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same but only figuratively fucking coo coo

Paper Mario fans need to shut the fuck up already and just play Mario and Luigi instead. Nintendo doesn't want two separate Mario RPG series doing the exact same shit so you're never going to get the TTYD rehash you so desperately crave.


OP, I know how you feel but just give it up. Tanabe & crew are just going to keep experimenting with this series with boring NPCs, all we can do it hope the next gameplay style they come up with is at least better than SS/CS at the very least.

>just play Mario and Luigi instead
Speaking of this, how is the remake? I haven't played the original since it came out and have been thinking about going through it recently, but I'm worried about them making an already pretty easy game easier. Would I be better off just playing the original on my GBP?

>how is the remake?
It's okay, surprisingly only the Toads and the Koopas on the Koopa Cruiser got the generic treatment. Otherwise it's the original designs in the DT/PJ style.

>I'm worried about them making an already pretty easy game easier.
That's relegated to a "last resort" easy mode for when you die, like in Dream Team.

I've always wondered why Kawade got shafted from Paper Mario, like how does one go from Paper Mario to literal Paper Fire Emblem?

coo coo
more like
poo poo

i feel you

Don't feel me too much, that'd be gay


>next Paper Mario is announced
>it's a return to the RPG formula, but PM64's rather than TTYD's
>only allowed to use locations and characters from Odyssey, none of the OC races from the originals
how would you feel

Paper Mario was first, Mario and Luigi should be the ones to get their shit fucked up.

Good enough

Mario and Luigi is a handheld series so it has the advantage since that's all Japan gives a shit about.

Would there be unique characters done out of the Oddysee races and people, or do you mean they literally had to be a defined character from Odyssee?

Neither series should get fucked up, they both offer different experiences. Hell, even how one executes Action Commands are generally different since Paper Mario has a variety of mini-games of sorts to do along with blocking that generally still damages you later down the line where as M&L are all about pressing A & B to dodges attacks completely with the only different form of inputs are entirely on Bros. Attacks. That's not even putting into consideration partners, badges, the 3D environment/overworld as opposed to the top-down 2D-esque one M&L has going for it and non-gameplay-esque things like characters, the world & tone.

Does that really matter now with how Sticker Star was on the 3DS and how the Switch can double as both a home & portable console?

RIP geno

Unique characters and party members based on the Odyssey races/characters

did they include a boss rush like in the other games?

Yes because Sticker Star was a flop while Mario and Luigi consistently sells well. Let it go. Nintendo isn't interested in having two near identical Mario RPG series. Paper Mario has to do something different, like Mario X Rabbids did, in order to justify its existence. An ARPG seems like a logical way to do that, I'm not sure why they haven't gone back to the Super Paper Mario style, that game would have been perfect if it had better level design and art.

yeah, that'd be alright.

>did they include a boss rush like in the other games?

Nobody knows, people who downloaded the leak couldn't find one.

>everyone ONLY posts the Koops and Toads when talking about the remake instead of fair images like this

No, all extra effort went into minion mode
main mode is pretty much the same with upgraded graphics

there better be one, no reason not to since the enemies show their levels like in paper jam

Is this still worth playing through?

I looked and I couldn't find one, they even had a perfect place in the Little Fungitown arcade for it but didn't even bother to use it.

That image was only really made yesterday since I posted a shitload of screenshots of the game.

>>everyone ONLY posts the Koops and Toads when talking about the remake
That's what happens with every Sup Forums smear campaign: Take the worst thing about it and blow it out of proportion. Just look at Mario Odyssey. The minute New Donk was shown people were already spamming pics of it and calling the game "Mario 06".

I did a quick test of the beginning of both, and I can't remember well enough, but did they add an extra bounce to Mario's initial attack or is the GBA timing just a lot tighter? I'm only doing 2 to Bowser on GBA while pressing the button, but 4 on 3DS due to double bounce and I'm not sure if I'm the one fucking up or not. If they upped the damage output, were stats changed in the long run to compensate for that?


