Old thread died, new PoF thread
What are y'alls mains?
How far into the expansion are you?
Old thread died, new PoF thread
What are y'alls mains?
How far into the expansion are you?
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It's shit.
Press F to pay respects to big bro
finished the main story, nearly unlocked the griffon.
Playing a spellbreaker, haven't had much trouble fighting things.
it's way better than the main game or HoT.
Oll ex-WoW player here. Is GW2 any good? I want to play a MMO again
It's not an MMO.
What is it?
>not an MMO
if you were talking about gw1 you'd be correct
Thief main, loving deadeye, been 5 maning the whole expac so I don't know how I stack up at one vs PvW but I've had a blast, finished the story today, really enjoyed the final boss, over all I think its the best story content I've seen in gw2 and MMOs for that matter
Its very good, but its not like WoW, you don't constantly get more power, instead you really just collect rare skins, I don't care much for sparky fashion but if you like completing check lists then its pretty rad
>that event in the elon riverlands where a someone starts impersonating a random player
>if you get involved in the fight they can make a copy of you too
feels weird being killed by myself
I miss the old guild wars...
Necromancer was pretty fun when soloing hard dungeons or whatever those instances were called I cant remember
>PoF ended up being pretty decent and the writing improved quite a bit
What timeline is this
Daily reminder that the witch, Angel McCoy, isn't working for Anet anymore. She didn't even touch PoF.
So should I buy it?
I just finished HoT and it was utter shit. Hated all the new maps
what did you hate about them?
the design
PoF maps are the complete opposite of HoT maps. Wide open fields and the events are small scale and don't lock off half the map.
Well that sound fantastic.
Yep, the maps are all single play focus unlike the meta maps of HoT, the story's writing has massively improved, the mounts are really fun to ride and collect, there are a load of QoL improvements and the new elite specs give a bunch of classes what they've been asking for since launch
Is the general on /vg/ still fucked?
Seriously, if somebody does that to any other part of Sup Forums, this site is fucked
>tfw they will never add a ritualist that plays like the awakened commanding story mission
fug ;_;
Newfag detected.
We already had accelspammer a few years ago. The mods just don't care about gw2g
Explains why we were with the best characters during the entire story. My boi canach.
i'm still holding out hope for new professions with upcoming expacs but yeah, most likely we're just going to get specializations now that all three armor classes have three profs.
>implying everyone that comes to this site is enlightened on how to fuck it up completely
Does anyone know of a good power holosmith build? I dont have enough money to transfer everything over to viper for condi.
>actually being bothered by being called a newfag that you have to defend your honor on an anonymous indonesian basket weaving board
>you don't constantly get more power, instead you really just collect rare skins
Skins? That is all? Doesn't sound fun
The fun is in the journey not the destination
And dont tell me you didn't at one point send a while grinding a cool mount in WoW, we all did at some point, the difference is that with a new expac in gw2 all the old content doesn't get invalidated
There is a gear tier that has the best stats that take a while to get a full set on, even more if you want it on multiple characters but there's nothing beyond that and it's all horizontal progression from there on.
if pvp, chaith is pretty much the go-to.
where the fuck is it!?!?!?!
the servers are hiding right now
So I assume with the griffon, you can skip most of HoT now if Pof was your first one?
It doesnt up draft so its not quite as useful
the griffin costs 250g and requires 5 collection completions (all unlocked after the first griffon, and the collections are called Open Skies), and while it's a lot of fun it's not a direct replacement
it's much easier to get gliding than griffon
How about the expansions? Do you need all of them like in WoW?
you don't need all of them, but they help since you'll know what's going on more. That goes for the living story seasons too
You don't need both but you should really get both, I think they bundle them together for cheaper than separate, if anything you want HoT for the masteries and the meta maps
you can buy both for $49 or $29 for each separate
Well no but you have to buy them individually. I think the base game is free though
What is the best way to make gold in this game?
Nice Al-Kharid graphical update
You will need both eventually to get all the class specializations
Just restarted the game and the last time I played was in vanilla. I have a lvl 80 thief but I heard there are elite specializations or something along those lines? Any tips on getting back into the game? Should I just reroll?
