Are you going to buy the greatest shooter ever made?
Are you going to buy the greatest shooter ever made?
when it comes to PC
>there will never be a splatoon/SK crossover event where flat little woomies fight the busty SK girls
When it comes to Switch so I can be a bigger degenerate
Not paying full price for a titty game.
Does this game have nudity or is it just swim wear and lewd innuendo?
Sadly, never
>comes to PC
>masterace players create mods adding full frontal nudity with tits inflated to the size of a Jupiter moons
>SJW goes completely apeshit, blaming Parade Games and Marvelous USA for sexism, racism, objectifing and shit
>so called "gaming journalist" shits on them too, causing massive PR damage (because they are retards, but other retards with power read their crap and believe it)
>PC port is removed from the market
Waiting for sick gameplay webms.
It looks hype but I want to be convinced it actually is and
>Console shooter
>No gyro or mouse support
Nah, I'm worried the gameplay is complete shit in an irredeemable way
I'll just wait for the burst PS4 port and hope they fixed EVs gameplay