Why do people play Destiny when this objectively superior game exists?

Why do people play Destiny when this objectively superior game exists?

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If you are a chink with no brain then maybe yeah.

but destiny doesn't have super duper chinky ninja flips

You seem to have posted the wrong image, user.

Is Warframe multiplayer only?

Online only. You can run missions solo. Or at least could when I last played it.

post saryn titties

You can play "solo" but you need to log in and play with internet on.
Got you senpai

Modern Tenno no longer desire big breasts.

>superior to fucking ANYTHING
I want DE to fucking leave and never come back. Their game is shit and I hate them.

Post Meg now or this thread is shit.

Also who /broberon/ here?

Is this p2w?

You can play solo but good fucking luck running some of the defense missions in the early game solo. The problem is also that the early game pop is dead so unless you have friends actively playing already you will never progress.

Do they ever explain how this and the prequel game are connected?

yea well these are actually poison sacs

It's pay to not play the game.

I only post Bowmags.

No, not really. The majority of your power comes from Mods, not the equipment itself, and you have to either farm or trade for Mods.

This is completly false. I started playing it 2 months ago and it was alive and well in early game. On PC mind you.

Why the only good thing about warframe is something that is not in the game ?

Cool. Might give it another try.

Why can't I have her?

You can make real money off of the microtransaction whales who pay you stupid amounts for mods it took you five minutes to earn. I haven't spent a penny on this game yet. 300hrs in.

It looks like shit. Destiny looks like shit too but its pretty shit.

Post more humanish saryn

no dont

Fine just post more saryn at all


Saryn prime seriously has my favorite design in the game if only for her helmet


It's ridiculously pay to win. Every new thing added can be obtained via the real money currency, whether via buying straight from the game or other players. Literally everything can be traded between people, even the previously mentioned currency.

Quick rundown on how this game is like Destiny? I've seen this meme for years.

Both have shooting things and loot. That's about it. One is a TPS and the other is a FPS.


DE is full of some of the worst fucking ideas ever and everything i just new gimmicks tacked on that get abandoned in a few months.

But you don't win anything by paying. You skip content.

Magic space warriors shooting waves of enemies and looting shit

>Sup Forums has become so reddit that there are actually people in this thread who think Destiny 2 is better than Warframe
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha where the fuck did it all go so wrong for this board

I truly don't think you know what "pay to win" means.

I find her shoulders odd though, the tendrils clip and jiggle and I wish there was a way to see Saryn's booty without that damn skirt getting in the way.

Both are trash though. These types of games are fucking boring.

I agree but that's why I use the graxx skin

I know it's tennogen but it looks so good


>these types of games are boring

But one of them is free, the other costs a premium $60 + DLC and microtransactions. Which one is more shit


>We'll never get a new version of this with every frame, including primes

The other one required hundreds of hours of investment to get even remotely close to whales who spent money on it before you can even touch the real endgame.

>Destiny has 9 classes
>Warframe has over 30
>Destiny weapons are just reskins, only exotics have unique effects
>all Warframe weapons are unique
>Destiny has no melee combat
>Warframe has every kind of memes weapon you can imagine
>Destiny has one-time use shaders that you have to grind for, can't customize weapons
>everything in Warframe is 100% customizable
>Destiny costs $60, paid DLC
>Warframe is free, all future content is free
Gee, such a hard choice lmfao

Am I the only person who still uses the original launcher? I'd rather not have my account tied to Steam unless I can play on either platform.

That's because they fucked it all up by making every frame a skin suit operated by a little shit.

>Best frames get best faces

Good lord that saryn

>free game that has hundreds of hours of content, always something to aim for and grind for
>other costs $60 and you run out of content after a week


>all Warframe weapons are unique
Not really.
A lot of them have unique effects, but there are a bunch of rekins.

>Nyx used to be my absolute favorite warframe because of her simple design and all abilities being useful, except for one
>Then she was nerfed into absolute uselessness with max absorb thresholds and chaos getting fucked
>Mag used to be the least played warframe
>Greedy pull then gives it a role in groups that was valuable
>Let's remove the functionality because being a "loot puller is not cool"
>Mag returns to never ever being played again because it has no fucking use other than that

Truly brilliant. They meticulously destroyed everything that made certain roles exist by destroying the roles utterly, instead of offering more variety. Their idea of "fixing" something people complained about is to fucking remove it.

no, suck a huge cock you dumb weeb

Shit is still shit.
Warframe has atrocious money gating and boring levels. Destiny is buy to play and boring as fuck.

Demonstrably untrue. Every weapon in Warframe is unique in effect and stats. The Barton is the starter assault rifle and there's no other assault rifle in the game that handles like it.

It's Pay2ActuallyHaveFunAtAReasonablePace
You can eventually get a lot of content but it's just colossally impractical to the point you'll have 300 hours in and not even have 10% of the content done. Plus if you're a beta player coming back like me, all the new content amounts to bullet sponge bullshit that makes my 40 hour farmed mods irrelevant.

>A lot of them have unique effects, but there are a bunch of rekins.

Warframe's weapon variety is certainly better than Destiny's, where there's ONE laser weapon, ONE minigun with a spool-up mechanic, and hundreds of ARs, SMGs, Semi-auto and burst rifles.

After 1700 hours, I can say that Warframe is just as bad
Maybe Plains of Eidolon won't be shit

>money gating
If you're an impatient cuck who can't grind for shit. Both are grinding games, and you're gonna complain about the grind? Kek.
>boring levels
Because they're procedurally generated. At least it's never the same level. Destiny is just boring environments that always stay the same so after a few times running a mission you'll be sick of seeing the same fucking thing over and over. Also, Plains of Eidolon will btfo any Destiny map.

