Circus levels will disappear now that circuses have disappeared

>circus levels will disappear now that circuses have disappeared
What's next?

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christmas levels, hopefully. once everyone wakes the fuck up and realizes that the bible is a lie

My family isn't religious at all and we still celebrate Christmas. It's a nice, sweet, American holiday.
No one cares about Jesus anymore.

white people

Hey man, it's never hurt to have another holidays.
Christmas, even if it hold no religion value is still god-tier holiday.

What was the last circus level without a horror theme?

Lol this. How could you pass on Christmas? It's a corporate holiday. It's pretty much the farthest thing you can get from religion.

Sonic Mania had one I think

>Muh evil corporations
Gifts are nice and feel good to give and get

Commercial Christmas are pagan traditions anyway.

All Christianity has is Jesus. When was the last time Jesus was in a Christmas level?

is that where the term easteregg comes from?

Everyone except idiots know that. It's a collection of stories that have been translated through tons of different languages and versions that were edited and censured to fit the political ideals of the time over 2000 years before the current versions were standardised. They aren't doctrine in the majority of sects but modern fundamentalists have skewed public perception of Abrahamic religions as all being crazy conservatives who quote scripture and live strictly within the contradictory laws laid out in the bible. The majority of Christians will tell you they don't actually believe the majority of stuff in the bible, they're just stories based on historical events that have been embellished over Millenia that describe morally righteous ways of living. Only actual retards believe the bible is an infallible doctrine that should drive all their actions.

>No one cares about Jesus anymore.

They'll still be around, just more focused on that faggy Cirque du Soleil shit instead of actual circuses.

Only idiots actually believe that the accounts in the bible are factual and accurate my guy. The majority of Christians believe that the stories it contains have worth in teaching you to be a better person but they aren't real accounts. The bible has gone through like hundreds of versions and languages before the bibles we know today were settled on, and they were passed on orally for like 300 years before anyone decided to write them down so whatever the fuck the stories were originally we have no way of knowing. Also Christmas is a nice secular holiday for everyone these days, why would anyone except boring people want it gone?

t. Catholic

>now that circuses have disappeared


>They'll still be around, just more focused on that faggy Cirque du Soleil
That shit is way better than bullshit let's look at animal circuses.

Fatass motherfuckers can't even enjoy a legit display of athleticism.

>tfw animal activists recently fucked up our local annual circus
It wasn't a big circus with tents and everything, but seeing the elephant was neat.

I'm pretty sure the majority of Christians who consider themselves religious believe a lot of the shit in the Bible

Not a lot of people take the "objective" stance that you're taking on it, and at that point why do you even affiliate with the religion

yeah circuses are out but carnivals are still a thing dude and they're way more fun

Why do you think you are a Catholic?

It's the way I was raised I guess. I view Jesus as a pretty cool guy who we should try to emulate not because he's the son of God or we'll go to hell if we don't but because he was genuinely a good person who lived for other people and that's something everyone regardless of religious belief should agree on. It's kind of depressing how many people who call themselves Christian don't see it that way though, the entire point of Jesus' message was 'don't be a cunt' yet it's still too much for some people to grasp and they just act like idiots and cunts because it's easy and they don't have to think too hard.

I have a hard time believing anyone over 14 would take the time to write this

I bet you're one of those Rick and Morty fans that goes around saying "you don't have to be a genius to understand Rick and Morty"

Fucking Reddit echo-chamber retards

Not him but I was baptised and haven't renounced my faith so technically I'm a Catholic. It's pretty easy to do.

Barnum and Baileys circus is no more

>Actually believes a donkey talked to his owner out of the blue

>nu-Sup Forums is full of christians

No wonder the post quality is at an all-time low. The average IQ must be in the double digits.

Holy shit he's actually retarded

Sorry, dude.

I would love to see a game in the style of Herman Fuller's circus of the disquieting with crazy weapons and a big family of freaks

He's not wrong though. Christian here. I like the idea of a god and all, but I'll be honest and say that I know it's all just stories.
Kind of like Santa, it's a nice thing to believe in, but deep down you know he's not real

>Rollercoaster Tycoon let you build circuses
>Couldn't actually watch what goes on in them

>He doesn't.

Wait what happened? Why are circuses/carnivals going away?

Guys I'm just gonna be honest. If you don't believe in God you aren't a Christian


God's not real.

...Baka heretic.

Is this some sort of joke based around intentional retarded behavior

Bleeding hearts

Explain in more than 2 words.

I can't tell what's worse, this or the Peter Rabbit movie they're doing.

I can not for the life of me think of a good circus level.
I can think of several shitty ones, however.

On the bright side we'll always have meat circus.

On the downside, we'll always have meat circus.

My brother's like this. He wants nothing to do with church, but really really wants to meet our dead relatives in heaven some day.

But I can't get behind the pick-and-choose mentality of religion. I can't just pretend to believe something, nor can I ignore all of the baggage that I don't personally agree with. I found so much peace when I left it all behind.

Then allow me to make that decision for you.

Not that guy, but if you google "Death of Circus" there is an article that talks about Ringling Bros. shutting down earlier this year and talks about pressure from animal rights groups such as PETA.

>Christian here
>but deep down you know he's not real
As a Christian you're required to believe deep down your god is real. You're either Agnostic or you're an Atheist which seems the more likely case since you don't believe he's real.

This whole pick and choose thing religious people do is retarded. By picking and choosing you're going against your religion's god which will make you go to whichever version of hell you believe in if it's real. By believing god isn't real you're not accepting Jesus as your savior. Why the fuck do you call yourself a Christian?

I got this game for dirt cheap on 360, it's called Contrast and it's got an all around amazing art style. Came out in 2013.


>This thread
>Not worshiping the God Emperor

one post in and the thread is already a Sup Forums thread

It's his fedora and he can tip it if he wants to.

I never got these kinds of arguments. If God actually exists and can manipulate the physical world at will why would that be implausible? Argue for/against God's existence instead.

That game was pretty clunky, but I loved the presentation and atmosphere of it. Just kind of a charming game with some dark undertones.

Jungles. I really hope not but all jungles are in countries where people are too dumb to know what renewable means.