Been on a mission to play all of the main titles in the series
Just bought pic related
What am I in for?
Been on a mission to play all of the main titles in the series
Corridor > cutscene > Corridor > cutscene Corridor > cutscene > suddenly a bit chalenging fight that will caught you off guard.
Looks and sounds good tho
man this box art sucks
So same as all the old FFs.
So terrible that they did it for its two sequels
Pretty much this.
I really liked the battle system though.
No, not even close. Other FF's allowed even a little bit of deviation.
I kinda agreed with that but then I remembered that every single FF has terrible boxart - at least after VI.
VII-XV all have terrible cover art.
I liked to imagine that I was part of the group and we would be camping together in tents while on Pulse and me and Vanille would be in the same tent and she would take her boots off and her feet would smell and she would giggle shyly but I would say it's okay but secretly be masturbating furiously to the smell