>Dude, God isn't real and religion is fake, lmao.
Dude, God isn't real and religion is fake, lmao
absolutely haram
Did you believe in Eothas until this game came along and shook you to your core?
so you didn't play the game
Is this the best modern example of the man who did nothing wrong? I think it's up there.
>End goal is a world of eternal dark ages, with endless inquisitions and witch hunts
What did he do right?
Fuck off apostate, the inquisition did nothing wrong
>Dude, polytheistic entities aren't real and worshiping fallible and fickle human gods is stupid, lmao.
PoE is completely right, Indian, Nordic and Greek gods are all nigger tier. PoE's universe doesn't say anything, for or against, the judeochristian God.
I like how this new wave of trump tier conservatism has made any sort of criticism of religion or exploring different concepts of reality in a goddamned (I'm sorry I said goddamned, I will repent) fantasy a thing to cause massive asspain.
> He doesn't like realism in video games!
She was right though.
>Dude, whatever RELIGION OF CHOICE parents raised you to believe is real, don't think too much about it, lmao.
God is great! Kill the infidels!
It's not so much about that either. The Gods are clearly real, and some of them fill important functions, and some could even be described as generally benevolent.
It's more about divine right and where the line is drawn between a true god and exceptionally powerful creatures. If a wizard could attain immeasurable power and use it to do some good, would he deserve being worshipped, despite him having no hand in the creation of the world?
>Rick and Morty the game
>Critical thinking is reddit
You dropped this.
when did Sup Forums become a bunch of religious zealots
I love that this site somehow got really religious at the same time that it got really racist. It really makes you think!
When conservatism became the new punk rock obviously
Because believing in made-up things is what conservative Sup Forumslacks do best.
When Reddit started being an atheist hotspot
Then people who said they're atheistic on Sup Forums got called redditors
calling people redditors is the new cool thing
=everyone pretends to be hyperreligious
>god is made by man
>still is a beneficial force for mankind
gee, what did they mean by this?
this is objectively false
this site has always thrown around nigger and faggot even back when they were neolibs and commies
bullshit, this site has always been full of atheist autists screaming nigger.
Thaos even has a whole speech on how the concept of God benefits human society. Only complete morons think PoE is some sort of atheist manifesto game.
>unironic christfags on Sup Forums
What has this place become?
More like full of actually edgy atheists that grab their religion of choice because "muh tradition" or "muh degenerates" and LARP really hard. Like holy fuck you aren't religious if you have 0 faith and just like some values from the religion.
go away
reddit v2
just like in RL
You are clearly and unambiguously meant to side against the frothing religious maniac who for all intents and purposes acts like a complete genocidal prick and side with the cool calm collected soft spoken martyred elf woman. There's not even a hint of neutrality between the two sides.
>those who you call gods are not gods beacuse they were created by something or someone. even if they are worship as gods by others dosent make them actual gods.
you tell me.
same thing its always been: the hive for contrarians
nowadays somehow the contrarian opinion is being a christfag alt-righter and so the edgy kids jumped on that
Yeah, I'd argue PoE is pretty balanced in that case. The author's clearly not some raging (anti)theist; the story's about the concept of God(s) and how it affects human lives, for better or worse.
>you can agree with him and take his place in protecting the secret and serving Woedica
>"you're clearly meant to oppose him!!!!!"
The same people I originally came here to avoid are now the same people that are most of the posters these days. I just come here out of sheer sad mindless habit now.
>dude, gods aren't real
>but they are. they were made by men millenia ago, but they're still very powerful and they influence our day-to-day lives
What was her problem?
Except that's not what it was about. The Engwithans simply found Gods missing. It doesn't explain if the Gods were choosing to hide themselves, the Engwithans were looking in the wrong place or mistaken, if they were asleep, away, or anything else. All that was said was that because they didn't specifically find a God with their unspecific method of God-finding, they created their own "artificial" Gods.
