Why is gaming journalism so awful?
Why is gaming journalism so awful?
Like Sup Forums doesn't think a game with a 7 is absolute shit
That pic is stupid and accidentally reveals that numerical scoring systems are TRASH.
Games journalism is where everyone who wasn't talented enough to make it professionally gets dumped off.
They're basically the mall cops of writers and it shows. Except I have marginally more respect for a mall cop since they had to at least pass their exams.
Because stupid idiots are way too obsessed with the review score and don't care to hear and read the entire review and game details.
It's too mixed. 7 could mean they don't have enough niggers on the dev team or that it's actually pretty bad, but they made a nice donating to the journalist.
Nigga I ain’t reading no essay about no fucking game. Give me a number and I’ll judge it solely on that. No one has time for in-depth reviews when there’s such an influx of games to be choosing from.
leave your comfort zone Sup Forums and realize movie reviews are exactly the same
This, but unironically.