Just started this game, and I'm having trouble getting into it. Tell me a little about this game, I want to like it
Just started this game, and I'm having trouble getting into it. Tell me a little about this game, I want to like it
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Why force it? You don't like sneaking, don't play stealth games.
If the atmosphere hasn't hooked you in by now, it's probably not for you.
I had the same issue. I like stealth, but I couldn't get into this the first time.
You need a little while to acclimatize to the non-third person stealth of this game. Once you get it, you'll really enjoy it if you like stealth. You can also go on killing sprees if you like.
It's pretty easy so eventually you'll set limits on blink and other powers that make the game a joke. But it's a lot of fun. Go and explore, don't expect a good story.
You can murder your way through the game if you don't enjoy stealth
The steampunk feel and stealth is what hooked me. I liked doing perfect stealth chaos runs and imagining the enemies think they are hunted by a ghost or something. Using your powers is the best thing in this game, try to experiment and see how the can be used.
I cant get over how contrived the intro is. The guards automatically assuming the MC was the killer and, with bravado, arrest him.
Thay kind of stupidity ruins a game for me pretty quick.
>having to gimp yourself
no thanks.
>everyone assumed
It was preplaned
You dummy, the regent and the guards that directly arrest you know it wasn't you, they're in on the coup.