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Video Games #3913
Video Games
Predict what will go wrong with this game
Don't mind me, only the best deep sea game ever made
Honorable mention:
Say it with me
"One copy of Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force, please"
If you didn't support him, you're either
Game has deep gameplay mechanics
Who's excited for Senran Kagura: R-Rated Splatoon tomorrow?
Any one else want mickey games?
Blue Reflection
Hello user
What video games do girls play?
Why did Crono randomly tackle her? He's able to walk into everyone else in the game without going all Thurman Thomas
Game's intro spoils important events
What is the most british video game of all time?
Heal yourself
It's selling like shit
Is Sup Forums still mad?
What race will you play first?
Its F2P so who trying it out tomorrow?
What is the Despacito of video games?
Was it really that bad?
How do you feel about modern Transformice? They used to have weekly updates. Was that too much?
Yakuza Thread
MGSV: Chapter 3
Game with multiple races
Are there any good multiplayer games out atm? I'm really sick of PUBG and Overwatch. Has anyone got any suggestion...
What was so bad about Final Fantasy XV?
Nintendo Switch
Why is the OW playerbase so soft bros?
Halo 2
What are they queuing for, Sup Forums?
Who's the best Link?
It's ten years old, say something nice
Is there really no way to side with him? I don't want to kill him. He did nothing wrong
Recruitment walkers can't walk through roadblocks
What are some games where I can play as a gay action hero
Why can't I make characters like this in the modern western games?
Post them victory screens boys.(also general FTL thread)
Game is comfy in the beginning, but things get increasingly creepier and fucked up as you progress
Ryzen is finished
You've been practicing your IADs right?
What is the best Oddworld game?
Why do you still shop at GameStop? It's 2017
A wizard is going to trap you inside a video game for the rest of eternity and you get to choose which game you're...
She loves japanese games and is beautiful
Launch your mediocre multiplayer only shooter in an oversaturated market dominated by premier (Overwatch) and F2P...
Open world
Now that Tokyo Game Show has ended what were you thoughts?
Two months, lads
The overwhelming majority of Sup Forums complains that Sonic Mania is too difficult
Gold/Silver Virtual Console general
How many years was it ahead of its time?
Hey guys I just got banned from Roblox. What other games I should play for the next 3 days?
ITT: Dead Sup Forums memes you miss
Where's Bloodborne?
Does Quiet fart?
Use voice chat
Yokotaro likes taking risking
Have you praised your Peco for good toots yet today?
What went right?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Can we all agree this is the GOTY?
Is yandere simulator any good?
Next Splatfest revealed!
This is the best video game character
Goddamn Jeffrey, just wear a hat or something!
How was he able to come up with such a dialogue in 2000? How did he know all this?
It was never going to work out for me. It even rained the day I was born
What i'm in for?
Stop it
South park last trailer is really problematic
What arcade stick do you use?
Even if you skip all the cutscenes game is still 30 hours long because of unskippable load screens
2007 was 10 years ago
"One copy of the newest Atelier game, please"
Killer is Dead
Of course you do have a Steam account, right user?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Rareware were absolute madmen...
Playing as this little faggot now and it sucks. Is it necessary to do all the side content AGAIN?
If you could be any video game character, who would you be?
Webm Thread
As someone who has played both HZD and BotW I can say in total seriousness I do not understand how Zelda beats out HZD
"Wow, what a mansion!"
Overwatch is a huge success and is currently doing just fi-
*kills your best guy with one shot from the darkness at 500 metres*
The future is now
Are these people for real, Sup Forums?
Have you eaten a pork bun?
What do you want to see included in the inevitable Switch version?
PUBG will die down in a month it's FOTM
Why are good RPG companions so rare nowadays?
Reminder that cake idols are the future. Get ready for that Idolmaster sequel where the 765 girls are aged up 12 years
Is this the best game of all time?
