I love everything that was ever added to Minecraft, I always play on the latest update to enjoy the new content. I want them to add more and more stuff. This game is perfect.
Unpopular opinions you have
dark souls 2 was _fun
Factorio is Minecraft for adults.
Mario as a franchise has actually been weaker and more stagnant than Sonic in the last dozen or so years, it just gets a pass because the utter shittiness of '06 blots out the aggressive blandness of any one Mario entry.
Zelda and Mario have to be one of the most boring franchises in the gaming industry.
How do people still like to play the SAME games over and over and over and over is beyond me.
I enjoyed Skyward Sword and thought it was a good Zelda game, though not the best by a long shot.
I've liked every Zelda game I played.
If you think there the same games then you just haven't played them. Inb4 I've played all of them!!! No the fuck you haven't, choke on a dick.
I agree, op.
BlazBlue is vastly superior to Guilty Gear in just about every way, graphics and music aside (which are entirely different as opposed to just being better or worse).
I still think Guilty Gear is a good series, but it doesn't hold a candle to BlazBlue.
I didn't think combat and brewing needed to be nerfed, I'm not a big fan of Granite, Diorite and Andesite because all you can craft with them is Polished Granite, Polished Diorite and Polished Andesite, concrete is more trouble than it's worth, and whoever decided that parrots shouldn't be breedable can go die.
Other than that, though, I agree.
Shit bait.
No it's not bait, everytime I see a discussion about MC, it's always "oh this update ruined everything", "why do they add stuff to the game", and I hate to see that everyone thinks that everyone agrees, well I don't
Indie games are the saviors of video games.
It is morally wrong to pirate. Not because it 'hurts the industry', but because you have no right to be entertained by other people's work for free.
If you've ever refunded a game on steam, you're stupid. Not because the refund feature is bad itself, but simply because in the age of the internet there is plenty of let's plays, screenshots, videos, data-miners, and all other kinds of content that will let you know well in advance if you should get a game or not.
Procedurally generated games produce more interesting content then scripted, linear games. Both rely on set pieces, but in linear games they never change.
Open world games are not bad, they simply seem bad because they are getting more popular. In reality, they are good, and offer huge amounts of good content and idea-space for developers with the balls to implement them properly.
There is nothing wrong with watching let's plays or streamers. There's nothing wrong with leaving them a little tip either if you like their work.
Girls have always played video games, from arcades to now. Don't assume all girl gamers are dumb phone gaming soccer moms or self centered selfie cunts.
The reason why people get into arguments about if games need to be 'fun' is because they're too fucking stupid to use the correct word of 'Enjoy' instead of fun. Horror games, stressful games, competitive games are not "fun", they are "enjoyable". Learn the difference already.
Furry porn > Hentai
There's nothing wrong with diversity in gaming.
>ib4 forced diversity
Howbout all those games where devs wanted to have unique character but big companies forced them to make generic bald white character? Why aren't you getting mad at those games like you are on those with black characters?
Not saying the updates ruined the game but they have been consistently shit. You compare the difference between 1.7 and 1.12 to the kind of updates Terraria gets and it's laughable. Mojang are hacks and know nothing about gameplay or balance and there's really nothing interesting that they ever add.
>Microsoft are hacks
I completely agree with you user, we should be friends
>Mojang are hacks
Looks like you're living under a rock, pal.
Brownbricks is now property of M$, yep, that old fat marcus sold it
also waiting for 1.9 to be modded as fuck to play
My nephew loves minecraft too OP
Mojang are still the devs. They're owned by Microsoft.
My 2 cents:
Doom 1 is objectively better than Doom 2
UT99>Q3A/QL all day, er'ry day. Better weapons, better AI, better customization, and DEFINITELY better maps. Q3A has either some of the best maps I've seen, or some of the worst maps I've seen. Campgrounds and all space maps can die in a fire
Duke Nukem 3D aged poorly though is still enjoyable, Shadow Warrior is dogshit, and Blood is overhyped
Stalker SoC is a 4/10 abortion that is Sonic 06 levels of bad that should've never seen the light of day. With mods it is 5.5/10
PUBG is a 7/10 casual shooter. Fun on the occasional weekend, yet keep in mind 7331 skills don't pay the bills and the devs are cock suckers. Get it on sale if possible.
The only reason that CS players have such a hate-boner about CoD is because back when MW1 came out, it single handily killed a major part of the community at that time. It, along with other games in the BF series, proved (tactical) military shooters can be fun and don't need outdated, annoying gimmicks. Thus the meme of “CS takes more skillz than CoD” was born and every tryhard faggot since has regurgitated it
Undertale is at best an 8.5/10 and at worst a 6.5/10. Anything higher = blind to criticism, anything lower = shit tastes and/or memeing. Where it lies depends on your enjoyment of the lore, story, and characters
DoW 1, Warcraft 3, and AoE 2 are the only RTS games you will ever need to play. Maybe throw in Civ 5 and SC2
Minecraft is the Game of the Decade (assuming you count it's official 2012 release instead of the 2009 beta days)
Crypto currencies are going to tank hard some day
Tekkit is the only thing that make minecraft playable
Let's Plays are completely fine IMO because I'm watching someone's reaction and personality to a video game. They can edit it in a way that entertains an audience. If I don't like the game they play, I can choose not to watch. Twitch Streamers on the other hand are 100% friend simulators. Regardless of the games they play, popular streamers still pull the same numbers on a regular basis. And since most of this is live, the grand majority come off with tryhard, fake, and faggoty personalities. Fags like Destiny, DrDisrespect, IcePoseidon, etc... Leaving a tip of like $5-$10 isn't bad either, but you can tell people want to be their friends so much whenever a $20+ donation gets dropped.