Should I play Silent Hill 1?

Should I play Silent Hill 1?

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If you don't use perspective correction and the right settings don't even think about it

someone post the guide image, please

yes, of course.

Imagine if the fans could blow you off.
Imagine if Silent Hill had platforming.


Yes, although it isn't the best one in the series

Fuck perspective correction. Wobbly polygons is part of the experience.

It is for me.

that's nice

I want to play this game but thing is I'll be scared shitless

that's the fun of it, user

>Trying to count how many faces are on that cover

>Should I play Silent Hill 1?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Obviously you SHOULD play THE best, most essential Silent Hill and survival-horror game !

That guide's old.
Here's the very latest + the DL links:


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

Because some people report poor performance in SH1 using those emulation settings, here's the good ol' Pete's OpenGL 1.78 settings that should work smooth even on craptops.

>I want to play this game but thing is I'll be scared shitless
that's kinda the point of horror games, you know?
hell, I played this game for the first time when I was literally like 10-11 years old, and it was spooky as fuck. But I did bruteforce through it, all on my own, playing like 30 minutes at the time, keeping breaks often.

Later on, I have finished it some 40 times already. It's such a magnificent game.

>Yes, although it isn't the best one in the series
But it is?

>But it is?
I'm going to have to disagree

thanks man, I've been waiting for you to post this

Why do windmills and fans appear in the Otherworld? What do they signify?

>I'm going to have to disagree
How so?
SH1 > all the rest.

-Largest, most interesting and varied town sections.
-Best pacing out of the whole series; the slow beginning and Apartments in SH2 really grind people's gears.
-Great, varied major locations (School, hospital, sewers...)
-Better enemy and boss variation, all of 'em are fairly dangerous
-Nicely balanced difficulty, both action & puzzles.
-Scary as fuck, full of mindfuck parts as well
-Great visual design, full of small details.
-Awesome soundtrack and audiowork in general.

But SH3 has waifu.

not him, but I personally prefer SH3 since it is the scariest (to me, at least) and also the most replayable (tons of unlockables). all of the original three are masterpiece-tier though.

One thing I don't like about Silent Hill 1 are the sewer levels. The second level is alright but the first feels too long and tedious.

Death, to the Korean audience

I'm going to have to give Silent Hill 2 the title of best game in the series. Of course "best game" is entirely subjective.
-Silent hill's town was a bit too big making back tracking a pain, SH2 had some of that but not as bad as SH1
-I've never had an issue with the pacing in 2
-SH1 had some good designs but it also had a lot of awful ones too especially the bosses, SH2's enemies were a bit weaker I'll give you that
-The puzzle difficulty was well balanced in 1,2 and 3
-SH1 1 was scarier I agree, SH2 had some excellent moments as well. it seems as they were going for a different feeling when they made SH2
-SH 1-4 all had great visual designs, SH2's enemy designs were more subtle though.
-SH 1-4 all had good sound designs (except enemy sounds in SH4)
-SH2 did overall have a better story than SH1
Overall it's pretty close but I feel SH2 is overall the better game
I never liked Heather desu

>I never liked Heather desu
How is that possible?
>Silent hill's town was a bit too big making back tracking a pain, SH2 had some of that but not as bad as SH1
I disagree. SH1 had a larger town but there was more in it and you didn't spend too much time in it, most of your exploration of the town was before you even go to the school. In SH2 you have to make long runs down boring streets like Nathan Avenue.

>how is that possible
I don't know honestly, but she is one of my least favorites in the whole series.

I disagree. SH1 had a larger town but there was more in it and you didn't spend too much time in it, most of your exploration of the town was before you even go to the school. In SH2 you have to make long runs down boring streets like Nathan Avenue.
I don't know, i enjoyed the town segments of SH2.

Heather's a top-tier daughteru, not waifu 4 sexxin.

>not waifuing ghost cynthia

>One thing I don't like about Silent Hill 1 are the sewer levels. The second level is alright but the first feels too long and tedious.
how the fuck can THE most scariest places in vidya history feel "tedious"??

All sewer levels are tedious. The sewer is the worst part of SH1, fortunately it's also the shortest part. The sewer parts of the prison in SH2 are also the worst part of that game.

Are you talking about the Labyrinth?

Probably. It feels like a sewer with water up to your knees and is as bland as a sewer level.

I just tried it in retroarch (Mednafen hw) and I get a bug where there are white rectangles around some objects like the character or trees. Switching from Vulkan to open gl didnt help.
anyone knows a fix?

Yes: switch to ePSXe or PCSX-R

You need to use Vulkan, not OpenGL. Let me check my settings and I'll get back to you.

No, she's for breeding.

>retroarch / Mednafen still has decade and half old graphical glitches in SH
disgusting AF.

your face is bland

this is literally the first problem I had with ra /mednafen
thanks user

thanks for this mate!

>just noticed cybil on the cover
Is that dahlia on the top right?

Looks like it.

Who is that on the bottom left? Not cheryl but the face.
Every time I glance at the cover I notice something new.

yeah, but the really well hidden one is lisa's face in the bottom left

Alessa in the hospital bed

Looks like Alessa

oh yeah you're right

Yes, and without guides. Unless you're a bitch.

