Are there any pay2win games that were actually popular and didn't die off in a week?
Are there any pay2win games that were actually popular and didn't die off in a week?
Do you even Hearthstone, breh
bdo, nu quake sorta, fortnite, warframe if you dont have a brain
Pretty much anything free to play or on mobile
Does anyone still remember this game?
How is Warframe pay to win
I started the game 2 weeks ago and already have 400 plats
WoW is still played even if it's pay to win now.
world of tanks
looks like a shitty version of strike vector
>not p2w
they are getting changed in a few months
Mech Warrior online
it isn't. it's pay2notwasteyourentiremortallifewaitingformasteryfoddertrashtobuild
You can't buy runes with the shop currency
Also they're getting removed in november
>it'll be removed in a few months goyim
How does this invalidate that League of Legends was for a very long time, and currently is, pay to win
Read what the OP asked
>You can't buy runes with the shop currency
>pay2win games that were actually popular
Do you even know what pay2win means?
Runes can only be bought with the currency you get at the end of each matches, and it was always like that
You can't buy runes with real world money
What's even pay to win about WoW
The only thing you can really buy is skipping the boring ass leveling part of the game but even then you'll still be in shitty armor
Got the full comic?
hmm its almost as if people who think league is pay2win never played the game. Weird.
It's Air Rivals/Ace Online/Space Cowboy Online, it came out years before Strike Vector. Has a weird mix of skill based gameplay and p2win elements.
Clash royale
You can straight buy gold with WoW Tokens.
Don't you have to buy heroes?
You unlock heroes by playing the game
Gold doesn't get you anything in modern WoW other than more bag space or cosmetic items.
League isn't technically p2w. There are few good arguments that in a way it kind of sort of is, but it actually really technically isn't. So there ya go kid.
You can pay for runs, enchantments and gear.
I'm talking to a wowdrone I can tell so I have not much else to say.
My well off friend played when I did also and with WoW tokens pretty well bought his way into our endgame raiding guild.
Games complete shit now anyways.
World of Tanks, sorta
if they release something op they just balance it by only selling it once a year in Russia
You can't buy runes kiddo.
I quit playing in 7.2 after my guild killed Gul'dan because I didn't enjoy the game anymore so I'm not a WoWdrone.
Paying for runs is pathetic because guilds usually only sell heroic and that's so easy you can pug it and enchantments are dirt cheap you can get enough money to buy them by running a couple of dungeons. The gear you can buy on the AH isn't any good other than a couple of specific trinkets. I really really doubt that your endgame raiding guild was cutting edge or anything if they accepted people who got in by using gear from the AH lol.
How on earth is league pay to win?
Premium ammo