Flip mats on TP
T4 fractals
Grind dungeons
Craft and sell precursors (Harpoon gun is pretty easy)
Ecto gamble (if you're a madman)
Spend two weeks stockpiling mats and the ecto refinement mats, craft them all on one day and sell on TP
A lot of the PoF maps give junk items worth a fair amount
Does this game have any depth or is it just graphically pleasing? Is the crafting system any good?
Do you have PoF? I'd say just start the expansion, you'll be fine. You might be struggling a lot with the mobs because they're much stronger than vanilla though.
>tfw ranger will never have a good power build
Soulbeast made things a bit less painful, but I might just switch to condi honestly.
well this is the average crafting window once you max it out
there's like eight or so crafting disciplines including chefs and jewelers
The combat is deceptively more complex than it looks, the real test of skill is in PvP or raids, but the new PvE zones are pretty challenging for solo play to (which is a first for the game), the crafting system is okay, generally you upgrade it loads in a sort space of time and then leave it a good while to gain all the materials need to upgrade a load again, nothing special but its works and is required to make the best tier armor
Yes, you really should, condi ranger is brutal, also get support gear if you ever want to raid, druid is top tier pick
Damn. That looks way better than WoW crafting interface
At least you have that option for soulbeast. Scourge is almost completely geared for condi builds.
GW2 in general is all about convenience over immersion. Crafting is pretty much only a gold and material sink and everyone can do it but you need it to craft the highest tier gear.
There is depth to combat I'd say but not in a buildcrafting way, like in GW1. Everyone just gets the meta builds and is done with it. But the combat is more action oriented so that stuff like dodging, movement and situational skill use is really important in harder content.
So i got pof and i want to boost my ele to 80 but what should i do as a fresh 80? I have no clue where to start since i haven't played this game in ages and am only aware of how vanilla works (only up tot lvl 45 though) and nothing beyond that.
story journal (press H) --> start pof
-Unlock an espec fully
-Get at least exotic armor in a stat set that you need for your build, can never go wrong with zerker ele, and at least ascended trinkets.
Also just do this
Get ready to get your shit kicked in though if you aren't used to HoT overworld mob difficulty. PoF mobs are even stronger than those in HoT.
if you plan to unlock either Tempest or Weaver, I recommend doing some Hero Point challenges in HoT, you'll get some through PoF of course but there are still quite active HP trains in the HoT areas.
make a character with each of the classes, delete ones you just don't vibe with and use that slot to try another class
but actually get a feel for them, so do the tutorials but also hop into pvp and play around with the weapons, traits, etc. with the golem dummies.
the one you feel you love the most, make that the fresh 80
pof story has a LOT of boss fights, so it's definitely much more of a struggle if you play alone and aren't really comfortable with your classes anymore
meh, non-tempest/weaver is perfectly fine
That's why I said if you planned to.
Are the repeatable Hero Points actually repeatable as in they offer 10 HP each time or is it just for the XP after?
Man this expansion is such a blunder
The map is miles better than HoT because at least it doesn't have that multi-layered meme, but everything else is simply worse
Only good thing out of it is the mounts, fuck everything else
The events seem rather boring so far. I think I'm missing the big map metas from HoT. The maps are much bigger now so they could just have them span half the map.
The story is also much better though.
just XP/minor rewards once a day
Will I get banned if I buy an authorized PoF but a grey market HoT? I cannot justify paying $19.99 for HoT.
mesmer main, but I play scourge, since I like the concept of sand-ghosty-things.
Had no trouble so far except in that cave north to the raptor heart. Get in downstate one time and you're fucking dead., but I'm not far into the story atm.
Currently I'm more into the exploration. I need one more mastery point to get the skimmer to level 3, so I can get the jackal. Maybe then I'll start the story, while getting them all to max level.
In short terms, I love it so far. it doesn't feel as claustrophobic like maguuma, the enemys aren't horribly op, and the visuals/music are really nice too.
The big map wide meta events just don't seem sustainable imo
They brought back the champion farm though, I'm happy as a clam.
