly written characters in any Fallout game. Romans were always advancing and valued technology.
>Make a democracy
>First two democratically elected rulers are the creator and the creator's daughter
>His daughter was elected in a landslide for decades
>The senate did whatever she wanted
Nothing wrong with this. You want a leader who doesn't punish with an iron fist like a cuck? Go with NCR.
If any of you paid attention he tells you all of that would change once he aquired vegas.
He's not a roman and is perfectly aware that his legion is more of a barbaric horde than anything else. That's why he needs to conquer Vegas and the NCR; to craft a proper roman empire with its very own Rome and people capable of running it.
Besides; firearms and other high tech stuff is kept away from a majority of the Legion to make sure the lower ranks know their place. They should not possess the power to usurp their superiors.
All that said; the Legion can't last, and Caesar made a huge mistake building it around himself. He's run out of time.
It's not because she was his daughter, but because TANDI A CUTE!!
The guy was an actual larper, not a roman.
>The most knowledge he had of Caesar and the Roman Empire was from centuries old burnt out books
Isnt it basic knowledge that the point of Legion is not to last, but to be like Rome: Large conquered area which fell and formed smaller but more coherent societies.
Hes all about future, and he wants to become the Caesar he adored: one to set all into motion
He knows that, he wants to crash agaisn't the NCR and have the winner absorb the loser.
Isn't that the actual joke, that his followers believes that he's strong and untouchable yet he's actually dying inside
>Real life caesar had epileptic fits and often had migraines
>In game caesar has migraines and brain cancer
woah... he really did become the GVIVS JVLIVS CVESVR
Caesar doesn't want the legion to fall; he wants it to turn into the Roman Empire as it conquers its own Rome (Vegas) and a real nation (NCR). He is aware that the Legion in its current state could never last. He's got an incomplete picture of history, but he's not an idiot.
>wanting to be pushed around like dirt by cruel leader who punishes you
I think you're the real cuck here
Still better than the Republic of Dave
At least he knows that the world needs purging to fix it.
Tyrants are just dishonest criminals on a high horse
just dumping these pictures for those that havent seen them
>never get to romance tandi
>wanting to romance a girl that's been RAIDED
Going to be waiting a long time for that to happen.
>popped stealth boy
>killed benny from other side of casino with sniper rifle
>after they gave up looking for the culprit I walked up to them
>there's the high roller x4
>they never leave the casino
>anytime I go near them
>there's the high roller .ogg
>Rangers, this is the Chief. I know I can ramble on sometimes, but I need you to listen close for the next minute or so. I got some bad news. I messed up, made a mistake. I thought I could help us get out of here, but it didn't work out. Rangers get injured all the time, it's part of the job. But if you lose a few fingers, get a bad break, that's it. You step down. We rely on each other too much to let our infirmities become a liability. A ranger knows when it's time. Only I didn't. Somewhere along the way, something broke inside me. I couldn't find us a way out of this desert. I wrestled with it, and it took me down a dark road. I wish I could explain it to you. The old chief's finally at a loss for words. Send me all the Legion you can; I'll be waiting for them
Name one leader of NCR that wasn't.
This is the best moment for a Legion playthrough. Nothing gives you more sympathy for, or more conviction against, your enemy.
>Caesar is the only one of the Legion to swear; all other members do not swear whatsoever.
Is swearing part of his master plan?
>Fallout: Shill Vegas thread again
Fuck off back to /vg/, cunts
/vg/ is for dead games/dead series
Sup Forums is for active, new games that can be discussed at length,
>dude you know how to end this conflict I'm sabotaging my side
>oh wait it just takes longer for everybody in this conflict I'll sabotage them more
>boohoo I was too retarded to step down or realize what the Legion would've done in the long run and how it would've crippled the NCR
What a retard.
We have*
Idk what point you're trying to make
What was his endgame?
Hanlon did absolutely nothing wrong. It was the dumbfucks hsu and Oliver with their retarded strategy of throwing as many green army men at the enemy who has more numbers rather using ranger strategy that works and won them the first fight. Even going so far as putting the rangers in the front lines when they're special ops scouting and support, not soldiers.