3x3 Thread
Best unintentionally funny moments in games
They ported this to the 3DS instead of to the Wii U or switch
He plays Original Sin 2 without friends
ITT: games in the series that you should just go ahead and skip
How do we repair this franchise? I don't want to see it die
Halo 3 turns 10 years old today. Say something nice about it
Why were they so much better than the main series games?
Blimeo vanes
E3 2018
Filename thread
Favorite indie game?
We know that women gamers face harassment and stalking and threats of violence from other players...
Remember those little bugs Dr.Gero created to gather the best fighters' sp- dna?
Do MMO fags have Sonic and Pokemon fans beat in the autism stakes?
Miku Monday, faggot
I'm going to get Dragon's Dogma remastered version on the PS4. It will be my first time playing it...
Why are "cinematic" games a problem for most of Sup Forums?
World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade
ITT we describe games we played a long time ago but can't find anymore, and hope someone else knows what it is...
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Tropical Freeze as far aa 2D platformers are concerned?
I'm not even hyped for the game
What the fuck is taking nintendo so omg to fucking test it? It's been a whole fucking month
/Dokkan General/
What went wrong?
Games literally only you played
How do we make Pac-Man great again?
Megaman legends/Red Ash
What's with all the hate towards this franchise? The gameplay is the best I've experienced since Half Life 2 came out
This games DLC's makes Payday 2 look like a cheap slut
Game series that went from great to bad as the sequels went on
Thoughts on this game?
I...uhhh....what the fuck?
ITT: 80's Arcade Sup Forums
Breath of the wild? more like BLEGH of the wild!
Can we all agree Metroid Prime 3 is the worst of the series?
Ok Sup Forums let's settle this once and for all is chara a girl or a boy?
What's his fucking problem? Is it autism? Anger issues?
Open the door, user
What is the best pokemon region
Give me a vidya image and i'll turn it into spaghetti
What game does this chart describe?
ITT: We recommend anons vidya based on images they post. go forth
Dark Side or Light?
Honest thoughts on Warframe?
So how do you guys feel about Battlerite? Especially with the upcoming updates and it going free to play in November?
Tonights the night we'll make history
Would you fuck a Playstation?
Why does nearly every final boss in a JRPG have to be a transcendental godlike entity or some shit?
Tfw like everything about this so far but the actual gameplay
I grew up playing mmos, its been years since i last played one
Sega wants a piece of the video game pie in the early 90s and to take Nintendo head on
What does Sup Forums think of product placement in vidya?
Meet girl who's into vidya just as much as you are
X or Zero?
Why is this allowed?
You owned at least ONE sports game back in the day, didn't you? Mario shit doesn't count
Under Night Thread
Hell, I'm still on 4th gen
Which is the superior suit of armour?
Capcom releases their best fighting game since 3rd strike
How come women don't get realistic armor?
ITT: Great Characters
Doki Doki Literature Club
Overwatch, csgo, and MOBAs take ski-
PS4pro + PC is the ultimate vidya spiel combination
What's it like to not love Naoto, you sick freak
Boot up game you haven't played since childhood
Alright Sup Forums time to settle this, do subtitles belong under video, audio, or game settings?
Would anyone be willing to play pubg with a friendless gal? Steam : xspnx , no mic since its late
MVCI is trash. Nobody cares about this shitty gam-
Getting raped HARD in video games
Should horror video games restrict the player from weapons and ammo?
Best games besides Dwarf Fortress for a jolly good dorf experience?
What happened after Opposing Force?
Injustice 2
Geralt vs Pennywise
What exactly happens when Metroid turns into a ball?
New Vegas Thread
Pokken DX Sup Forumskend
Platforming in first person is bad
How deep do you like your stories in games?
Who is the worst "gamer" demographic?
Sup Forumsplays AA2 Together
Is it good?
How many of you are going to buy Peco?
Anyone know hot to complete the real trip...
What are some good video games with '20s aesthetics? Art Deco, Prohibition, shit like that
Sonic RPG made by Level 5
Is it better than Skyrim Sup Forums?
Ywn cuddle isabelle on a cozy snowy day, rubbing her silky ears...
