This is fucking mind boggling. Ok, so here's a "bundle" where you pay 20 more dollars than the entire value and all you get is a fucking carrying case.
Nintendo is seriously fucking retarded. It's cheaper to buy the system and game separate.
This is fucking mind boggling. Ok, so here's a "bundle" where you pay 20 more dollars than the entire value and all you get is a fucking carrying case.
Nintendo is seriously fucking retarded. It's cheaper to buy the system and game separate.
Which shop?
but the controllers
Those carrying cases are about $20 though by themselves in Japan.
You don't even get the cart either lel.
Not OP but that's Best Buy
You do realise the carrying case is 20 dollars right?
Plus it has the exclusive non-neon red joycons
>Nintendo is seriously fucking retarded.
I disagree. They recognize that people will buy it for the joycons alone.
380 burger bucks for a bing bing 1up machine
You fucking people...
>Nintendo is seriously fucking retarded
um no? these will sellout instantly
Switch - $300
Game - $60
Carrying case + screen protector - $40
You're saving $20 with the bundle and getting the red joycons and Odyssey case
That red looks fucking fantastic tb.h.
I'll just wait until they sell it separately I know they will sooner or later.
They are selling the joycons separately like the ARMS and Splatoon ones. Not sure if it releases in America though
Around these parts 20€ is what the carrying case usually costs, so you are actually buying the console and a carrying case for its usual standalone price (except for the new red case with SMO motives imprinted).
So, in reality, you aren't paying more and for those who don't have a Switch already and like Mario games it is a perfect starter pack. What's the problem?
boring game m8
So Best Buy, a private company who can pick their own prices, picked their own price and OP is pissed at another company?
are the new switches prone to scratches from the dock?
>Nintendo is seriously fucking retarded.
Pretty big ironic statement there
They never scratched the screen in the first place.
and coloured joycons
I've never had any problems but I hear its a common problem.
I recommend a Replacement dock.
You didn't play it
>Nintendo Switch
>Custom Joycons+Carrying Case
How dumb are you user?
OP, you realize that you're the retarded one right?
The case, screen protector, and the game all equel the cost of the addition 80.
Yeah I'm sure it's Nintendo and not the retailer trying to get some more profits.
much better value than 350 burgerbucks for a remake machine
Plus the custom Joy Cons.
but the switch literally IS a remake machine jej you faggot
Nobody needs a carrying case. Bundles were created to cost LESS than the actual price, you know, an incentive to buy them. You have to be a fucking retard to think you need a case to take a portable console somewhere without a bag
Then don't buy the bundle you retard.
What remakes have come out for the switch user?
>Best buy
>3 on Switch
>50+ on other systems
Sweet Jesus you are fucking dumb. There is no discount on this bundle but you Nintenbros will eat it up.
No its a WiiU port machine.
Get your console war shitposting memes right nigga.
And it doesn't cost anymore than buying them separately. Not to mention, the incentive is the case and the custom joy cons.
What the fuck are you even upset about?
and? Why should any of us care? It's not like they're using your money to buy it anyway
Bundles are not exclusively for savings, it's to get everything in one go, you know A BUNDLE
>Bundles were created to cost LESS than the actual price
No they weren't you moron. They were created solely to sell both the console and the game and trick consumers with the .99 price
it's the exact same as buying them separately but you get stuff themed around the game you want, which can appeal to some
Not him but with the Switch specifically, I can see the need for a carrying case.
Personally, whenever I put my Switch in my bag, I have to worry about making sure it won't get scratched, because unlike the DS, it doesn't naturally protect the screens or joysticks or buttons by folding.
just buy the fucking bundle goy
>Not the first post from this IP
OP, please.
Can't you conceive that some product bundles are aimed at different market targets like, for example, people that don't have the console already but remember fondly the Mario franchise? The special edition makes the product specially desirable for those not yet convinced about the platform.
Switch is still selling pretty strong. Doubt we'll see the value bundles the WiiU had year 1.
Why do people like OP go out of their way to be upset?
they dont get any attention in life so they thrive on (You)s
>NintenDICKSUCKERS are seriously fucking retarded. It's cheaper to buy the system and game separate.
Best Buy has been known for bullshit in the past, but it's the actual MSRP
>Custom Joycons
>This entire post
It's not even a physical copy of odyssey. Fucking disgusting
I didn't buy it because it was expensive and all you get are stock red joycons
And why would that make a difference?
