After years of enjoyment and fulfilment, does anyone else feel like vidya is a waste of their time?
After years of enjoyment and fulfilment, does anyone else feel like vidya is a waste of their time?
If you're an idiot who thinks video games are a hobby, then you're going to be disappointed
Video games are entertainment, and their consumption should be regulated as such
You just got old.
I need to waste that time, for me.
I don't play games anymore. I still come back to /Sup Forums though.
I try to browse it less and less.
One should keep the thought that Sup Forums is a children's board.
No need to stay here.
no. anymore stupid questions?
I'm wondering why I continue to come here.
actually no
most of its users are in the range from 16 to 22, so it's very true indeed
Stop playing bad games. Stop playing meaningful time sinks. Stop playing competitively. You can enjoy vidya at any age if you play recreationly and only titles you really like. If you would treat games like work of course it would be a waste of fucking time.
I just play vidya I enjoy and I don't follow any of the e-celeb faggots. if sjws successfully kill off or """localize""" all the games I do buy, then i'll just take up collecting nendroids or something. maybe I could learn how to sew and make tiny hats for them as I collect them, too.