i'm one of senior programmers at QLOC ( who taken over MKX PC Port and brought Kombat Pack 2 to PC).
so it's coming to switch and pc. Release date something between Jan15-Feb1.
PC version has unlocked frame rate,4K textures, HDR10 and Cross Play with Xbox One,Switch versions
Switch has exclusive character(not playable on cross play multiplayer). It's Samus with full armor. Has tons of customization options ,colors and shit. Also has amiboo support for some nintendo items for Samus such as flag to her shoulder/spaulders of Nintendo IP's.
Switch runs on dynamic res on both versions. Docked 720p-850p ish. Not docked drops 600p UI is 720p.
framerate is locked 60 fps though visuals are kinda rough on docked though handheld looks amazing desu much more feat then MK9 on Vita or other vita fighters.
>crossplay with xbone/switch versions that wouldn't happen. The system isn't even close to done yet, switch version of minecraft isn't integrated with the others yet and that's supposed to be the proof of concept for the entire system.
Colton Allen
it is though.It's not hard at all to implement feature. It's p2p game already .
Cooper Harris
but injustice is garbage
Joseph Bennett
>Not docked drops 600p I believe it
Easton Evans
Yeah, no. It's a garbage fighting game. I'd rather play launch SFV than a fucking netherrealms fighting game.
Bentley Evans
Proof or gtfo
Ethan Flores
Actual insider here, the original ''insider'' is not actually a real insider like myself. DO NOT take what he says literally for he is deceiving you, we here at Inside Co. have no plans of porting Injustice™ 2 to Nintendo Switch consoles or Personal Computing platforms. Thank you for your time.
Benjamin Jackson
>Docked 720p-850p ish. That's how I know you are full of shit. If you really were a senior programmer, you wouldn't say something like "xxxp ish" but fucking say what it is. Delete your shitty thread, and delete your life for wasting my time.
Jayden Parker
>full armor samus and not zero suit samus but the boobies!
Levi Baker
That's a delay on Minecraft Better Together on Switch, not the crossplay system. Don't forget Rocket League is also crossplay and the devs said they wouldn't have ported it if it didn't have that.
Adam Clark
>Samus It's bullshit, if they wanted more sales, they would have included Link
Nathan Bailey
variable reses are a thing
Colton Campbell
>i'm one of senior programmers at QLOC ( who taken over MKX PC Port and brought Kombat Pack 2 to PC). So basically you just gave away your all info. If any employee of NR browses this site he can snitch on you and you'll get fired. No one is dumb enough to post this. OP is fake and gay. Sage and Report.
Michael Gonzalez
Samus is the new hotness and works better with I2's armor gimmick.
I'm this calling this bullshit though because after Arkham Knight and MKX, I'm pretty sure WB hates PC now and can't be assed to port games to it.
Jaxon Flores
Damn you OP, now I want this
Joshua Reed
So heard anything about the XboneX version. Supposedly that version is going to be very interesting going off some community rumors.
Isaac Robinson
Seeing this played with the awful joycons hurts.
Colton Gray
>Personal Computing platforms OP sounds more believable
Justin Perry
Personal Computing platform Insider here, ignore the poster above he is full of shit. I'm an actual insider, Injustice™ 2 is, in-fact coming to the Personal Computing platform. Thank you for your time.
Luis Jenkins
>injustice 2 Who?
Carson Roberts
It's best FG on this gen. My cuck. So do you. GTFO k
Eli Cruz
It's that fighting game where the story was the most interesting part.
Aiden Smith
Doesn't seem like overly exciting news but ok...with Sup Forums going insane over Doom with meme stuff it just makes sense for more multiplats to come to the system
Camden Cook
Link doesnt fit moveset or conceptually to the game.
Hunter Martin
I heard the story wasnt even good
Sebastian Phillips
>tfw consoles are technically now personal computing platforms
Wyatt Johnson
I heard people praised best DC Story since dark knight
Bentley Carter
Jose Lee
>and PC It's not already on PC?
Bentley Nguyen
>Injustice 2 When are we getting real fighting games? I want UNIST
Mason King
>Samus vs Batman Ok if this is real I'm getting it
Adam Mitchell
>anime shit kys
Anthony Kelly
With no preparation allowed, who wins?
Jason Peterson
It's the one non-anime fighting game that isn't shit to watch.
Sebastian Roberts
>capeshit trash
Let me know when we're getting a game that's actually worthwhile OP
Matthew Lewis
such as?
Lincoln Perez
There's a chance that the DBZ fighter comes on the switch.
Oliver Rogers
Injustass is bad tho
Luke Carter
ArcSys is a confirmed developer so maybe sometime next year based on Switch's success.
Lucas Rivera
Also, Art of Fighting and Pokken Tournament just came out.
There's also plenty of Neo Geo fighting games on the platform (Sam Sho IV, World Heroes Perfect, many KoFs, Waku Waku 7, Galaxy Fight, Garou, etc) as well as Ultra Street Fighter II and ARMS.
Blade Strangers is also expected to release before the year's end.
Hori even released a fight stick back in July, so prepare for more Fighting games to come.
Cameron Young
>Art of Fighting When is SNK going to release there one modern game to the Switch? Seems like all they've been doing recently is tossing up their entire Neo Geo library on the eShop individually.
Jose Rodriguez
SNK are incredibly lazy. They just port their emulator to every system and then dump their games over and over again.
Impossible for me to look forward to any SNK announements because it could be another Garou port for the tenth time.
I know you are just shitposting and this is not true but there's no reason for a fighting game to not be 720p-900p on handheld and docked mode respectively with the right downgrade and touch-ups
Michael Torres
It runs on Unreal 4(modified as fuck 3.5) you dumb-u fuck. "A figthing game" , are you fucking retarded? what does being figthing game have to do with it's resolution.Do you think ah its fighting game lol it should be 1080p? Dont you have any fucking clue how demanding games are especially at 60 fps with that switch tech.
And injustice 2 looks like this , while Switch gets heart attack on Snake pass which has much lower models and particles shit.
Adrian Perry
>Implying Nintendo would allow one of their characters to be victim of a fatality.