>download code
Fucking cheap ass bastards.
Physical copies have more intrinsic value because they don't depreciate to $0 upon owning. A physical copy will always be worth more.
gameplay is the most important
>good goyim, you don't want to ever sell/trade/lend your game. You don't even want to truly own your games. Just keep it forever on your switch, taking up 25% of the system's memory right off the bat. And if you ever want to redownload the game in the future after servers shut down, you can just buy mario odyssey remastered instead!
who the fuck buys a 1 buck burger in the first place
switch 250$
game 10$
carryn case + screen protector 5$
does it come with the game?
It's cheaper to stop buying consoles in 2017.
nevermind, not physical.
>special edition
>comes with a game
>best console on the market
>best exclusives in the pipeline
>third party support rapidly gaining traction, TGS alone showed 46 titles
>local multiplayer in an era where the only way to play with your friends is to all have paid online accounts in seperate houses or with their own tvs
>Sup Forums
what a fucking retarded question
You do realise that the plastic for the physical version is about a few pennies difference right?
You're paying for the software, not what it's on.
That has always been the case for any game that has been released physically and digitally.
Last I heard some games' special or collector's editions don't even come with the actual game
>Acting like joycons haven't always been included in the switch $300 price.
It's unfortunately not that retarded these days.
the metroid 3ds doesn't come with the game.
Nothing you said changes anything about the point he made in that post.
First of all, the Switch cartridges are actually not pennies which is why Switch has the $10 tax, also physical goods are still more valuable than a fucking download code.
looks cool as fuck at least
The reason I'm getting the bundle is for the red joycons. I don't like the neon shade and think these are perfect.
For someone that isn't interested in the custom joycon colors, I can see why the bundle would be pointless to get.
It's more like his post never made a difference to begin with.
>are actually not pennies which is why Switch has the $10 tax
If you hadn't noticed that "tax" only exists in America where developers and publishers can easily extort their customers. Once more, the difference is in pennies and you're paying for the software.
>$10 tax
The what? Switch games cost 60 bucks, same as PS4. If you want to bring up taxes, at least say "nintendo tax" in reference to how the prices on their stuff don't go down until 5 years after the fact when a reprint version comes out.
>screen protectors
They come included in this? Source?
For anyone with a brain, you'd realize the physical copy has RESELL value.
if you're not planning to keep the game forever, then it would be best to go with physical copies.
Wait, you're suggesting Horizon then?
1 kek.
>What's the difference between physical and digital?
>explains difference
And you want to pretend that his post was off topic or frivolous? Dude, you went off the rail, just accept it and move on. You look way more stupid doubling down.
just a shitty plastic film. Not sure i'd even classify that as a protector.
>>explains difference
There is no difference you moron. Unless you're getting some special kind of addition to the game when buying physical they have the same value.
I highly recommend you don't do that. You never know if you'll want to play all of these again 20 years down the line, and if the current retro market is any indication, you'll be looking to spend at least 3x what you originally paid for anything half decent.
>There's no difference between physical and digital.
>You can resell physical games
Again, doubling down just makes you look worse.
Physical and Download game costs $60, once purchased you can sell your physical copy for $40 when you're finished with it, where as your downloaded version can not be resold. You have a $40 difference in value between the two options.
Not him but what difference is there beyond resale value? It's not like that's going to affect the initial price as it is.
Personally I don't do that since I like having a collection. But you never know someone's financial situation. Just depends on the person.
My case cost me 20$, so I don't get what people are bitching about.
Okay, so where's the value difference exactly?
You've said that you can resell it but how does that mean the digital version is worth less than the physical version when it's the exact same software?
Ease of access, no storage limit involved, no need to redownload if you ever delete it, ability to lend, trade, sell, no risk of permanent loss of access due to service termination.
But why should the digital version be less?
Because you get the same experience you don't lose the hours you've played once you sell it. So assuming you no longer want the game anymore you get a value greater than $0 beyond what you'd get if you buy digitally.
Do you think Nintendo cares what some virgin autist on Sup Forums thinks about their bundles? Millions of normies will purchase that bundle and more over the holidays and they will make huge profits, and nobody cares what your sorry ass says at the end of it all, so kys.
Because it has none of those things. You are paying the same price but getting way less control over your purchased good and less flexibility in how you can use it in the future.
The PS4 is fucking shit m8