Dude, get on the mic, ~nyan
What went wrong?
I unironically want this. I'd have it right now but it's $20. Thoughts?
Well Sup Forums, what are you waiting for?
Megaten thread
Is it true that games with sexual appeal sell better than others?
Persona 4 or Persona 5?
Halo's Future
The game on the left was made by two people in their free time
Anyone else here use a mouse left-handed? How do you set up your controls?
Playing Transistor in the dark
We don't want zombies on the lawn~
First videogame general
Dad goes to the TGS
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
What are some of your biggest DSP moments, Sup Forums?
Can't wait to play this
What is the most fun I could possibly have on this game?
Cave Story thread
100% bully
Songs that were more popular than the game they're from
So I honestly don't think we're going to get a sequel to Bully just because of the political climate
What the fuck did I just play Sup Forums?
Why are reptilian characters always portrayed negatively in video games?
Was it as bad as everyone says?
Why did nintendo killed the zelda serie with the open world meme? this game is soulless shit honestly
Tfw no MMO will ever fill the hole again
Video game panty shots!
1 month remains until the great schism, where most of Sup Forums will be demoted to 2nd class citizens. Retards...
When did you stop playing pokemon?
Aside from Lonesome Road
Reviewers are paid or at best they play the game for 2 hours unless it's an Activision Game. Activision, EA...
You faggots told me this was good but it's honestly just as bad as Skyward Sword
Health bar is green
Name some enemies that make sounds more horrifying than their damage
Is Doom 2 the pinnacle of map design?
What are some video games about cooking?
Cut / beta content we'll never experience
Five years ago there were almost no black protagonists on games. Now in just one year dozens of them have appeared...
Why isn't anyone talking about this?!?!
I'm pretty excited for Sonic Forces. What about you guys?
Monster Hunter World
2>3>1>>4>>>>>>>>>western abortions
Jesus Christ
Why is this game so damn good?
Should I actually buy this game, or will I just be falling for a meme?
With the release of Epistle 3, every major Half-Life-related mystery has been revealed - except for one: the G-man...
Xenoblade 2
Just beat this. How was it?
What are some good JRPGs for someone who has a low tolerance level for weeb shit?
*kills PUBG*
What do you think has had the largest negative impact on gaming throughout the years? For me it's the LCD TV...
Wes Jenkins, Creative Director of LEGO Island, has died
When will you grow out of your contrarian edgy teenager phase and admit this is the best Souls game by far?
Kotaku journalist uses position to fake having cancer, blackmail, and ruin someone's career
Why aren't you 9 inches long Sup Forums? women want a dick that can actually pleasure them and more...
What games have you beaten this year? What hames did you drop? What are you currently playing?
ITT: those we couldn't save
What would bring you back Sup Forums?
PS3 was a "nogaems XD" machine
Is there a bigger meme in gaming than open world...
Anyone still playing this game? It's so good it keep me up all night
Dude let's host an international set of tournaments to set off the competitive scene for our new game
That one kids parents who only let you play vidya for 30 minutes at a time
Why don't you play fighting games, Sup Forums?
I need help, Sup Forums
Whatcha playan?
Fags, what game is better? they're both less than 5 euros
Is he right?
Enjoying those prices user?
Confess, motherfuckers
That kid who pronounced it "Mary-O Brothers"
Sup Forums plays Oregon trail
Why is AI in modern games still shit? They've had decades to improve it at this point
Dark souls 1 hasn't been cracked yet
Rogue-lite thread
M...master...could I join in the next time you "hang out" with my sister? I'm a very good maid...
*end console gen*
Post you favorite video game cover
A Hat in Time
Are there any pay2win games that were actually popular and didn't die off in a week?
All the shitstorm about paid mods aside, is this game worth picking up for 30$?
Anything worthwhile?
3 Major, DLC-sized, free patches
ITT: Post the shittiest weapon ever possible in a vidya game
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Censor game to try and appeal to womyn gamers and their beta male orbiters
Make fire emblem heroes a fan service game
Did this game save Final Fantasy, or is SE still fucked?