And frankly, those Gods are real. They do everything Gods do.
Thaos is a bad guy because he props up a nasty god that wishes the usurp those that do their jobs. He doesn't want people to choose; he simply wants them to obey.
The most bro-tier character in the game is a religious guy who sticks to his beliefs despite them being challenged several times over. Shit, you even have to side with the god of your choice towards the end, showing that they're not huge fans of Thaos either.
Gods as humans understand them aren't real. They still exist, but they're not the creators of the material world.
Yeah, fuck Drumpf and fuck Chr*st*ans!
Maybe it is.
I don't think anyone here is a Christian (in the true sense of the word), they just latched on to this idea that protecting christian traditions in western society is vital (which is undeniably true), even if the Christian Church is against that idea.
he was as blue pilled as you could possible get. he tried to stop kin evolution beacuse muh goddess, ,muh unstoppable genocid while still genociding different cultures when they get to close to finding the truth.
If the gods in stuff like D&D can be mortals who ascend to a divine position, and still be considered gods, then I don't get what the big deal is about the ones in PoE. I don't think this was worth being the fulcrum of the game, maybe something revealed in a side quest but not this huge twist you're supposed to be floored by. Especially when the game doesn't seem to take any kind of extra effort to make the gods seem like they're limited in any way.
>Sup Forums in 2007
>Degenerates, social rejects, anarchists, nerds, otaku, weirdos
>Sup Forums now
>Christian, conservative, nationalistic, wanna-be normalfags
but none of the "churches" in the game claimed that gods created the world
they're pretty much like the antique Greek pantheon, people are even aware of the quarrels gods have with each other
Right; the issue with the gods in PoE is that they are not divine. They do not possess divine right as they did not create the universe, nor could the morals they preach be declared universal truths.
It's a big deal, but they remain gods as far as influence and power goes.
I was mad that I couldn't fuck her brains out.
is that rabbit ears shit part of the robe or what?
I'll never understand that. Is it a carnival suit?
triggered, snowflake?
those hentai games are always a gamble
>another user who missed the point of the game.
The question was the necessity of religion, not its veracity, which the setting explicitly states is not clearly wrong and not clearly right.
The gods are definitely real, but they're a bit dishonest about their origins.
>they just latched on to this idea that protecting christian traditions in western society is vital (which is undeniably true)
In what way is it undeniably true? What is even "christian traditions"? They seem to completely mutate every half-century.
we are not getting butthurt, half of the people in this thread are probably atheists themselves
we are laughing at you
IIRC elf woman was kind of unsure if she was in the right just because it was the truth and you could side against her
yeah i remember believing my political opinions were objectively right when i was 16 too
you'll grow out of it
>Sup Forums now
>wanna-be normalfags LARPing as the former 3
Fixed that for you
It's ironic, because Richard Dawkins would describe himself as a cultural christian, a guy those muppets would hail as Atheist Stalin.
>Christian pop: 2.2 billion
>"i dont think anyone online could NOT be an atheist like me =)"
I'm a newfag from 2011, but what I remember from back then is that while Sup Forums wasn't politically correct, people here didn't make nearly as big a deal about black people or women as they do now. This board used to be more worried about stuff like bronies, or SOPA, or all the Sup Forums off-topic threads spammed on the board.
It's safe to assume that one of the endings of Deadfire will be you ascending to godhood yourself right?
Pretty much. This website is counterculture and guess what's in right now? Liberalism, atheism, and anti nationalism.
Well, a decade ago here it was pretty much common that almost no Christfags would be here, and would be mocked for being here, due to the very fact that they are the normalfag option in the Western world.
>gods aren't real
>but this totally fake blacksmith god can swing a big ass hammer from the heavens
Blacks and women weren't encroaching on the hobby as much.
I've seriously been here since late 2005, Sup Forums always hated niggers, but it's been magnified in recent years because the media keeps pushing diversity much more than they did back in the Bush years.