Probably not. I can only find HoT for $11 cheapest though.
Ah so I have to actually visit the other HP to finish the elite spec. Oh well thought I could cheese it this time.
Will we get an underwater mount? Not sure how useful that'd be but I am curious if that's an option in the future
I personally never heard of anyone getting an illegit key banned but I believe they said it's a bannable offense.
You'd probably be fine just playing PoF until they drop the prices on HoT, unless you really want the other elite specializations. You don't need to have gliding in PoF too but it's nice to have.
God forbid I read reddit but all the google searches about getting banned come from there. I think buying from grey market gives you no support from Anet, and it's the fact you redeem a possibly stolen/fraud key that gets you banned. And the worst part of this is you may get banned not now but one year later.
Is WvW still the same old boring as fuck maps?
There is a new borderlands map but everyone says they're shit. I think they gave up on WvW.
>Get ready to get your shit kicked in though if you aren't used to HoT overworld mob difficulty. PoF mobs are even stronger than those in HoT.
I have HoT and PoF because of account fuckup, not enjoying HoT because no ones playing it and every mob is a fucking rapist.
Not really enjoying myself.
>no ones playing it
you not getting to any active VB maps? I still see folks running around there doing the events and whatnot, especially for HP trains
We still haven't dealt with Bubbles, so maybe in some expansive deep map that still has a lot of verticality so other mounts get used would be ideal.
I mean it's possible. I just don't think it's likely unless you bring a lot of negative attention to your account.
kek you should have been there for launch Orr. Actual rape. HoT and now PoF pale in comparison due to community outrage.
Thanks buddy, in return you may have this nifty keen wallpaper.
Bravo anet
HoT only gets maps filled when the meta event cycles start. People will all congregate to one instance of the map so you need to be there before start and then use LFG to get into the right instance. Tough luck otherwise. Try to get a friend or guild to help you with those hero points if you can or join a hero train group if there is one in the lfg.
no one really likes the new map--you might though, if you think the originals are boring
sneaky hobbitses
I see like 2-3 people running between forts, a fuckton of mobs show up and kill everyone. I did one event with a siege wagon that failed to kill walls and the boss fucked off. I cant progress the story because of glider mastery it wont tell me how to get
>kek you should have been there for launch Orr
I was there for launch Orr, every event kept breaking, the mobs were rapists and they dropped dogshit, the entire fucking zone was a massive waste of time.
My VG guild is dead, the general is run by a bot and I have no one to play with, shit sucks.
Do a party search for Verdant Brink for a HP train map or event map.
they added NPCs on mounts before we knew PoF was even a thing
pretty genius
What server? I'm on Sea of Sorrows and theres a ton of guilds constantly looking for more members. Keep in mind you can join multiple guilds at once, though some are faggots and want you to always rep theirs
How does the Necro play like? I see that there is a Greatsword specialization and that seems neato.
How is group play? Is there much incentive or content for it? Kinda tired of playing mmos solo.
mordrem raptor skin when?
Go to the gw2 wiki and search for the event timer. It'll show you when the map metas are about to start and you'll have to use LFG to get into a taxi for the right instance. Usually they're advertised as "meta", "# of commanders" or such. Hero point trains are also advertised there.
To get masteries, you need to get both mastery points and exp. Mastery points are the spiky teardrop like things found in maps or rewarded for doing achievements and you have to go into your hero panel to spend them.
If you like seeing a lot of numbers pop up beside your enemies, you'll love necro.
Reaper is hard hitting cleave necro was desperately missing.
Scourge is team 'support' necro was missing.
All 3 play pretty differently but overall if you love being a fat tanky fuck with dots on everything, necro is fun.
It's pretty much all about group content. Like even if you're playing 'alone', you'll still be using the LFG tool and randomly accomplishing things with strangers.
rats btfo
>can't even buy PoF because site is bugged
if you dodge and jump at the same time on the rabbit while running, you can max jump instantly with no stamina cost
delet this immediately
Probably soon desu
The eyes of that modrem mount reminded me that I want a spider mount though.