Repeating content over and over isn't new content. Warframe is horrendously grindy and its often doing the same missions and types over and over with no difference at all.

Warframe is superior to Destiny only because it's basically the same thing but free, but it's comparing shit to piss.


Do what I did. Refund Destiny 2 and then login to Warframe every day or few days until you get a 75% off platinum coupon and buy a ton of it. I considered the game as B2P.

>there's no other assault rifle in the game that handles like it

>played for 1700 hours
>it's bad lol
I fucking love people like you. "This game is shit but I sunk almost two fucking thousand hours of my life into it. It's bad tho trust me."

It's called getting burnt out. Anyone would hate a game after playing it that long and literally running out of content. I guarantee your tune was different in your first 500 hours.

DE is a prime example of a company that believes players should play how they want them too rather than encouraging interesting builds and gameplay. Not to mention the sycophants on the forums constantly defending them and calling for more nerfs to anything remotely unique. I'm positive I'd be banned from the Design Council if I started speaking my mind there.

Are there seriously shills for Warframe on Sup Forums? Do they honestly think POE won't come out a buggy broken mess that'll be abandoned and left to rot like the rest of the shit in Warframe?

>its often doing the same missions and types over and over with no difference at all.
And Destiny doesn't do this?

>Barton Prime

I'd rather not grind boring levels for 200 hours just to get three prime frames just to grind those same boring levels over again. Pass. Shit games.

Early game is alive as fuck and solo is very much viable early game. I started when it first came out, got a Loki and played a few missions. Now that I'm back, I have early game still locked while I can go to any planet basically.

Just play it, there's always someone who will join you on a mission and solo is easy as balls by just abusing spin slash.

>names three different variants of the same exact weapon
Wow you sure showed me you stupid pedantic nigger

>1700 hours
>guise game is bad dont play it

Too bad the levels always feel the same anyways.

>all Warframe weapons are unique
>Except these weapons, but they're variants of the same gun so it doesn't count,

Im not some guy trying to sell you on Destiny. Both are bad. I'm just warning people who are being told that Warframe is any better for it.

>It's bad
I said it's just as bad as Destiny
It's the exact same loop of grind, get gear, grind while doing the same stuff repeatedly

>Loki and Loki Prime are two totally different Warframes guys they're completely different

Because people are retarded

to be fair i believe even those 3 variations sound differently and have different stats

There probably are shills for Warframe. Most likely the aforementioned sycophants that are treating this place as another forum to recruit people from.

Except Destiny costs 60 dollars + DLC and is demonstrably worse in every single category except maybe the gunplay and PvP

>this gun is named Braton
>this gun is also a Braton but designed more for long range
>now this Braton has a kick to it and has a higher fire rate
>this Braton has a better accuracy, but sacrifices damage
Wow, they're pretty much all the same gun amirite.

I own both games, and Destiny 1. Warframe is still the superior game.
>anyone with an opinion I don't subscribe to is a shill
Hello Sup Forums

>It looks like shit
It really dont

HOLY FUCK IS THIS WRONG....But holy hell is it erotic!

so you complaining about grind in games that are about grinding for stuff.

Because in Destiny weapons don't look fucking weird and implausible, only some of them. Unlike in Warframe in which every firearm is an unnergonomic aberration.

They're the exact same, just different tiers
The Mk.1 Braton is objectively weakest and Braton Prime is objectively strongest

You can't tell the difference in gameplay between them aside from how fast they kill stuff

This holy shit
>I hate racing games so racing games are bad
>I hate RPGs so RPGs are bad
>I hate shooters so shooters are bad
>I hate grindy MMOs so grindy MMOs are bad
Imagine having autism

Isn't the point to make the grind satisfying?
Not to make the players want to be as lazy as possible?

I want to hug Valkyr

Nah, if "Top 10 steam games for hours played" threads here are any indication, a lot of Sup Forums plays it.

>Sup Forums shits on WF any time a thread pops up about it
>On Top 10 threads half of Sup Forums plays it, usually ranked 1st to 3rd.

Most likely just because it's free and will run on any toaster, but the game has far more fans then you think.

>Destiny has all those SMGs, ARs, Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles and shit
>everyone and their step children use hand cannons and shotguns/rocket launchers since they're meta
This is the problem with Destiny. There is no reason to choose a gun which, while has a higher fire rate, requires a whole clip to deal the same damage as a low fire rate hand cannon.
You're choosing between
>getting 30 hits in for 100% damage
>getting 7 hits in for 100% damage
You're just missing all the time with an inaccurate machine gun.
So, different guns with a similar skin.

I don't browse Sup Forums, but the recent resurgence of Warframe threads that are attempting to portray that massive trainwreck in a positive light is rather puzzling. Just because it's a smaller pile of shit than Destiny doesn't mean it's not a pile of shit. Understand?

The grind is satisfying for me though? I have 600 hours in Warframe and haven't spent a penny because I just grind for all the new content. I have way more fun cutting through waves of shitter mobs than I do doing shitty timed weekly Nightfall quests

grinding primes for 200 hours would probably get you just about all of them.

How are they different?
Because of damage numbers?

That makes two guns that are "Point, shoot, kill" feel very different

That's a hot opinion you have there, nigger, it's a shame you're literally autistic and push your opinion as fact. I sure wonder why Warframe is constantly on the top 10 Steam games at all times?

>tfw arca plasmor is probably going to get nerfed
the vape cannon is too fun