Is there a non-porn game where you see a girl's vagina? We have seen tits, we have seen penises, but are vaginas unexplored territory?
Is there a non-porn game where you see a girl's vagina? We have seen tits, we have seen penises...
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Nah, pussies are off limits.
Watchdogs 2 for a bit.
Vaginas are too highpoly for console peasants. You need at least 30 000 polys with 8k textures
we live in politically charged times
showing a girl's cooter in some game would immediately sound the death knell for the company behind said game
Honey Select
Is this fully translated?
This. Games like GTAV get away with showing dicks, however showing tits has generated controversy and if they went full on and showed off a vag the regular groups of crybaby retards would throw a massive shitfit and call for the developers heads.
All of the parts are translated except for the parts that aren't.