Final boss is a giant brain
Was he the coolest Link?
Anyone else would rather have Bravely Third instead??
Why do people call the Wii U a failure even though it still made a profit for Nintendo...
Is a game still good if the story is shit but the gameplay is great? Because I think so
Classic robotnik is the best villain in the series especially after playing the GOAT game in a while, sonic mania
Do you think the "Pokemon RPG" for the switch coming up will be more like the handhelds...
This game is fucking amazing
Ideas Guy Thread
Alright you faggots, video games are becoming more and more shit
The absolute state of capcom/MvC fans
You have 5 seconds to explain to me in reasonable terms why pic related is bad without using words like "SJW" or...
What is happening in this picture?
Sup Forums plays Oregon Trail
Your father who is actually demon lord gives you hot semen demon sex slave and also demonic powers
One of these threads
IGN just gave Cuphead a 9
What went wrong?
Happy 10 years
You have choices for Mega Man like games
Even Valve is doing SJW characters now
Unlikely events
I gave the Switch a try. Botw was great, but now it's nothing but boring indies that are also on Steam...
Why does DOOM still get so much love compared to other old shooters like Chex, Strife or Shadow Warrior?
Open world
Majora's Mask Retcon
Competitive Starcraft
(2008-2010) - still had an actual job era
What do you think about Steam's virtual monopoly over PC gaming?
Name a single good, GENUINELY GOOD, upcoming videogame
What did Jesus say, Sup Forums? Keep it vidya related
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon The end
Dragonball Fighter Z
Why is there no lovecraftian space game out there? not even a single one explores this
Mom walks in
RPCS3 just removed every trace of Persona 5 from their site and forums
What is the most attractive female character design in a videogame from the past few years?
How do we fix RPGs?
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
Which video game is the Most Shit of All Time?
Was this really necessary?
Thoughts on Slime Rancher?
Which game has the best dismemberment?
Danganronpa V3 and Blue Reflection
ITT: Games With The Worst Fanbases
Take a race known for being attractive
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Heh... i'm tracking you nira... I remember what you did back in spain...
Battlestations Thread
Persona 5
Can someone please explain to me how everyone online seems to love this game? When it came out it got awful reviews
Whats the verdict on this one boys?
Which Doki Doki would you Literature Club?
Name a worse fanbase
What does Sup Forums think of Okami?
So we can all agree that this is GOTY, right?
Have you ever been to a videogame convention?
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon End of a journey
So, which one were you?
So they gave Morrigan freckles
ITT: Games you feel like only you have played
He didn't buy a VR set
Guild Wars Path of Fire
Titty nee-san's new voice in FEW
Who the hell was he?
Roblox is a mistake
Why is this game so good?
Who was in the wrong here?
Anyone else feel that the only redeeming thing from Ground Zeroes and TPP’s story was Paz...
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Do you think western devs go too far for realism and "cinematic experience" with their games?
Coworkers start talking about vidya
Metroid thread
So, after the recent M&L:SSS leaks:
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
ITT: It's 2018
How has this not received an HD port yet?
Does this need a sequel or HD remaster on PS4?
You DID Link the Fire, right user?
Nobody actually liked her, right?
So Sup Forums xbone x or ps4 pro?
This Could have been Canon TF2
OpenXCOM Thread
Her English voice is the fucking worst
Sony BTFO !
Hi, we're the best race in WoW
Ok V, what was the first video game you ever played? Mine was Metroid Prime for the Gamecube
ITT: Modern Vidya Masterpieces (2010+)
Is this the worst mainline console of all time?
Guilty gear
Continuing from >>391322940
CD 1 and 2 were so damn comfy
Are arcade sticks required to play fighting games well?
Is there any game like Harvest Moon but not shit?
Tell me honestly, which console was worse? OUYA or Wii...
Can we all talk about why Big Boss is so god damn handsome?
