Is it common for gamers to break shit whenever they get upset...

Is it common for gamers to break shit whenever they get upset? Has Sup Forums ever broken anything after getting mad at vidya? A controller? Keyboard? Maybe threw a mouse?

I remember back when I was 10, I got pissed while playing advanced wars and threw my DS at my sister's head. It didn't break, but that's the only time I can remember being mad enough to break/throw something.

Broke a cheap ass PS2 transparent turbo controller after doing a groundslam losing to Sigma from MMX1 in MMX collection for the 10th or so time.

Bit my Gamecube controller after getting mad as hell at Worms Armageddon. It's got faint toothmarks in it now.

>glass desk

Do you think server lag killed him or was it a misclick?

Probably the shards of glass piercing his skin.

i'm sure server lag. there was a lot of it early in d3 that caused a lot of hardcore deaths.

The worse I've ever broken a controler is the fucking sticks would loosen up and become incredibly difficult to use.
Although that was PS1 controlers that I had continually used for like ten years straight.

>subwoofer on the desk

deserved it for being stupid

my little brother used to
hed smash his ps2 controller on the ground and just rage
it was funny when his stopped working and hed try to use mine and say that it broke by itself but the shit was almost in two pieces

Only children go on autistic destructive fit after shit like losing on game.

I've never broken anything out of anger
I've broken shit out of clumsiness though

Never broken anything. You've got some major fucking problems if you smash up your shit, let alone shit that's bought for you.

i once threw my phone at the wall but i was young and dumb then

I've only ever broke one thing. I was young, and it was stupid. And I never did it again.

But, basically, I pitched my Xbox controller at the wall after Gears of War 2's chainsaw changes.

Never, and i never could understand people getting mad enough to ruin their own stuff.

>breaking shit over Diablo III
look it's ok to lose your shit but cmon choose a better game to go mental over

I once broke a laptop by putting my fist through it during WoW pvp. Needless to say I've learned to control my rage since.

>Have I ever destroyed precious and expensive equipment because of an autistic shitfit that shouldn't happen past 3 years of age.

No can't say that I have and if you did, you need counseling or a hugbox.

Never broken something out of anger, I have broken something because I'm a complete dumbass though.

I can't think of a time where I ever actually broke something out of anger, but I feel like I got pretty close a few times as a kid. Even back then though, I would always stop myself from doing something retarded and just put the controller down and would take a break. I did shout quite a bit though.

>3 laptops
>5 phones
>6 video game cartridges
>2 video game disks
>3 desktop computers
>15 keyboards
>Countless controllers

I was one edgy fucking teenager.

Threw and broke a PSP screen while playing Tekken Dark Resurrection, regretted it and never broke anything again.

Could have easily just replaced the screen but I was a stupid kid who didn't know that.

I don't blame you, I blame your parents for being morons who bought delicate technology for an obvious troglodyte.

>Is it common for gamers to break shit whenever they get upset?

naw it is common for shitty people with little to no impulse control

you can't be serious


Got pissed off, was fiddling with a coin at the time, threw it onto my desk, bounced into the monitor, small chip in the corner and a couple of dead pixels. I have never felt so stupid and annoyed at myself.

Yeah, thankfully I realised what a little shit I was being and went into therapy, never broken anything since.

It is common for people with shitty anger management to also be the type to show off their dumbass activity to others, so you see it often and it of course gets highlighted by others above everything else.
Gamers don't break things out of frustration any more than people in any other vague group. If anything, they are a more tempered group that ends up a lot more calm on average after a lot of time actually dealing with the sort of tense moments and losses games present. The DSPs and LowTierGods and "kids on xbox" are few and far between.

I've never broke a thing or threw a controller. Even the most frustrating moments, I've at most ineffectually pounded my fist on my desk.
Meanwhile my brother would regularly throw controllers and punch holes in the drywall when he was a teenager.

>Is it common for gamers to break shit whenever they get upset?

Yeah mental illness is common among people that play video games

When I was a stupid kid I routinely punched my PC in anger whenever it froze, and eventually there was a huge dent at the top of the case. I didn't break it though, and I don't recall ever breaking anything of importance, as I usually just sat down steaming or circled stressfully around the room when angry, I was a poorfag and thus had way too much respect for expensive electronics.

It's pointless to waste money like that due to entertainment. Might as well stop playing the game then.

This. Its fucking sad watching grown people REEEEEEE

Server lag. back then it wasn't a matter of if your HC died to lag, it was a matter of when because the servers shat themselves constantly and there was nothing you can do about it, if it lagspiked during you fighting elites it was gg, your work just went down the drain

I broke a controller once due to online mp rage. Then I calmed down and went "well that didn't solve anything and I'm out a controller" and I've never gotten that made at a video game again.

No, if you unironically destroy your stuff when your upset you probably dont have the money to get a good rig anyway.