>appearance is affected by character stats
Appearance is affected by character stats
Liam Davis
Elijah Phillips
>weapon stats are affected by appearance
Jose James
What games do that? Only one that comes to mind is Fable.
Jayden Hernandez
Apart from gta san andreas
William Smith
Real life
Christopher Green
I thought that shit had meth or cocaine in it.
Jaxson Wright
MGS V. But I don't know if that technically counts because it's a hidden stat.
Jaxon Davis
What stat are you speaking of? I'm halfway through mgsv5 and from what I know there aren't even stats in that game.
Ryan Green
Dragons dogma, weight will affect grappling, carry weight and stamina, and if you're short, you can squeeze into spots others cannot
Colton Russell
That's game mechanics being influenced by appearance, not stats influencing your appearance.