It's cunts like you that feed the idea that Meta Critic is important.
Boy I can't wait for it to get something like 96 only for Sup Forums trying to spin it as a bad score because it's not 100
>when it's a 99
Was it really a good idea for nintendo to drop their two biggest titles in one year?
Mario and Zelda has always been their best sellers, and with them out of the way in the first year, what else is there to look forward to. A smash port?
>the only two games worthy of GOTY this year are both from Nintendo
How do they do it bros?
muh Pokemon
Odyssey looks real good though.
BOTW could have a 200 and Witcher 3 would still be superior. It deserves an 8.8 for still having outdated gibberish with text instead of voice acting like Ocarina of Time 20 fucking years ago
Yes, it's giving a lot of momentum to Switch's success
>post yfw Odyssey turns out to be a Sonic 06 of Mario games
Reviewers got scared after that dude got fired from IGN.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>Games made for little children.
nevar 4get
The only other thing is the new mainline pokemon game which likely isn't coming out for several years. Just in terms of what sells a lot.
Leave Mario odyssey to me
What's wrong with making games everyone can enjoy you bitter fuck?
Everyone below mental age of 14.
>I only play mature games
>Implying this fat fuck's opinion actually matters
Woah, chill, nintenbro. Nobody's trying to stop you from playing this bing bing 1up shit.
>Dark Beast Ganon
>Copypasted Shrine number 1549
You could at least have used the Lanayru dragon.
>M-Must be a Nintenbro h-haha
I own a PS4 dipshit
Sup Forums already thinks 97 is terrible because botw dropped from 98
and it would be okay, shitposting culture and all, but every time somebody makes one of these idiotic threads memeing super mario odyssey getting 100 on metacritic, people who UNIRONICALLY think any game getting this score is even a remotely plausible scenario pop up
it truly is a stark reminder that majority of people on Sup Forums are underage and in a few years some of them will be making 2017 nostalgia threads, with many of them admitting they posted since before they even hit puberty
That's why you're so triggered?
>the fat fuck that SINGLEHANDEDLY dropped BOTW score from 98 to 97
Woah what a huge feat. Went from an amazing 98 to an amazing 97.
>2 other companies reviewed it far worse than he did
Sure whatever you say
Thats a nice metascore you have there
Itd be a shame if someone were to give a 7/10 and bring it down
Reminder that this metacritic 100 for SMO shit is falseflaging.
Is this all a setup to make anti-nintnedofags look stupid by saying something like a 96 or a 98 is a low score? Because we all know it's not going to get a 100 so I suspect that when people go "Hahahaha it's only 98!" others will then screencap without the context.
tbqh it's actually kind of a smart idea
nice falseflag, retard
>there are people on Sup Forums who care about the opinion of a literal cuck
really makes you think
Metroid and mario kart in 2018
Odyssey 2 and Smash in 2019
Zelda and donkey kong in 2020
Seems p good
Probably because he hates faggots such as yourself.
He made sure Sony won this generation
No way Donkey Kong will take that long. I would say that:
2018: Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros
2019: Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pokemon
And everything after that is up for debate. I honestly miss a good party game a la Nintendoland on Switch. 1 2 Switch seems fine, but still not good enough for my needs.
both are nintendo's franchises though, they don't compete
Zelda isn't really one of Nintendo's biggest sellers. It just happens to be one of the highest acclaimed series so it gets ranked as one of Nintendo's A-listers. So yes, it'll rank better than C-listers like Fire Emblem or Metroid, but there's a ceiling to market saturation.
Think of it more like a prestige picture, the kind a studio might put out for the Academy Awards. It's not going to have the blockbuster muscle of Mario, Smash, Pokemon or even Animal Crossing, but it's popular enough it looks good in a library and the
That said, if Zelda wasn't there on launch I don't think the Switch would've been breaking records like that.
>Implying he won't give it a perfect ten since everyone is expecting him to bash it
For the amount of contrarians that plague this place im amazed none of you don't understand their mindset yet.
>its "everyone thinks metacritic is relevant until it doesnt suit them anymore" episode
Remember that faggots will try to play user score against critic score, and disregard both if the hivemind says the game is shit.
i love gamefaqs
What the fuck user those aren't remotely close only the first letter matches
You could've done "Games of the Youth:"
Get your shit together man.
>still higher then any other game released this gen
>Horizon Zero Dawn will win every GOTY award
We live in the dark world
No it will be 99
It's like expecting to get a 100% over your rage comic
Bed time buddy, you've got school in the morning
>I honestly miss a good party game a la Nintendoland on Switch.
I'm sure a WarioWare is coming. Also Mario Party (though I hate it) is certain. Something like Wii U Party would be cool too (didn't play 1,2, Switch, and I'm hoping that wasn't its equivalent).
Side note, is NintendoLand low-key the best Nintendo pack-in ever?
>people on this board care about reviews in any capacity
How to tell you're all a bunch of 14 year old faggots
It's so bizarre to read this post on Sup Forums.
I remember we couldn't even have a Nintendo Land thread without it being at least 2/3rds shitposting.
Nintendo Land isn't really a pack-in since it didn't came with the original Wii U, it's more of a bundle with the later version that's black.
This. I'm PC+Nintenbro, and while I'm excited as fuck for Odyssey and it will be up with the best games of the year, there's no way it's getting 10/10 or topping BotW, both in "reviewer" quality, and actual quality.
Yeah, only since maybe a year or so ago have I seen people talking about it positively. It's a really solid collection, though.
I thought all the black ones had it at launch, but I guess not. But either way, I think it might be the best "showcase" title, although I can't decide if it beats out Mario 64.
The black ones came a little after launch, iirc.
>Nintendo Land isn't really a pack-in since it didn't came with the original Wii U
What? I got it with my Wii U day one. What the fuck are you on about?
>Nintendo Land, the Wii U minigame collection, will be included in the Deluxe bundle of the Wii U
It was there day one with the deluxe
Metacritic is undoubtedly important, but whether it's accurate or not is debatable
>Mario and Zelda has always been their best sellers
No they haven't. 3D Mario doesn't move hardware worth dick and before BotW the Zelda series was a joke for 18 years.
He gets paid in yen rather than dollars