Just one more time
Just one more time
Other urls found in this thread:
>complaining about Apollo Justice
>When this happened in what Sup Forums would call one of the best games of the franchise
You can't make this shit up
Sup Forums has some pretty big nostalgia goggles for the first 3 games despite them being pretty unpolished
Every AA has its ups and downs but this is a fucking nosedive as franchise as whole.
I just finished Danganronpa and it got me interested in the AA series
Where do I start, Sup Forums? Preferably a happy one because I need cheering up
Just start at the start and work you way through release order
>asking where to start for a story driven series
C'mon man.
None of them are "happy", they all feature a lot of death. But start at the beginning, there's no other really good starting point.
The first one, that's a stupid question
Yeah I won't argue with you on this one. I just thought that baiting a little would keep the thread alive for a moment
Unpolished maybe but I could replay them every one in a while without getting bored or anything
That case is my least favorite in the serie. Fuck this shit and the dumb cowboy and lunch lady
>None of them are "happy"
All of them feature uplifting endings and generally upbeat characters.
I really wanted to give Apollo a chance
but making Phoenix into a [Grape Juice]holic bum was a shit move
the only good thing about this game was Trucy
Guys a good lesson. Don't go for an underage retard
I don't know, I think it's pretty unanimous on here that AA2 is awful except for the final case.
>hating on Punished Phoenix
People like you are what ruined the franchise. Phoenix getting his badge back was a mistake.
>Phoenix getting his badge back was a mistake.
he shouldnt have lost it in the first place
this was hype though.
This. Start with the first case of AA3, then the fourth case of AA3, then play the rest in release order
Apollo did almost fucking nothing on that last day of the final case.
>found this one in an instant
>had to look up that the journo had sweaty armpits
This was a bonus case for the DS, and it was great, despite the blue badger video.
>Start with the first case of AA3
I think he worked well in SoJ as an experienced veteran but AJ had to take too many liberties with the already cartoonish justice system of these games to make Wright losing his badge work properly. It's also sad the last time we see Gumshoe at all in the main games is the trial in which Wright loses his badge.
AAI and 2 are great but c'mon now.
It's like the people who tell you to play MGS3 first
Any news on AA7?
>playing a story focused series out of order
have fun not knowing what's going on for 2 whole games
I thought Case 5 was fine. 3D models for evidence were really cool, and since you could fast-forward an rewind the Blue Badger video it wasn't that annoying either.
With Apollo Justice, having to watch that fucking concert video all the way through every time was shit. And lack of tech in the game was annoying too, each case just presented a new gimmick that was just thrown out of the door after it had been used once. And it's been a while since I played AJ, but I don't think you could even present profiles as evidence anymore? What the fuck was that, the game was such a step back on every possible level.
SoJ just got an an iOS/Android release, so this may need a slight update.
>forcing linearity on a non-linear story
>acting like you need to see payne getting his hair hiroshima'd to know anything about the story
>mfw I literally did that
>mfw I have no face
Man, that armpit thing was straight up bullshit. Exact thing happened to me too.
I really hated everything about the journalist guy.
>recommending the Layton crossover
It's bad both as a Layton game and as an AA game
>Ghost Trick is really similar to Ace Attorney
That picture should specify that its talking about the writing and characters because as games the two are nothing alike.
>a lot of death
Of characters that don't fucking matter. There's like two instances of someone you know dying and one of them keeps showing up anyways so who cares.
That's far from true
How so? Mia dies and constantly shows up as a ghost so how are you supposed to feel bad about her death? After that the next death of a character you actually met is a douchebag in the second game, who is superseded by "oh wow maya is in trouble AGAIN". Ace attorney has trouble with making important characters and then doing something with them, which is why in every game maya is in she gets kidnapped, accused of murder, "killed", etc.