Redpill me on Sargeras

Redpill me on Sargeras

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Apparently he had a big poop falling down to Azeroth.

Nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

a big guy

Why do I keep seeing this picture posted nowadays?

WoW's getting another old world revamp

They can't keep getting away with this

It's proabably not a revamp of the entire world, as far as we know, and as far anything's been datamined, the only change is to Silithus.

Wait a few more PTR patches before getting your torches and pitchforks.

it makes sense when silithus was the only thing untouched by cataclysm.

Not really, this has nothing to do with that.

In the next patch, we're apparently imprisoning Sargeras (don't as me about the details), and as a last "fuck you" before we do so, he stabs Azeroth. This much was datamined from audio files, and this pic surfaced as well. So it's pretty likely that he just stabbed Silithus. Calling this another old world revamp is silly.