>that game would have been perfect
>anywhere close to perfect
Your logic is shit by the way, it's like saying nintendo isn't interested in having multiple mario platforming series even though they do. Paper Mario is different from M & L - PM is about input actions for turns and multiple partners to choose from. Of course they could also change it more without going the dogshit SPM route (yet another Mario platformer).

it is the only one just for me

The humans do look out of place, it's not a good style. They should be more cartoony, after all Mario is human and he clashes with them. But I get what you're saying, it's like how people were sperging over samus returns about the counter mechanic.

Dude, just face reality, its over, Paper Mario is dead. Kingdom Battle was really fun, surprisingly had a good storyline, and has a very balanced and complicated battle system. Not saying it replaced it, but its the closest we are going to get towards having a good mario rpg besides the M&L series.

What is it with Nintendo RPGs and rabid, autistic, and overly negative fanbases? PMfags are no better than Pokefags at this point. At least the Mario platformers and Kart have sane people playing it

>The humans do look out of place, it's not a good style.
That's what I mean. To many (including me), New Donk just doesn't work well, nor does it look appealing, but even then, it shouldn't really bring down the overall quality of everything else. However, these rabid shitposters and TORtanic hunters make it seem that one area that doesn't look good means the game is instantly the worst thing ever, and the same thing happened to the Superstar Saga remake.

Does nintendo do any RPGs nowadays besides Pokemon and Mario and Luigi now?
that's why


They have Xenoblade now, but that's too anime.

I'm playing Paper Jam.

Do we hate it?


that's too bad, I thought it was okay so far. guess I'll uninstall

wait what

>Mario Kart
You're joking


>does Sup Forums hate something that isnt anime

>Yes because Sticker Star was a flop while Mario and Luigi consistently sells well.
Can you give a source for that? I don't know a super reliable site for sales but based on a Google search both series have sold consistently up until CS & Paper Jam. CS flopped & Paper Jam was even weak in sales (although not nearly as bad), otherwise both series have been going back & forth with what sells more (hell Sticker Star & Dream Team were really close apparently).

>Nintendo isn't interested in having two near identical Mario RPG series.
They're not that similar, I already gave a brief summary on how that's the case. But even then they could've expanded upon the original PM64/TTYD gameplay with new ideas that separated it even further from M&L without starting from scratch, it's what I would've wanted from the series after all, things should improve & change but you can go too far (or not far enough) in doing that on to the point where you alienate your fanbase (or if you don't go far enough, the series gets boring due to lack of originality).

>I'm not sure why they haven't gone back to the Super Paper Mario style, that game would have been perfect if it had better level design and art.
This would be my alternative, I enjoyed Super for what it was & it still had the Paper Mario-vibe to it but it could definitely be improved & expanded upon also. That or blend both the 3D worlds of classic games with Super's action-oriented combat or something.

>Let it go.
Tried, can't.

this """""guy""""" sound like Sup Forums incarnate

I love the first two Paper Mario games but damn are a lot of online fans fucking embarrassing.

I know that generally goes for any series but fuck.

Move on.

>Want to make a Paper Mario fan game
>Don't want to get shut down
>Even if I keep quiet until the full release, it getting taken down would be a tug on my heart strings

just make a fun game with the paper aesthetic and some good gameplay as a love letter to the series.

Make sure it doesn't feature Mario characters then. Then give a texture pack or something that lets the player apply all Mario changes back into the game.

>They're not that similar
Except they are, you can harp on minor differences all you want but in the end they're both following the Super Mario RPG formula to a T. This idea that they're so irreconcilable that one series couldn't fill both niches is laughable. The only really significant difference is that Paper Mario tends to have party members while M+L only has the brothers. But the only value "partners" have is what they add to the story and there's no reason you can't have important NPCs fill that same role in M+L. You sound like the people who try to differentiate between different varieties of COD, like Treyarch and Infinity Ward have some drastically different design philosophy when it's all near identical.

Paper Mario fans will never be happy because they've already decided to shit on every entry regardless of quality. Look at what was happening with CS pre-release, everyone was shitting on it from the moment it was revealed with nearly nothing known about it.