He's expecting a breeze, show him you're a Divinity: OS2 thread
Sup Forumsirgins majority are J-games shills because those, different from those who like western games...
How Deep Does It Go?
What video games does he play? the ta/v/ern
What the fuck was his problem?
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon
The closer we get to Odyssey's release, the more boring every other game has become. Why can't it be October already?
Fan built Halo 3 maps for Halo 5
Game Dev Tycoon
Why do Germans go to work all day and then go home and play vidya that simulates working?
ITT: poorly draw the cover and the others guess the game
Are there any games that cater more to left-handed gamers like myself?
My computer stopped working last time I asked this, so I ask again. What is the appeal of this character
Megaman is finally kill
Best single player experience since HL2. Discuss Chat History - Degeneracy BTFO
Are they right, Sup Forums?
Can we all agree that Kirby 64 is the worst Kirby game?
Let's talk about JRPGs. What are some of your absolute favorite JRPGs...
Persona 5 playable from start to finish on pc
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
How is your adventure going, anons?
Is there literally any reason to get a console over a PC anymore?
Best and worst controller ergonomics for adult MEN tiny handed ladies need not comment
This is fucking bullshit. I have a 1080i CRT television and the Nintendo Switch doesn't support it
Why do people find video game monsters hot?
We know there's a difference between Japanese games and Western games
What games have badass dragons?
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
How do I get my mom to buy me a PS4?
Name that series
Why is explicit sex allowable in film and literature, but not in video games?
Where i can find IRL friends to play fighting games?
Press to crouch or hold to crouch?
White boys belong in permanent chastity
Are there any in depth restaurant managing sims...
H-h-h-hey guys r-remember me???
Do you still play it Sup Forums?
What games are you playing in this heat?
Let´s do this
ITT: Video games that depict mental illness and whether they do it well or not
How many of your favorite games came from Capcom?
Redpill me without bias on WoW Legion
You can't refute this
Be nintendo
What's the worst thing he's done?
Reccommend me games based on my favorites
ITT: comfy games
Is Witcher 3’s combat as bad as it seems?
Honest thoughts on Slime Rancher? I think it's cute!
What went wrong
Pls remember Sup Forums, pls buy Kishida Mel's game...
It gets better 20 hours in
What should I do Sup Forums
Why is there a growing trend of thicc women in vidya?
Oh joy! My package from eBay came in!
Sup Forums is having a Pokemon Battle Royale
Borderlands 2 for Switch
Manipulative scenes in games
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Hi, I'd like a copy of Hyperdimension Neptunia please!
I just bought this and so far I'm not seeing the problem?
Are we witnessing the death of the MOBAs?
21 years later, quake 1/quakeworld is still the best, fastest, most positional, best movement...
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax AND Fighting Games... Gettin' Gud
He only listens to video game music
Heat Signature
Are 5 or so nintendo rehashes really worth buying an ENTIRE system for?
Kid Pix
Was there ever a worse final boss fight in modern, high-budget RPG history?
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Sup Forums the musical
You now remember David Gaider
Best "Mystery Dungeon" type games?
Preorder pic related because it looks fun
Sup Forums plays Game Dev Tycoon
Yuugi is the best touhou girl
LGBT character in western game
Post ITT your favorite final boss themes
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
"We're taking the series back to it's roots."
Who hyped?
Xbox doesn't have platforming gam-
How's that video game coming along?
So, Etrian Odyssey
Valve artist Drew Wolf reveals concept arts for female TF2 cast
What kind of character will Sup Forums make in Monster Hunter world? Brown skin best skin
Yo, buddy. Still alive?
Post best girls in their respective series
OneyPlays thread gets hundreds of posts
Superstar Saga Deluxe
10 """levels""" but 600 moons
Linking to Kotaku
Japanese games are superior
Any decent PC metroidvanias released recently besides Hollow Knight? Playable on PC, please
Has there ever been a game made 100% by black people?
ITT: that times we dodged a bullet
ITT: Subtle Vidya Clothing
We usually have ideaguy threads for games we would individually like as perfect dream games. But here's a challenge:
This is what 90s kids played
You and I are friends now!
