>they ported this to the 3DS instead of to the Wii U or switch
fucking WHY? why is such a masterpiece kept in such shitty consoles?
>they ported this to the 3DS instead of to the Wii U or switch
fucking WHY? why is such a masterpiece kept in such shitty consoles?
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WiiU was a flop so they put it on n3DS instead.
Emulate it on PC
Nintendo NEW 3DS™ needed a killer app, or more specifically it needed a reason to exist at all.
have you seen footage though? it looks like absolute garbage on the new 3ds. no one in their right mind would play it on there
Im playing it on the wiiu
You have the game on eshop
It's on both
And they probably throw the game on Switch eshop again
already am, but still, it would help more people play it
Got 30 hours in two times, once on the 3ds port and once on emulated pc setup.
It was alright. Liked playing it on my 3ds more desu when you get past the blur its the same game.
Don't think I'll go back though.
and yes, you can play it using the wiiu gamepad
How well does it emulate? Been meaning to play it.
ya fucking retarded, lets put a game that has a big emphasis on its environments on a piece of shit 240p tiny screen instead of giving it an HD treatment. Dumbfucks at Nintendo.
decent framerate on my midrange rig, a few slowdowns during big fights but fine otherwise. emulating at 3x the native resolution.
What are you using to emulate the Wii?
They did port it to the wii u though
oh yeah, the biggest problem is the control. using a ps3 controller, and moving the camera can be a pain at times since you're emulating a nunchuk and wiimote, and you have to move the camera a LOT in this game
how's the newspaper today grandpa?
Does the Classic Controller not work for the game? Or what about the Wiimote itself?
better than whatever the wii will give you.
Yes, thank you. I will use your sarcasm to play wii games on my PC. Thank you for the gift, oh gracious and generous one. Shitheel.
Is it better than X? I couldnt get into it. The missions besides the main missions were pretty boring. And Tatsu sealed the deal for me. Once he started following me everywhere i just couldnt.
im sure it will come to switch eshop at the very least
dolphin 5.0
don't know if a classic controller would work. I have an actual wiimote and nunchuk but didn't feel the need to set them up since blutooth gets in the way of wifi, and there's no need to waggle to do anything gameplaywise
you have to be 18 years old to be here, kid
you can use google in the meantime
You can bind the same button to multiple controls
I heard X was nothing like Xenoblade, and the title was slapped on to capitalize on the brand.
X's combat system is directly built on top of Xenoblade's
It has classic controller support you mongoloid, just hook that shit up.
Xenoblade is Nintendo's final fantasy
You heard well, don't fall for the X meme, waisted 300€ + 70€ on this.
>He isn't using the HD texture pack
I unironically prefer X over chronicles, I feel it has far better gameplay despite the shit story.
Does that make Shulk... Nintendo's Lightning?
I wasted $18 and i feel ripped off. Ill try the first one. Im trying to get hyped for 2
No, the Xeno prefix was slapped onto the first game. The two blade games are obviously closely related developmentally.
>Xeno prefix was slapped onto the first game
Not sure what you find confusing about that. The developers themselves have said it repeatedly.
it was originally called monado: beginning of the world
But why was the name changed? Xenogears/Xenosaga weren't THAT good.
Because they like Takahashi, as they've said.
This game looks horrible in a 4K TV running on WiiU.
Should I change the resolution to 720P?
how about emulating it on dolphin
I would if I could.
I don't play on PC.
play on the gamepad
>4k tv
>wii u
I dont know what you were expecting. But its a wii game, its going to look horrible unless you play on pc and increase the resolution
Yeah, that's an option, it's cool.
What bugs me is, I am playing Metroid Prime Trilogy and looks pretty good. But XC is really, really bad.
Yeah, I know. But as I stated, about MPT, it's just XC. Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 looks fine too.
doesn't emulation add extra input lag, thus affecting timed button prompts, or is that a negligible thing?
not on the dolphin unless you run it on a toaster.
>muh graphics
Hate to break it to you, but pretty much all non-AAA titles are being developed on tight budgets, you're expecting way too much at this point.
That isn't what he said, retard.
>That isn't what he said, retard.
>have you seen footage though? it looks like absolute garbage on the new 3ds.
Critiquing the shitty hardware.
>muh graphics
Implies he cares far more than resolution limitations which isn't the case here.
is this texture pack good, like with Resi Evil 4? Is it complete?
What I don't understand is why you're talking about yourself in the third person, like he's another user? Such samefaggotry doesn't make your argument any more convincing.
Same reason new Prey was called Prey. A familiar name just does better than a new name, in terms of marketing.
I haven't gotten a chance to play the game yet, but it's pretty extensive, even if it's not actually complete
Take your meds.