This minigame requires more skill than all of the Dark Souls series
This minigame requires more skill than all of the Dark Souls series
the cpr in ff7 is harder
tetra master is the best card minigame in any game, ever.
prove me wrong
it's not the best card minigame in any game ever
prove me wrong
ugh this shit, I poured so many hours into chocobo digging and trying to find those fucking star sign stories that when I ran into this again I just couldn't be bothered.
Do you get something sick for hitting a thousand or something?
Too casualized with the arrows. Also RNG
I don't know, my absolute best is 146
in the ps4 version you get a gold trophy for 1000, silver for 100
also, i think a silver for getting beak lvl 99. i dont think i ever even got close to that
in the manual it looks like eiko carol doesn't wear anything underneath her overalls, my 10 year old self fapped to her back in 2001
Vivi is too fucking cool
She's cute.
Best girl
except it's literally impossible to fail and each breath carries over
do not lewd my daughter, thank you
giev loli pantsu
Hard not to lewd the girl who wants to ride your dick the entire game desu
Do they fuck?
No, Vivi dies a few days after the end of the story
That's still a timeframe!
wait, he died that soon? i thought the ending took place months to a year late
the pole swing in sector 6 is way harder than the cpr
>Fucking hated Tetra master
>Would lose to every npc I played against
>Fuck it, not playing it anymore
>Main quest forces you to play in a tournament
>Win every single one and get the oglop card
.Still never played it again
IDK how I did it, honestly.
I have no idea how people do 1000 jumps. I did it on PS1 years ago but the controller latency on PS4 is insufferable.
I think the ending takes place a year after the start of the game. He lived long enough after the final battle to figure out how to make more black mages at least.
Its never specified exactly how long he lived afterwards.
>old mage playing with little girls
>requires more skills
well, you're not wrong
You misspelled triple triad.
vivi is like 1-5 years old
According to the wiki, he's actually 6 months old with the mind of a 9 y.o.
gud game
Is it just me or did they make that rope jump and impressing the audience way easier in the steam/ps4 verison
This is stupid. Like really stupid, but I guess if I can get the "Funded!" trophy fro Skullgirls I can do this. It's just, fucking why.
They changed the noble impressing swordfight but not the jumprope I believe.