This is the best video game character.
This is the best video game character
Are you fucking retarded? They put five minutes into brainstorming this stupid fuck into existence.
t. lucario
Less than actually.
>What if Frieza was a cat?
OP. Kill yourself.
He has a pretty interesting backstory. Good enough they made it into a movie.
Is it bad to be attracted to Mewtwo?
He's technically a fetus so...
Yes it is. You should kill yourself, but if you don't Mewtwo will probably do it for you anyway.
More thought than went into your post.
he looked so deformed in his gen 1 sprite so I was disappointed when I found out that he wasn't a frankenstein's monster in other games
Man, furries are so weird. I feel like being a furry is just step one to becoming the worst person; the rest of the steps is a steep ramp that you slide down. Like once you unlock being a furry the rest of the world's worst fetishes just come so naturally.
He still looks somewhat creepy and lanky there.
This is gonna sound weird with all the sexualizing Mewtwo talk going on, but they really did make him too attractive later on. He should have been a weird science experiment gone awry looking motherfucker.
I guess they bulked him up for muh power/supremacy reasons.
you could've posted good mewtwo lewds but you posted ugly. Post Inuki to make for it
Not bad. For a ripoff.
Would have been unfitting given the simple, cheery artstyle the anime has.
What's even weirder about this connection is that in the most recent episode of Super it was revealed by Yamcha that Frieza is actually a clone of Puar.
I dunno, they went pretty edgy. I'd be surprised if they didn't eventually make a story where due to his unnatural existence he's dying faster than anyone else.
I guess you're right.
Not that I think they would give a damn but that goes against what was established in The Birth of Mewtwo; that Mewtwo was the only clone to survive because it has Mews infinite life force.
Oh shit, I completely forgot. You'd think he would have more presence with that in mind. Villains would kill for that kind of energy.
giegue was an Alien in the Mother series that lived on the Mother Ship
Mewtwo is the Broly of the Pokemon world.
Appears in everything despite being the most two dimensional character in the series?