Christianity has been repelling Muslims from Europe for over a thousand years. As the church fell, the floodgates opened.
Christianity stands for monogamy, strong families, no bizarre genderfluid homodegenracy, and peaceful societies. The best countries in the last centuries have always been western Christian countries.
I unironically side with Thaos. World would be a better place if god or gods existed.
I don't know if I'd kill all the people he has to keep up the facade - I don't think I have the fortitude for it - but the creation of the gods in the first place was right and just.
Nah, they're gonna try to milk as much money as they can. Expect that in Pillars 3.
funny I only see these butthurt Christians of Sup Forums mentioned by atheists
releasing her into the Wheel was pretty close to that though
It's not a political opinion kid. You'll see in 40 years once the utopia you clamored for enslaves you or straight up beheads you for being a colossal faggot, while everyone else is as selfish and self-absorbed as possible. Maybe then you'll think "if only I had protected the laws I had."
What does any of this have to do with Trump? He's not even a real Christfag, and on top of that he's some faggy 90s democrat.
Wrong. Everyone who cared to voice their religious views were mocked. Jews, atheists, Christians, everyone. But there was always a big population of everything. Only the most self-absorbed atheists thought that everyone else thought the same as them.
It bothers the hell out of me when Gods are real in the setting but there are actual atheistic people. I get being independent from religion, but not believing is retarded
that's because in 2011 you didn't have anita sarkeesian pushing for niggers and women in every single game.
Doubt it. Sawyer said he's done after Pillars 2, he's moving on. Pillars 2 DLC and future Pillars games are for someone else to make.
Believer here but this guy gets it. Civilizations do well when they have a core religious driving force.
Without that we have atheist white boys shooting up schools and chopping off their dicks, blacks going from respectable to niggers who just rot on welfare and girls lusting after men from these now dominant religions or just dying alone.
>releasing her into the Wheel was pretty close to that though
>find her soul's new incarnation in the Deadfire as a 5 year old
Maybe in PoE 3, user
Is this even a PoE thread?
Quick, someone tell me what the most fun build is.
>finally kill this fuck
>destroy his soul so he will never get reborn again
no more birthdays for you.
yeah and i remember doubling down on my statements when people called me a dumb kid too
you'll probably grow out of that as well
worth saying I'm not religious at all, i think. I'm not one of these fucking neonazi cunts you've got in the thread now.
m8, I remember in 2008 we had the chillest black gamer threads. I know it sounds "why even make a thread about NIGGERS" but back then everything was so different. People would talk about their friends who were black and played vidya, lots of fightan gaem community discussion, anime clubs, almost no one said NIGGER NIGGER and if they did they usually were told to fuck off back to Sup Forums if they were being retarded.
Hell we had quite a few black tripfags back then too that I barely recall anyone saying much racist shit about them, more just mocking them for being fucking tripfags. There's a new, more retarded generation browsing this site now, picking parts of Sup Forums history they want (well, Sup Forums always said nigger so Sup Forums always has wanted to exterminate them, like me!) so they feel somewhat justified posting the nonsense they do
That and imprisoning him away forever and the last thing he does is squeak for mercy was really cool
you have a pretty poor grasp on history
Priest, Cipher, Wizard and Monk are all great fun.
Glass cannon priest with high might and int. Has tools for everything and very high damage with spells.
most evangelical christians do. most don't even read their bible, which is anything but what he stated
>anita sarkeesian
My memory is pretty bad, but I think that her Tropes vs Women thing from 2012 was the start of Sup Forums getting overly obsessed with identity politics.
It's simple reactionarism.
Nobody complained about blacks on Sup Forums because they weren't an issue in vider games.
Just because I don't like a group I don't want to talk about them 24/7.
I honestly think Sup Forums was better when off-topic threads were ignored by the mods. Shitposting was mostly limited to the Sup Forums tier threads and people rarely tried to intentionally fuck up video game threads.
malazan rip off baka
*burp* morty