A new Paper aesthetic RPG is already in development in the form of the Paper Bugs game, I don't want to also take on the paper aesthetic my self unless I'm doing it in the form of a Paper Mario fangame.
I do have plans for my own Mario-RPG-esque RPG, but I was thinking a Paper Mario fangame would be a great way to not just make the sequel me and others want, but also a great way to build experience in making a RPG, especially of that style.
Maybe I'll cave and bite the bullet bill and just do it anyway, even if it's only just for experience.

Paper Mario's combat is slower than M&L and you can't dodge and has more customization with the badges and stuff
The story also gets more focus than the humor
or it used to be like this
I like both series but I really wish PM would go back to how it used to be
Also everyone saw from the CS trailer it was going to be sticker star 2 (even if it was slightly better)

And Fire Emblem and Ever Oasis, but PMfags don't care about what games are actually out that might be good, just that there isn't MUH TTYD2

Those aren't even turn based

Where the fuck is my Paper Luigi based off of Luigi's stories from TTYD?

Having shitty taste: the thread.

Paper Mario is dead. Get used to it.

There's no reason the M+L series can't have slower entries, or entries with more customization, or entries with more emphasis on story. These aren't major differences that make the approaches of the series completely incompatible, they're minor variations that can easily be absorbed under the different approaches of different entries of a single series.

>nintendo makes paper mario: the million year door
>all the characters in it are just standard versions of themselves with no outfits or personalities

>fire emblem
>not turn based
Just keep moving those goalposts, you whined Nintendo doesn't make enough RPGs, they make plenty, they just don't make the one specific series you have a hard on for in the one specific style you want.

The whole joke is that they were off screen and derivative. Not everything needs to be exploited into a full game. You're like one of those retards who think that every bowel movement Big Boss or Solid Snake had in the timeline needs to be extrapolated into a full game.

Some people don't like tile based strategy but like turn based battles


Good thing the Mario and Luigi series exists to cater to them.

must be if youre here

>Instead of Paper it's Cave Paintings

>Coo Coo

Mario platformers and Karts never dropped large portions of the gameplay mechanics like Paper Mario did several times. No shit people are going to whine and complain when a new game is almost exactly like the most widely hated game in the series

>Mario platformers never dropped large portions of the gameplay mechanics
They most certainly did. Play 64 and Sunshine, then play Galaxy 1 & 2 and 3D World. The latter games have merit, but they definitely dropped a lot of mechanics, they just made up for it with solid level design.

Seeing how they made the koopas in SSS remake be the generic ones and the toads, I doubt a new paper mario would be a good idea now
wouldn't even want a remake with how this is going, would like to see a VC release instead

worth watching until the end every time

This. All of the 3D platformers are great but Galaxy & onward took a different direction that even Nintendo acknowledges. It's also why there are so many threads with people torn with what 3D Mario style is better now, some hate the more linear approach of the Galaxy & 3D Land/World games, some prefer it over the sandbox nature of 64/Sunshine, it's also why so many are excited to see Odyssey possibly return to form. That being said it still somewhat supports the latter part of what says, those are just more successful since they're good games regardless.

It's more than just the TTYD style battle system.
-The plot/story
-The characters
-The gameplay
That all got thrown out in Sticker Star/Colour Splash.
I still think the TTYD battle style is still different enough from the Mario and Luigi games that it can evolve into a more unique and distinct style, the Sticker Star system is crap.

>I still think the TTYD battle style is still different enough from the Mario and Luigi games that it can evolve into a more unique and distinct style
This is what I want so bad, I feel the gameplay that's already in PM64 & TTYD could be expanded upon so much with new ideas & take any even more different route if they had creative enough people to work with it. Hell I would be alright with dropping/replacing some mechanics already there if needed to like the Super Guard or some shit if it means evolving the series, just don't do nearly as much as SS & CS did.

>Making 1:1 versions of the old characters
>Randomly deciding to change or flat out remove others

>all the fans need to shut up and play this genre similar but functionally different game unless you generalize
wew lad

>Caring about Nintendo and Mario
You're already full coo coo