Where do i find a fucking heracross
Ever fell asleep while playing vidya?
Haha Mercy nerf incoming, say goodbye to your main
Nintendo goes through the entire 3DS and WiiU lifespan not implementing waggle because they know the vast majority of...
Why has no one made a game where you play as a clown?
Favorite pokemon thread: no cropped porn edition
If you are playing any shooter below 120fps, you're doing it wrong
Would this be acceptable Gaming apparel?
What games allow you to perfectly fine-tune your character the way you want?
ITT: Underrated games everyone forgot about
So i just finally finished the Metroid Prime trilogy
He thinks Capcom will listen
How many games can you name that are set in Florida?
What is the Dark Souls of visual novels?
GOTY has almost no buzz at all
Look up youtube video for gameplay
Name a more iconic weapon. I can wait
Where did it all go so wrong?
Rank the souls series
Halo 3 was 10 years ago
Anyone playing Heat Signature? It came out a few days ago...
Why does the videogame industry hate bleach? I just want a musou game pls
This is the type of people who get to play cuphead early
Mario + Rabbids is a success
Please help: Divinity: Original Sin 2
There are people here that genuinely like Life is Strange
Mario Odyssey will be the perfect ga-
Was Sephiroth a good villain?
Is Doki Doki Literature Club the EoE of videogames?
Final fantasy will NEVER EVER be good again just face reality
Do you think Red Dead Redemption 2 will be good?
A jrpg company single-highhandedly made the best wrpg of all time
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
This is the Rick and Morty of video games
'Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy' Has Sold Over 2.5 Million Copies On PS4
What is the Rick and Morty of video games, Sup Forums?
So how are you liking the look of Sinon's game?
What went wrong?
Gentleman, this is a horror game boss in 2017
Daily reminder Pubg is finished
What's your favorite pokemon?
Is this the most shilled game on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is unironically shilling for 30fps Doom
Just found out I'm going to have a daughter
Dead or Alive
The absolute madmen
My dad is Nintendo
I'm going to buy a controller for PC
Explain why you aren't playing Tekken 7 right now
How come there's no red-skinned draeneis?
Did anyone buy this? How is it? as good as samurai warriors 4-2?
ITT: The adults talk
Habbo december raid
1.5 million players
Shit games that Sup Forums memed you into buying
Would you give up your entire vidya collection to have an adopted little sister who looks exactly like Marie?
PS3 Thread i guess
My roommate got a Switch today and started Zelda. He hasn’t moved from that corner in hours
Defend this
Is this the state of ROBLOX?
Actual Yakuza thread
Picked up a vita yesterday. got p4g, fifa 15, and some racing game on the cheap. p4g looks fun
Camouflage based stealth games
Are tutorials in games too hard? Should we make them easier Sup Forums?
Is gameplay more important than atmosphere in video games?
Awful vidya cos play thread
Which one, Sup Forums?
People shat on Wiimote
Best multiplayer game in years
I'm gonna leave precious small child here while I go run some errands, look after her for me
What is the most expensive thing in your vidya collection?
What games do you play with your girlfriend?
Mgs thread bitches
So Nintendo apparently DID start showing us AAA games for the Switch. Which ones do you want to be announced next
Tfw I started googling for the trophy guide online before buying a game after I look at reviews and actively avoiding...
Project Octopath Traveler
It's up
Name a better game
Resident evil 4
Metroid: Samus Returns sold through 70% of its initial shipment in Japan
He hasn't done a no slomo run on extreme yet
Sup Forums tells me to constanly to stop playing Dragon Age and other bioware games but then name a 3D party based...
No Gran Turismo mode
Have you ever made an RPG Maker game?
Finally got one of these. What can I play that isn't shit?
What are some games that aged like milk?
What games should I pirate next, Sup Forums?
SFV has took its toll
Unironic opinion of this game?
Post pics
What do you think of Rising Storm 2?
What did Andrzej mean by this?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...