Like OG the most, because it's the most Lovecraftian one outa' the bunch.
It's flat out a cosmic horror story about a determined everyman pushing on as reality effectively unravels around him.
Later entries abandoned this approach and took a drastic swerve towards psychological angle and character drama, then later - towards shit.

I got stuck years ago because I tried to take out every enemy at the hospital

why do so many people know of silent hill but hardly anyone's actually played it?

I liked the approach of 4, you're essentially stuck in a mad mans mind.

too spooky I'm assuming, or the movie

>when you're running towards the ladder to the amusement park and it sounds like shit is exploding behind you

I have the solution for you now.
You need to set the video driver to Vulkan in the main RetroArch menu as well as in the Mednafen Quick Menu and restart.
I'll post my settings for the perspective correction in a second, too.

Probably because unlike Capcom, Konami didn't re-release the games a dozen times. All we've got is the HD collection, the worst one ever. Can't even buy the games digitally.

why is Konami such a shit company?

horror games have always been niche, plus the original game is almost twenty years old

Since they replaced the voice actors for both games in the HD collection I imagine there was some legal bullshit preventing them from just putting them on PSN as a PS2 classic.

They also excluded SH1/SH4 in a supposed "collection", keep giving the series to no name devs that do a poor job and the cancelling of Silent Hills. They just do not give a fuck about this series

Yeah, but if you were in that position, and you didn't give a shit about the series, wouldn't you just crap out some emulation versions? You can even release an HD collection a year later to get rubes to buy the game two times a full generation later, three times if they bought the games at release in a brighter time.

The perspective correction settings for Mednafen in Retroarch is:

PGXP Perspective Corrective Texturing: OFF
PGXP Vertex Cache: ON
PGXP Operation Mode: Memory+CPU

I also turn off adaptive smoothing, increase the internal resolution 32x and increase the colour depth to 32bit, but you can keep it at 16bit and use a CRT filter if you like dithering.
It's not perfect but I prefer it to other emulators.

Wait, you can increase the resolution with mednafen? I never saw that option in retroarch.

There are two Mednafen cores: the basic untouched emulator and "Beetle PSX HW".
The second one is what you want.

Didn't they also lose the original files/code for SH2 and SH3 somehow?

Yeah, but you don't need that to remaster something.


>Didn't they also lose the original files/code for SH2 and SH3 somehow?
They didn't "lose" it, Japanese just literally didn't used to save them up at all. Storage space was limited and expensive, and nobody even thought of re-releasing and "remastering" oldass games 10-20 years later.

But like said, there's been numerous great HD remasters done WITHOUT any wonky source-code; BluePoint studio, known for the superb MGS, GoW and Ico/SotC HD collections, literally just took PS2 retail discs, ripped out all their data, and reverse-engineered all of it.
The pathetic no-name studio, Hijinx, didn't even think of doing this, being just a bunch of amateur mobile app devs with no console experience worth mentioning. Add the gigantic dick-head, Tomm Hulett, in the lead of the project, and Jewnami's total disregard of the SH IP and its old devs & voice actors, and you got this shit-soup of the century.

>PGXP Perspective Corrective Texturing: OFF
kek, mednafags can't even into fixed textures yet?
Even my fucking laptop can do both perspective correction AND non-wobbly polygons, at 8x resolution.

>-Silent hill's town was a bit too big making back tracking a pain what now?
Not only was bigger town better, but it was way better designed. Back tracking? You literally run for 1-2 minutes, and you're taken to places you need to be automatically.

>-I've never had an issue with the pacing in 2
Many have though. Me included.

>-SH2 did overall have a better story than SH1
Why? It just took Alessa's backstory, and made you experience such tale from the MC's perspective.

Alright time to get through the alchemilla hospital

ok why there is 4th floor

SH3 had a great soundtrack

4, spelled "shin" in Japanese, also means "death".


and SM as well.


I swear I feel safer in these games when there are monsters near me
It's better than being alone and not knowing what's gonna appear

>that goofy jump scare in the beginning of first game
>constantly on guard for the next few games
>there weren't any jump scares after that

>that goofy jump scare in the beginning of first game
...what jump scare?

I think he's referring to the part where the Grey Children attack and kill you in the alleyway at the start of the game.

...The cat in the locker?
The closest thing for me was the fucking bathroom scream in sh2

More likely about pterodactyl flying into dinner through the window. Still bullshit those games have many jumpscares through the series.

Yes, I think your explanation is more likely to be correct.

So what moments startled you in Silent Hill 1?
We've had the cat in the locker and the Air Screamer in the diner, but I'd like the volunteer the distorted crying voice in the Midwich School toilets and the moment a Hanged Scratcher bursts into the second sewer just before you reach the amusement park.

Is 3's horror more 'in your face' than 1 and 2?
From what I've seen of 3, the colour is a bit brighter and enemies seem more frequent. I've played 1 and 2 and pretty much the entire setting was really dark and lonely.

Done with the hospital, it was decent fun but school was better.

SH3 is very close to SH1 in many ways. Maybe a tad more terrorizing in its atmosphere.

the cat yeah

I played a bit of it on an emulator and was able to enjoy it despite not playing it when it first came out.

The sewers where your radio stops working

I've never understood why truly good games would suddenly not be fun years later. I've had several 20+ yos play SH1 and RE1 for the very first time in very recent years, most of them enjoying them greatly.

They really don't make games like this anymore this day and age, which is a shame.